Reversible and DNA Computing. Hafiz M. H. Babu

Reversible and DNA Computing - Hafiz M. H. Babu

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can be any number of dimensions for a reversible gate, but lower dimension is always preferable for designing efficient circuits. Popular reversible gates, Feynman gate (FG), Toffoli gate (TG), Peres gate (PG), Fredkin gate (FRG), Feynman double gate (F2G), and new fault‐tolerant gate (NFTG), are shown in Figure 1.2.

reversible gate.

Schematic illustration of the popular reversible gates. (a) Feynman gate, (b) Peres gate, (c) Toffoli gate, (d) Feynman double gate, (e) New fault-tolerant gate, (f) Fredkin gate. Schematic illustration of a reversible Feynman gate.

      Example 1.2

      Constant inputs are the inputs of a reversible gate (or circuit) that are either set to 0 or 1.

      Example 1.3

      If the complement of the input A from Figure 1.3 is needed, then B is set to 1 and images.

      The quantum cost of a circuit is the total number of 2 images 2 quantum primitives that are used to realize corresponding quantum circuit. Basically, the quantum primitives are matrix operations, which are applied on qubits state.

      Example 1.4

Schematic illustration of the quantum realization of reversible Fredkin gate.

      Example 1.5

      The delay of a logic circuit is the maximum number of gates in a path from any input line to any output line. The definition is based on two assumptions: (i) Each gate performs computation in one unit time and (ii) all inputs to the circuit are available before the computation begins.

      Example 1.6

      The delay of each 1 images 1 and 2 images 2 reversible gate is taken as unit delay 1. Any 3 images 3 reversible gate can be designed from 1 images 1 reversible gates and 2 images 2 reversible gates, such as CNOT gate, controlled‐V, and controlled‐images gates (V is a square root of NOT gate and images is its hermitian). Thus, the delay of a 3 images 3 reversible gate can be computed by calculating its logical depth when it is designed from smaller 1 images 1 and 2 images 2 reversible gates.

      Power of a gate is defined by the energy. Energy of a basic quantum gate is 142.3 meV. Quantum circuits can be implemented with the basic quantum gates and the number of quantum gates depends on the number of basic quantum gates needed to realize it. That means the total number of required quantum gates in the quantum representation of a reversible quantum circuit or gate. So, the power of a reversible

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