Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams. Anil K. Chopra
hazard spectrum (UHS) for the Pine Flat Dam site; also...Figure 13.1.2 PSHA disaggregation for the Pine Flat Dam site, given 1% excee...Figure 13.1.3 Response spectra of 20 ground motion records from earthquakes ...Figure 13.1.4 Conditional mean spectrum given A (0.5 sec) and response spect...Figure 13.1.5 Comparison of s‐GCMS against the UHS and three CMSs conditione...Figure 13.1.6 Example of the s‐GCMS with two values of T*, T*, = 0...Figure 13.1.7 Comparison of the s‐GCMS against the recorded GMs with and Figure 13.1.8 Comparison of composite spectrum against s‐GCMS; the UHS is in...Figure 13.2.1 Response spectra for 11 scaled GMs selected for similarity wit...Figure 13.3.1 Comparison of median and dispersion of response spectra from (...Figure 13.3.2 Fifty, 2.5, and 97.5 percentiles of the CS and response spectr...Figure 13.4.1 Conditional mean spectrum; response spectra for a seed GM and ...Figure 13.4.2 Ground acceleration, velocity, and displacement histories of a...Figure 13.4.3 Response spectra for (a) MR‐based ensemble of seed GMs; and (b...Figure 13.4.4 Response spectra for (a) CMS‐based ensemble of seed GMs; and (...Figure 13.6.1 Comparison of s‐GCMS for two components of ground motion again...Figure 13.6.2 Comparison of s‐GCMS against alternative target spectra – UHS ...Figure 13.6.3 Ratios of response spectra for ground motion in two orthogonal...Figure 13.6.4 Example of a CMS–UHS composite spectrum: (a) x‐component, and ...Figure 13.7.1 (a) Example of recording accelerograph with as‐recorded compon...
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1.1 Folsom Dam.Figure 14.1.2 Cross section of the tallest non‐overflow monolith.Figure 14.1.3 Pseudo‐acceleration response spectra for horizontal components...Figure 14.1.4 Envelope values of maximum principal stresses; initial static ...Figure 14.1.5 Maximum principal stresses at 4.69 sec after start of ground m...Figure 14.1.6 Variation of maximum principal stress in finite element 120 wi...Figure 14.2.1 Olivenhain Dam, California.Figure 14.2.2 Design spectra, mean and 84th percentile, and response spectru...Figure 14.2.3 Design spectra, mean and 84th percentile, and response spectru...Figure 14.2.4 Olivenhain Dam: preliminary and revised cross section (Adapted...Figure 14.2.5 Vertical stress history at the location of largest stress on t...Figure 14.2.6 Maximum principal stresses in psi at the time instant of peak ...Figure 14.2.7 Minimum principal stresses in psi at the time instant of peak ...Figure 14.3.1 Hoover Dam.Figure 14.3.2 Cross section of Hoover Dam.Figure 14.3.3 Uniform hazard spectrum for a 50,000‐year‐return period and re...Figure 14.3.4 Peak values of tensile arch stresses in Hoover Dam for two cas...Figure 14.4.1 Dagangshan Dam, Shichuan Province, China.Figure 14.4.2 Design spectra and response spectra of simulated ground motion...Figure 14.4.3 Simulated ground motion. (Adapted from Wang et al. 2015.)Figure 14.4.4 Foundation showing Class II and Class III rock. (Adapted from ...Figure 14.4.5 (a) Finite‐element model of dam–foundation system; and (b) the...Figure 14.4.6 Damage distribution in dam without reinforcement: (a) upstream...Figure 14.4.7 Damage distribution in dam with reinforcement: (a) upstream fa...Figure 14.4.8 Arch and cantilever reinforcement in Dagangshan Dam; the symbo...
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