The United Nations Conspiracy to Destroy America. Michael Benson

The United Nations Conspiracy to Destroy America - Michael Benson

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societies became known as Illuminized Freemasonry and its headquarters was established in Frankfurt, Germany, a center of German finance. Among the founders of that lodge were representatives of the Rothschild family, the ultrarich banking clan often suspected of plotting to control the world.

      Though the Illuminati became all but invisible once merging into Freemasonry, it is suspected that it continues to operate today. The members are said to be an arrogant lot, boasting, “We can turn the public mind any which way we will.”

      First Attempt at One-World Government—Denied!

      The Illuminati planted the first seeds of a world government during the days following World War I, with the League of Nations, an organization made from the fabric of high society.

      There were many elegant parties and dinners, and much expensive wine, liquor, and caviar were consumed. Even as the League partied the night away, a cancer that would come close to destroying the world, fascism and Nazism were growing.

      And those tuxedo-clad delegates could do nothing to stop it. And so the League of Nations died. World War II happened anyway. The Illuminati with their superior brains had no answer for Hitler and his tanks.

      Try, Try Again

      After World War II, the Illuminati tried again, and this time the result was the UN. Just as the Illuminati had separated itself from its own history by invading the upper degrees of Freemasonry, it camouflaged its involvement in the UN’s birth by nestling its plan nicely behind a cardboard cutout of FDR’s utopian vision, and for a time the civilized world was all in.

      Yes, for a time the Illuminati plot for world domination was near completion. It had control of all three branches of the U.S. government as well as the Western media.

      No military in history came closer to controlling the world than the U.S. military in the splendid months between VJ Day and MacArthur’s Korean invasion at Inchon. And the UN was there the whole way. Hey, U.S. and UN were only one letter apart.

      Even Uncle Walter

      The Illuminati’s grip on Western media grew rapidly stronger with the electronic age. If you read it in the papers or saw it on TV it must be true—or so thought the people. Truth was, everything Americans heard and read was subject to Illuminati approval, even Walter Cronkite.

      Cronkite was the CBS news announcer who for decades was considered the most trusted man in America. His involvement with secret societies was revealed when a reporter caught him attending a meeting of the supersecret Bohemian Grove, a meeting at a secluded campground in Sonoma County, California.

      Once a year for two weeks, an all-male group of powerful publishers, politicians, and businessmen meet. Those who attend the meetings are sworn to secrecy about what goes on there. All information known about the group has come from reporters who infiltrated the meetings, sometimes posing as waiters.

      Signs of Deception

      The public believed everything they saw and read. The notion that it was being lied to simply hadn’t come up. Not until the media sold the Big Lie about the murder of President John F. Kennedy that the screen of deception fell.

      If someone had thought about it, the signs of deception would’ve been easy to pick out. But people didn’t have the eye for deception in the 1950s. It was a naïve era.

      Many Americans thought pro wrestling was a straightforward athletic competition when in reality it was sport entertainment with several layers of nonreality shellacked on.

      History, they say, is the version as told by the winners, so the modern control of the media by the Illluminati is not a new thing. It is just a more sophisticated example of controlling the mind of the people.

      That much power will always breed paranoia. The members of the Illuminati were not just powerful, the paranoid believed, but practically omniscient. They were also evil, satanic, disciples of the anti-Christ. Wavers of upside-down crucifixes.


      Although the Illuminati had had a hand in the allied victory during World War II, the first modern war under its control was Korea—and that was largely through using the UN as a cutout between the Illuminati and the action.

      The Illuminati didn’t throw its power wholeheartedly into a U.S. victory. Instead it concentrated on keeping power balanced, staging small wars such as Korea and Vietnam, the results of which could be spun as earth shattering (remember the “domino theory”) but which mattered little in the big picture.

      These smaller wars would keep the military-industrial complexes on both sides of the Iron Curtain, busy, busy, busy—making a handful of men even richer and more powerful than they were before.

      War spelled profits for the Illuminati. In this sense, much of the Cold War was a hoax, perpetuated by a common hand playing both the white and black pieces.

      Maintaining Balance

      The UN may never have been closer to complete control of world events than they were during the “police action” in Korea. At 4:00 A.M., on June 25, 1950, North Korean troops invaded South Korea, crossing the 38th Parallel (the political dividing line between North and South Korea established after World War II).

      The Soviet Union supplied North Korea with modern military equipment: tanks, artillery, trucks, guns, ammunition, uniforms, and items needed to fight a modern war. The United States came to the aid of South Korea, both in the air and on the ground. That little wound would grow no larger, but neither would it ever completely heal. The United States’ various aerial reconnaissance operations over North Korea started during the Korean War (1950–1953) and continued into 2010.

      These operations continue to play an important role in knowing what that Communist country is doing. After a few years, the war ceased and was declared a draw. A demilitarized zone was placed between the countries under UN command. And when the profiteers had taken their fill, they moved on to another Asian skirmish, this one in Vietnam. And so on. And so on.

      Korean Nukes

      For years now North Korea was toiling to improve their nuclear program. It was assumed that its ultimate goal was to put a nuke on the nose of an intercontinental missile.

      Occasionally the UN impeded North Korea’s progress a bit by condemning this activity as nuclear proliferation. Of particular concern, the UN said, was that North Korea had in storage thousands of spent fuel rods (reactor fuel too radioactive to use). These contained sufficient plutonium to construct several nuclear weapons.

      The UN, armed with U.S. surveillance photos, noted that North Korea’s nuclear reactor was operational, and additional plutonium could have been produced for nuclear weapons construction.

      For a while North Korea allowed UN inspectors in to look for weapons of mass destruction. They even allowed surveillance cameras to be set up at the nuclear reactor so the UN could monitor activities there. The arrangement didn’t last long. North Korea booted the weapons inspectors out of the country and disconnected the video surveillance and monitoring equipment in the reactor.

      North Korea continued to work toward joining the nuke club, and the UN could do nothing about it. The production, north of the demilitarized zone, of weapons-grade plutonium continued unhindered.

      Is this an indication that the Illuminati is no longer controlling both the white and black pieces? Is the secret hand no longer ubiquitous? The answer would seem to be yes.


      Or was the UN and Illuminati cabal moving in mysterious ways, yet moving nonetheless, toward completion. It would seem that to believe in the Illuminati and a current role of dominance in world affairs one would have to conclude that the New World Order did not include a One-World Government, but rather at least two. The goal was not world peace, but governed conflict, a constant steady tension (and military consumption) that would require a very expensive preoccupation with defense.

      As of 2010, Obama was on board. Under his administration the focus of American foreign policy may have shifted from Iraq to Afghanistan, but the Iluminati still had its

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