Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams. Anil K. Chopra

Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams - Anil K. Chopra

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for concrete dams. Researchers in this field should gain new insights and improved understanding of the subject. Professional engineers should develop a better understanding of the limitations of the various methods of dynamic analysis used in practice, and become familiar with modern methods that overcome these limitations.

      The book is organized into three parts: I. Gravity Dams; II. Arch Dams; and III. Design and Safety Evaluation. The objectives of Parts I and II are to (i) develop response spectrum analysis and response history analysis procedures for concrete dams; (ii) develop an understanding of the dynamics of dams, leading to identification of system parameters that influence their dynamic response; (iii) demonstrate the effects of dam–water–foundation interaction on earthquake response; and (iv) identify factors that must be included in earthquake analysis of concrete dams. In Part I, these topics are presented in the context of two‐dimensional models, which may be appropriate for gravity dams. In Part II, they are presented for three‐dimensional models, applicable to all types of dams; arch, buttress, and gravity. The objectives of Part III are to (i) examine critically the definitions of design earthquakes according to various regulatory bodies and professional organizations; (ii) present modern methods for selecting ground motions; and (iii) illustrate application of dynamic analysis procedures to the design of new dams and safety evaluation of existing dams.

      The book provides a comprehensive view of the subject with many references to the published literature. However, Parts I and II are based primarily on the research of several doctoral students at the University of California, Berkeley, who graduated in the year noted:

       Partha Chakrabarti, 1973

       John F. Hall, 1980

       Gregory L. Fenves, 1984

       Ka‐Lun Fok, 1985

       Liping Zhang, 1990

       Han‐Chen Tan, 1995

       Arnkjell Løkke, 2018

      and on the work of visiting researcher,

       Jinting Wang (2008).

      This book has been influenced by my own research experience in collaboration with my doctoral students, and by my experience in consulting on many projects worldwide. Over the period 1970–1995, my research on earthquake engineering for concrete dams was supported by the National Science foundation and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

      I remain grateful to the University of California at Berkeley for the privilege of serving on its faculty.

      – Anil K. Chopra

      I am grateful to several individuals who helped in preparation of this book:

       Dr. Arnkjell Løkke, whose Ph.D. research is the basis for Chapter 11, prepared many of the figures in Chapters 27.

       Dr. N. Simon Kwong participated in the preparation of Chapter 13 in several ways; he generated numerical results, developed figures, provided advice, and reviewed drafts. He also reviewed the first part of Chapter 12 and developed its figures.

       Professor Jinting Wang provided information on seismic design of Dagangshan Dam. Based on original reports in Chinese, he prepared the first draft of Section 14.4.

       Professor Pierre Léger advised on a broad range of topics in several ways. He was generous in sharing his vast knowledge over many long conversations and in providing many publications; his command of the published literature was truly impressive. He also reviewed Chapters 11 and 12.

       Dr. Robin K. McGuire reviewed the first part of Chapter 12 and advised on seismic risk analysis concepts and methods.

       Larry K. Nuss advised on several practical aspects of design and evaluation of concrete dams, and provided publications by several government agencies.

       Claire M. Johnson, a partner from beginning to end, prepared and edited the text, assembled the manuscript, and helped in too many ways to enumerate here.

       Clare Romeo served as the copy editor and proofreader.

Cross section of the Koyna Dam depicting water level during the 1967 earthquake and regions where principal cracking at the upstream and downstream <hr><noindex><a href=Скачать книгу