Engineering Acoustics. Malcolm J. Crocker
one natural frequency of vibration. For example, systems with more than one mass or systems in which a mass has considerable translation or rotation in more than one direction need to be modeled as multi‐degree of freedom systems. In multi‐degree of freedom systems, we have to consider the relationship between the motions of the various masses, i.e. their relative motion.
The general form of the equation that governs the forced vibration of an n‐degree‐of‐freedom linear system with viscous damping can be written in matrix form as
where [M] is the n × n mass matrix, [R] is the n × n damping matrix (that incorporates viscous damping terms in the matrix formulation), [K] is the n × n stiffness matrix, q is the n‐dimensional column vector of time‐dependent displacements, and f(t) is the n‐dimensional column vector of dynamic forces that act on the system. Therefore, the system governed by Eq. (2.22) exhibits motion which is governed by a set of n simultaneously second‐order differential equations. These equations can be derived using either Newton's laws for free body diagrams or energy methods. In particular, it can be shown that the mass and stiffness matrix are symmetric. This fact is assured if energy methods are used to derive the differential equations. However, symmetric mass and stiffness matrices can also be obtained after algebraic manipulation of the equations. In general, damping matrices are not symmetric unless the system is proportionally damped, i.e. the damping matrix is a linear combination of the mass matrix and stiffness matrix.
The algebraic complexity of the solution grows exponentially with the number of degrees of freedom and the general solution of Eq. (2.22) can be difficult to obtain for systems with a large number of degrees of freedom. Therefore, approximate and numerical approaches are often required to obtain the vibration properties and system response of a multi‐degree of freedom system.
2.4.1 Free Vibration – Undamped
By free vibration, we mean that the system is set into motion by some forces which then cease (at t = 0) and the system is then allowed to vibrate freely for t > 0 with no external forces applied. First we will consider a free undamped multi‐degree of freedom system, i.e. [R] = [0] and f(t) = 0. Therefore, Eq. (2.22) now becomes
Similarly to the case of the single‐degree‐of‐freedom system discussed in Section 2.3, we assume harmonic solutions in the form
where A is the vector of amplitudes. Substituting Eq. (2.24) into (2.23) yields
Equation (2.25) has a nontrivial solution if and only if the coefficient matrix ([K] − ω2[M]) is singular, that is the determinant of this coefficient matrix is zero,
Equation (2.26) is called the characteristic equation (or characteristic polynomial) which leads to a polynomial of order n in ω2. The roots of this polynomial, denoted as
Note that
Since the system of equations represented by Eq. (2.27) is homogeneous, the mode shape is not unique. However, if
Solving Eq. (2.27) and replacing it into Eq. (2.24), we obtain a set of n linearly independent solutions qi = Ai exp{jωi t} of Eq. (2.23). Thus, the total solution can be expressed as a linear combination of them,
where βi are arbitrary constants which can be determined from initial conditions [usually with initial displacements and velocities q(t = 0) and