Engineering Acoustics. Malcolm J. Crocker

Engineering Acoustics - Malcolm J. Crocker

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fn increases. If M increases with K constant, fn decreases. These are the results we also find in practice.

      Example 2.2

      A machine of mass 600 kg is mounted on four springs of stiffness 2 × 105 N/m each. Determine the natural frequency of the system


      We model the system as a hanging spring‐mass system (see Figure 2.5). Equation (2.9) governs the displacement of the machine from its static‐equilibrium position. Since we have four equal springs, the equivalent stiffness is 4 × 2 × 105 = 8 × 105 N/m. The natural frequency is then determined using Eq. (2.10) as


      We have seen that a solution to Eq. (2.9) is y = A sin(ωt + ϕ) or the same as Eq. (2.3). Hence we know that any system that has a restoring force that is proportional to the displacement will have a displacement that is simple harmonic. This is an alternative definition to that given in Section 2.2 for simple harmonic motion.


      and Eq. (2.9) becomes


      or equivalently

      where the dots represent single and double differentiation with respect to time.

Schematic illustration of the movement of damped simple system.

      Here ωd is known as the damped “natural” angular frequency:


Schematic illustration of the motion of a damped mass–spring system, R less than (4MK)1/2.

      The amplitude of the motion decreases with time unlike that for undamped motion (see Figure 2.3). If the damping is increased until R equals (4MK)1/2, the damping is then called critical, Rcrit = (4MK)1/2. In this case, if the mass in Figure 2.6 is displaced, it gradually returns to its equilibrium position and the displacement never becomes negative. In other words, there is no oscillation or vibration. If R > (4MK)1/2, the system is said to be overdamped.

      The ratio of the damping constant R to the critical damping constant Rcrit is called the damping ratio δ:


      In most engineering cases, the damping ratio, δ, in a structure is hard to predict and is of the order of 0.01–0.1. There are, however, several ways to measure damping experimentally [8, 9].

      Example 2.3

      A 600‐kg machine is mounted on springs such that its static deflection is 2 mm. Determine the damping constant of a viscous damper to be added to the system in parallel with the springs, such that the system is critically damped.


       (c) Forced Vibration – Damped

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