Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams. Anil K. Chopra

Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams - Anil K. Chopra

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Comparison of uniform hazard spectrum and seismic coefficient for concrete dams and buildings.

      Source: Adapted from Chopra (1978).

      The traditional design loadings for gravity dams include seismic water pressures in addition to the hydrostatic pressures, as specified by various formulas (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1958; Bureau of Reclamation 1966). These formulas differ somewhat in detail and in numerical values but not in underlying assumptions; they are all based on the classical results (Westergaard 1933; Zangar 1952) derived from analyses that assumed the dam to be rigid and water to be incompressible. One of these formulas specifies the seismic water pressure pe = cswH, where c is a coefficient that varies from zero at the water surface to about 0.7 at the reservoir bottom, s is the seismic coefficient, w is the unit weight of water, and H is the total depth of water. For a seismic coefficient of 0.1, the additional water pressure at the base of the dam is about 7% of the hydrostatic pressure; and pressure values at higher elevations are even smaller. As a result, these additional water pressures have little influence on the computed stresses and hence on the geometry of the gravity section that satisfies the traditional design criteria.

Images depicting the distribution of seismic coefficients over dam height in traditional design and for the fundamental vibration mode.

      Source: Adapted from Chopra (1978).

      On the other hand, earthquake‐induced stresses in gravity dams are much larger when dam–water interaction arising from deformations of the dam and water compressibility effects are considered, as will be demonstrated in Chapters 2 and 6. It is apparent, therefore, that hydrodynamic effects are considerably underestimated because of assumptions implicit in traditional design forces.

      As mentioned earlier, traditional analysis and design procedures ignore interaction between the dam and foundation. However, such interaction has very significant influence on the dynamics of the system, and, hence, on the earthquake‐induced stresses. This will be demonstrated in Chapters 3 and 6.

      Finally, the static overturning and sliding criteria that have been used in traditional design procedures for gravity dams have little meaning in the context of oscillatory response to earthquake motions.

      1.4.1 Traditional Analysis and Design

      The traditional design criteria required that the compressive stress not exceed one‐fourth of the compressive strength or 1000 psi, and the tensile stress should remain below 150 psi.

      1.4.2 Limitations of Traditional Procedures

      As mentioned in Section 1.3.3 in the context of gravity dams, the seismic coefficient of 0.1 is much smaller than the ordinates of the pseudo‐acceleration response spectra for intense ground motions (Figure 1.3.2). Thus the earthquake forces for arch dams also were greatly underestimated in traditional analysis procedures.

      As mentioned in Section 1.3.3, the additional water pressures included in traditional design procedures for gravity dams are unrealistically small and have little influence on the computed stresses and hence on the geometry of the dam that satisfies the design criteria. This observation is equally valid for arch dams because the additional water pressures considered for arch dams are similar to those for gravity dams.

      Demonstrated in Chapter

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