Reversible and DNA Computing. Hafiz M. H. Babu

Reversible and DNA Computing - Hafiz M. H. Babu

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of quantum gates images Energy of a basic quantum gate

      Example 1.7

      The area of a reversible gate is defined by the feature size. This size varies according to the number of quantum gates. The size of the basic quantum gates ranges from 50–300 Å. The Angstrom (Å) is a unit equal to images m (one ten‐billionth of a meter), or 0.1 nm. Its symbol is the Swedish letter Å. So, the area of a reversible gate can be defined as follows:

      Area = Number of quantum gates images Size of a basic quantum gate

Schematic illustration of the quantum representation of reversible HNG gate.

      Example 1.8

      The hardware complexity of a reversible logic circuit specifies the total number of Ex‐OR operations, NOT operations, and AND operations used in the circuit. Consequently, the hardware complexity can be determined using the following equation:



        = Hardware complexity (total logical operations)

        = A two input EX‐OR gate logical operation

        = A two input AND gate logical operation

        = A NOT gate logical operation

      Example 1.9

      The quantum gate calculation complexity of the quantum representation of a reversible circuit specifies the total number of quantum gates (NOT gates, CNOT gates, and controlled‐V (controlled‐images) gates) used in the quantum representation of a reversible circuit. Consequently, the quantum gate calculation complexity can be determined using the following equation:



        = Quantum gate calculation complexity

        = A quantum NOT gate

        = A quantum CNOT gate

        = A quantum controlled‐V (controlled‐) gate

Schematic illustration of a block diagram of the reversible FRG gate. Schematic illustration of the quantum representation of a reversible Fredkin gate.

      Example 1.10

      Fan‐out is a term that defines the maximum number of inputs in which the output of a single logic gate can be fed. The fan‐out of any reversible circuit is 1.

      Example 1.11

      The fan‐out of any reversible circuit is 1.

      A gate is said to be self‐reversible if its dual combination is the same as itself.

      Example 1.12

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