Engineering Acoustics. Malcolm J. Crocker

Engineering Acoustics - Malcolm J. Crocker

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2.4 we discuss the vibration of systems of several degrees of freedom and Section 2.5 describes the vibration of continuous systems. This chapter also serves as an introduction to some of the topics that follow in this book.

      The motion of vibrating systems such as parts of machines, and the variation of sound pressure with time is often said to be simple harmonic. Let us examine what is meant by simple harmonic motion.

Schematic illustration of the representation of simple harmonic motion by projection of the rotating vector A on the X- or Y-axis.

      If the vector OP is aligned in the direction OX when time t = 0, then after t seconds the angle between OP and OX is ωt. Suppose OP has a length A, then the projection on the X‐axis is A cos(ωt) and on the Y‐axis, A sin(ωt). The variation of the projected length on either the X‐axis or the Y‐axis with time is said to represent simple harmonic motion.

Schematic illustrations of (a and b) simple harmonic motion.

      2.2.1 Period, Frequency, and Phase


      The angular frequency, ω, is expressed in radians per second (rad/s).

      The motion described by the displacement y in Figure 2.2 or the projection OP on the X‐ or Y‐axes in Figure 2.2 is said to be simple harmonic. We must now discuss something called the initial phase angle, which is sometimes just called phase. For the case we have chosen in Figure 2.2, the phase angle is zero. If, instead, we start counting time from when the vector points in the direction OP1, as shown in Figure 2.3, and we let the angle XOP1 = ϕ, this is equivalent to moving the time origin t seconds to the right in Figure 2.2. Time is started when P is at P1 and thus the initial displacement is Asin(ϕ). The initial phase angle is ϕ. After time t, P1 has moved to P2 and the displacement

      If the initial phase angle ϕ = 0°, then y = A sin(ωt); if the phase angle ϕ = 90°, then y = A sin(ωt + π/2) = A cos(ωt). For mathematical convenience, complex exponential notation is often used. If the displacement is written as

      2.2.2 Velocity and Acceleration

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