Reversible and DNA Computing. Hafiz M. H. Babu
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Cover Image: Courtesy of Hafiz Babu
To my beloved parents and also to my
beloved wife, daughter, & son, who made
it possible for me to write this book.
About the Author
Dr. Hafiz Md. Hasan Babu is currently working as the pro‐vice‐chancellor of National University, Bangladesh. He is now on deputation from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is also the former chairman of the same department. For his excellent academic and administrative capability, he also served as the professor and founder chairman of the Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He served as a World Bank senior consultant and general manager of the Information Technology & Management Information System Departments of Janata Bank Limited, Bangladesh. Dr. Hasan Babu was the World Bank resident information technology expert of the Supreme Court Project Implementation Committee, Supreme Court of Bangladesh. He was also the information technology consultant of Health Economics Unit and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in the project “SSK (Shasthyo Shurokhsha Karmasuchi) and Social Health Protection Scheme” under the direct supervision and funding of German Financial Cooperation through KfW.
Professor Dr. Hafiz Md. Hasan Babu received his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, in 1992 under the Czech Government Scholarship. He obtained the Japanese Government Scholarship to pursue his PhD from the Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan, in 2000. He also got DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Fellowship from the Federal Republic of Germany.
Professor Dr. Hasan is a very eminent researcher. He was awarded the best paper awards in three reputed international conferences. In recognition of his valuable contributions in the field of Computer Science and Engineering, he received the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Dr. M O. Ghani Memorial Gold Medal Award for the year 2015, which is one of the most prestigious research awards in Bangladesh. He was also awarded the UGC (University Grants Commission of Bangladesh) Gold Medal Award‐2017 for his outstanding research contributions in computer science and engineering. He has written more than 100 research articles published in reputed international journals (IET Computers & Digital Techniques, IET Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Elsevier Journal of Microelectronics, Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture, Springer Journal of Quantum Information Processing etc.) and joined international conferences. According to Google Scholar, Prof. Hasan has already received around 1257 citations with h‐index 16 and i10‐index 30. He is a regular reviewer of reputed international journals and international conferences. He presented invited talks and chaired scientific sessions or worked as a member of the organizing committee or international advisory board in many international conferences held in different countries. For his excellent research record, he has also been appointed as the associate editor of IET Computers and Digital Techniques, published by the Institution of Engineering and Technology of the United Kingdom.
Professor Dr. Hasan was appointed as a member of the prime minister's ICT Task Force Committee, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh on recognition of his national and international level contributions in Engineering Sciences. He is currently the president of Bangladesh Computer Society and also the president of Internet Society, Bangladesh chapter. He has been recently appointed as a part-time member of Bangladesh Accreditation Council to ensure the quality of higher education in Bangladesh.
Reversible computing is called a backward deterministic system such that every state of the system has at most one predecessor. Hence, there is no pair of distinct states that goes to the same state. Reversible computing intends computation using reversible operations i.e., procedures which can be easily and exactly reversed. In technical terms, a reversible computation performs a bijective transformation of its local configuration space. When reversible computing is maintained at the highest levels of computation, the computer architectures, programming languages, and algorithms provide opportunities for interesting applications such as bidirectional debuggers, rollback mechanisms for speculative executions in parallel and distributed systems, and error and intrusion detection techniques. DNA computation emerged about 25 years ago as an exciting new research field at the intersection of computer science, biology, engineering, and mathematics. Although anticipated by Feynman as long ago as the 1950s, the notion of performing computations at a molecular level was only realized in 1994, by Adleman's seminal work on computing with DNA. Since then the field has blossomed rapidly, with significant theoretical and experimental results being reported regularly.
Reversible and DNA Computing has three parts with 31 chapters, covering reversible circuits, fault‐tolerant reversible circuits, and DNA computing. This book focuses on state‐of‐the‐art research on reversible computing, reversible fault tolerance, and DNA‐based reversible circuits with their intended application.
In the first part of the book reversible circuits are illustrated and explained in a way that readers will understand, from the basics of reversible circuits to their applications in different types of arithmetic and logical units. In reversible computing, fault tolerance is an important part for the robust operation. Therefore, the second part of the book is designed with the fundamental concepts of fault tolerance and its application in the reversible computing. Various arithmetic and logical circuits are designed with fault‐tolerant support, and it will give the confidence of designing the new reversible circuits for quantum computing. In addition, reversible and DNA computing are the new face of research for information processing and operation. The third part of the book consists of the most recent DNA applications in the circuit level, which supports the reversible computing. As a whole, from the reversible and DNA computing book a core researcher, academician, and student will get the guidelines of reversible and DNA circuits and its applications.
Dhaka, Bangladesh
January, 2020
I would like to express my sincere gratitude and special appreciation to the researchers and my beloved students who are working in the field of reversible and DNA computing. The contents of this book have been compiled from a wide variety of research works, which are listed at the end of this book.
I am grateful to my parents and family members for their endless support. Most of all, I want to thank my wife Mrs. Sitara Roshan, daughter Ms. Fariha Tasnim, and son Md. Tahsin Hasan for their invaluable cooperation in completing this book.
Finally, I am also thankful to all of those who have provided their support and important time to finish this book.
ALUarithmetic logic unitBCDbinary coded decimalBJSBabu‐Jamal‐SaleheenCADcomputer‐aided designCSAcarry skip adderCLAcarry look‐ahead adderCPUcentral processing unitDAGdirected acyclic graphDFSdepth first searchDSPdigital signal processingDNAdeoxyribonucleic acidDRAGDNA‐based reversible AND gateDRNGDNA‐based reversible NOT gateDROGDNA‐based reversible OR gateDXRGDNA‐based reversible Ex‐OR gateDRFADNA‐based reversible full adderDSMdeep sub micronESOPexclusive sum‐of‐productsFPGAfield programmable gate arrayF2GFeynman double gateFGFeynman gateFRGFredkin gateFPUfloating‐point