Foundations of Space Dynamics. Ashish Tewari

Foundations of Space Dynamics - Ashish  Tewari

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      which results in the following expression for the acceleration of the test mass:



      with images and images being the position vectors of the test mass, images, and the elemental mass, images, respectively, from the centre of mass of the attracting body, and images, being the angle between images, and images as shown in Fig. 2.4.

      From Fig. 2.4 it follows that


      and images is a constant, because the attracting body is assumed to be a rigid body. When the position vectors images and images are resolved in the Cartesian coordinates, we have


      and the gravitational acceleration at images from the centre of mass of the attracting body is the following:


       2.7.1 Legendre Polynomials

      where images is the Legendre polynomial of degree k, defined by


      with images denoting the largest integer value of images given by



      By writing images and images, the general expression for the Legendre polynomials is given in terms of the following generating function, images:


      The generating function can be used to establish some of the basic properties of the Legendre polynomials, such as the following:

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