The United Nations Conspiracy to Destroy America. Michael Benson

The United Nations Conspiracy to Destroy America - Michael Benson

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for example, had usurped the right of nations to determine their own commerce policies by establishing its own foreign commerce policy with more than forty thousand pages of regulations.

      For an organization that was supposed to replace bullets with butter, there sure were a lot of UN employees who bore arms and used them to exert military pressure on global sore spots. By the end of the millennium, it was noted that the UN was involved simultaneously in seventeen separate “peacekeeping” missions and employed soldiers representing seventy-seven countries. During the first half century of UN existence, it made war fifty-nine times, a statistic that flew in the face of the peace-loving reputation it was provided when taught in American public schools.

      During the 1950s, the UN accepted rules of engagement that made victory in Korea impossible for the United States and South Korea. To tip the scales further, UN spies fed secret information to China and the Soviet Union, shattering General Douglas MacArthur’s dream.

      During the 1960s when the Soviet army invaded some of its satellite conquests, the UN stayed oddly mum, disinterested in angering the Bear (USSR) that was now firmly in control of Eastern Europe.

      In the 1970s, the UN proved that it had no interest in defending human rights. Red China was allowed to replace Nationalist China as a member—Red China that used mass murder as a control mechanism.

      During the 1990s, the UN flitted from scale to scale tipping the balance of power in favor of communists and socialists. In Nicaragua anti-communists were disarmed. In Bosnia communists were mixed with Muslims in the power structure.

      There have been calls for the United States to quit that tower of secrets on New York’s First Avenue and to boot the body off U.S. soil. But here we are, in the second decade of the twenty-first century, and the United States remains.

      Helms Startles the World

      Back in 2000, Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) startled the world by telling the UN Security Council, “The American people see the UN aspiring to establish itself the central authority of a new international order of global laws and global governance. This is an international order the America people, I guarantee you, do not and will not countenance. The UN must respect national sovereignty in the United States and everywhere else. The UN serves nation-states, not the other way around. This principle is central to the legitimacy and the ultimate survival of the UN, and it is a principle that must be protected.” Helms added, “I have received literally thousands of communications from Americans all across the country, expressing their deep frustration with this institution. They know instinctively that the UN lives and breathes on the hard-earned money of the American taxpayers, among others…. They’ve seen the majority of the UN members routinely voting against America in the General Assembly…. A UN that focuses on helping sovereign nations work together is worth keeping; a UN that insists on trying to impose a utopian vision on America and the world will collapse under its own weight. If the UN respects the sovereign rights of the American people and serves them as an effective tool of diplomacy, it will earn their respect and support. But a UN that seeks to impose its presumed authority on the American people without their consent begs for confrontation and, I want to be candid, eventual U.S. withdrawal.”

      Thoroughly Infiltrated

      For much of the UN’s existence, the most powerful and dangerous bloc was the Soviet bloc. After that broke up, the Arab countries stepped in to soak into the UN’s very fabric. By 2009 the UN was thoroughly infiltrated by Muslims who might not be radicalized themselves but who would exclusively side with the radicalized Muslims over anything Jewish, Christian, or secular. Agents of the Muslim world lurked in every shadow of the UN building, undercover, some with Western backgrounds, white skin, and Christian names. One man with a Christian-sounding name who worked at the UN had, in a previous incarnation, been a speech-writer and advisor for two of the world’s most dangerous Middle Eastern bad guys.

      The proof of the Islamic bloc’s power in the UN was how reluctant the representatives of the Western powers were to say anything that might upset the Muslim nations and their supporters.

      Take the Arab slave trade, for example. According to David Littman of the Association for World Education, this problem was “one of the best-documented historical phenomena in the field of slavery and without which the various Arab empires could never have been maintained.” Yet from the UN there was silence.

      Sure Western delegates discuss the slave trade among themselves, in the privacy of a pub or on the street. But with members of the Islamic bloc around, they keep their lips buttoned. They wouldn’t dare to say anything about President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan who was indicted by the non-UN International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague and charged with the “murder, torture, and rape of the people of Darfur.” They wouldn’t dare mention that, despite the indictment and the genocidal nature of his crimes, al-Bashir was welcomed at Arab League meetings in Qatar. Western elites, the same hidden government that had dreamed up the UN in the first place, were now scared to upset the aggressive and dangerous radicals who had infested the UN.

      The Invisible Hand

      Though the degeneration of the UN into its current despicable state is well documented, understanding the birth of the organization requires an alternative history—a hidden component not available in your high school textbooks—or doctoral thesis as well. History is all about connecting the dots, and you’ve got FDR, the man with the vision, and John D. Rockefeller, who “donates the land for UN headquarters.” And you see that high-degree Freemasons had their fingers on the UN’s buttons—at least at first. Clandestine meetings were all-important in the UN’s history. There were also organizations that didn’t make it into official history books, secret organizations, some fraternal, some paramilitary. Their underground machinations birthed the UN.

      The most powerful secret society involved in the UN’s creation was the Illuminati, the superiors who shed the light by which the rest of the world could see. They were presumed to be ancient in origin, and their legendary myths substantiate that. But their existence could be traced with journalistic assurance only to Bavaria in 1776 and the organizational activities of law professor Adam Weishaupt.

      The leak of information from Weishaupt’s organization gave the world its first glimpse of the Illuminati—men who claimed to command superhuman knowledge. Their intelligence was granted to them by a mysterious “higher source.”

      Weishaupt was an odd duck, thoroughly devoted to what he called the “ancient mysteries.” He didn’t use normal calendars and clocks. His Illuminati kept time using the Persian calendar.

      “Man Is Not Bad…”

      Weishaupt was a Bavarian canon law professor who’d previously studied to become a Jesuit priest. He became angry with the Catholic Church after Pope Clement XIV banned the Jesuits in 1773, and wrote, “Man is not bad, except as he is made so by arbitrary morality. He is bad because religion, the state, and bad examples pervert him. When at last reason becomes the religion of men, then will the problem be solved.”

      He described the Illuminati’s pyramid chain of command: “I have two immediately below me into whom I breathe my whole spirit, and each of these two has again two others, and so on. In this way I can set a thousand men in motion and on fire in the simplest manner, and in this way one must impart orders and operate on politics.”

      Despite his hard-to-believe pyramid analogy, the structure of the Illuminati remained completely secret until Bavarian police raided its lodge and confiscated secret documents.

      The Illuminati Order was outlawed in Bavaria in 1783. Because of this, many members left Germany. So the law against the society ended up unintentionally spreading the philosophy as new Illuminati lodges opened across Europe and in America. By the end of that decade, the Illuminati had ceased to function in Germany but had become a global organization.

      Going Even Deeper Inside

      The Illuminati helped disguise itself by blending with the higher degrees of Freemasonry. It is suspected that this process began at a Masonic Convention of Wilhelmsbad in Hesse, Germany, in 1782.

      The convention was attended by Masons from all over Europe and presided

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