Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams. Anil K. Chopra

Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams - Anil K. Chopra

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      Analysis, Design, and Evaluation

       Anil K. Chopra

       University of California at BerkeleyCaliforniaUSA

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      The right of Anil K. Chopra are to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with law.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data

      Names: Chopra, Anil K., author.

      Title: Earthquake engineering for concrete dams : analysis, design, and evaluation / Anil K. Chopra, University of California, Berkeley.

      Description: Hoboken, NJ, USA : Wiley‐Blackwell, 2020. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2019032036 (print) | LCCN 2019032037 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119056034 (hardback) | ISBN 9781119056041 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119056096 (epub)

      Subjects: LCSH: Concrete dams–Earthquake effects. | Dam safety. | Earthquake engineering. | Earthquake hazard analysis.

      Classification: LCC TA654.6 .C4663 2019 (print) | LCC TA654.6 (ebook) | DDC 627/.80289–dc23

      LC record available at LC ebook record available at

      Cover Photograph: Mauvoisin Dam, a 250‐m‐high arch dam, is located in the Swiss Alps. It is perhaps the best instrumented dam in the world

      Cover Design: Wiley

      Cover Image: © Axpo Power AG

      Copy editing and Proofreading: Clare Romeo/Line by Line Services

       Ray W. Clough

       Joseph Penzien

       Nathan M. Newmark

       Anestis S. Veletsos

       Emilio Rosenblueth

      Concerns about the seismic safety of concrete dams has been growing during the past few decades, partly because the population at risk in locations downstream of major dams continues to expand, but also because it is increasingly evident that the design concepts used at the time most existing dams were built were inadequate. During this time span the knowledge of the complex nature and intensity of ground motions has been increasing rapidly, as thousands of recordings have now been accumulated. It is now widely recognized that ground motions intense enough to cause structural damage should be anticipated at many dam sites, and it has become apparent that the seismic designs of most dams did not fully recognize the hazard.

      The structural damage sustained by Koyna Dam during an earthquake in 1967 was of profound significance to the development of earthquake engineering for concrete dams. A modern dam, designed according to analysis procedures and design criteria that represented “standard” practice worldwide at the time, had been damaged by ground shaking that was intense, but by no means extreme. It was clear that the design forces had little resemblance to how the dam responded during the earthquake. The experience at Koyna Dam was a watershed event in the sense that it dispelled the myth – at that time – among many engineers that these massive dams are immune to earthquake damage, and motivated the development of dynamic analysis procedures for concrete gravity dams, eventually revolutionizing earthquake engineering for all types of concrete dams.

      As a result, earthquake analysis and design of concrete dams has progressed from static force methods involving the use of seismic coefficients, to procedures that now recognize the dynamics of dam–water–foundation systems. It is the story of this progress that is presented in this book.

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