Collins English Thesaurus Essential. Collins Dictionaries
penitentapologize VERB = say sorry, express regret, ask forgiveness, make an apology, beg pardon, say you are sorryapology NOUN We received a letter of apology. = regret, explanation, excuse, confession, extenuation ● an apology for something or someone What an apology for a leader! = mockery of, excuse for, imitation of, caricature of, travesty of, poor substitute forapostle NOUN 1 the twelve apostles = evangelist, herald, missionary, preacher, messenger, proselytizer 2 They present themselves as apostles of free trade. = supporter, champion, advocate, pioneer, proponent, propagandist, propagatorapotheosis NOUN = deification, elevation, exaltation, glorification, idealization, idolization
appal VERB = horrify, shock, alarm, frighten, scare, terrify, outrage, disgust, dishearten, revolt, intimidate, dismay, daunt, sicken, astound, harrow, unnerve, petrify, scandalize, make your hair stand on end (informal)appalled ADJECTIVE = horrified, shocked, stunned, alarmed, frightened, scared, terrified, outraged, dismayed, daunted, astounded, unnerved, disquieted, petrified, disheartenedappalling ADJECTIVE 1 They have been living under the most appalling conditions. = horrifying, shocking (informal), terrible, alarming, frightening, scaring, awful, terrifying, horrible, grim, dreadful, intimidating, dismaying, horrific, fearful (informal), daunting, dire, astounding, ghastly, hideous, shameful, harrowing, vile, unnerving, petrifying, horrid, unspeakable, frightful, nightmarish, abominable, disheartening, godawful (slang), hellacious (U.S. slang) ◼ OPPOSITE: reassuring 2 I've got the most appalling headache. = awful, terrible, tremendous, distressing, horrible, dreadful, horrendous, ghastly, godawful (slang)apparatus NOUN 1 a massive bureaucratic apparatus = organization, system, network, structure, bureaucracy, hierarchy, setup (informal), chain of command 2 He was rescued by firefighters wearing breathing apparatus. = equipment, machine, tackle, gear, means, materials, device, tools, implements, mechanism, outfit, machinery, appliance, utensils, contraption (informal)apparel NOUN = clothing, dress, clothes, equipment, gear (informal), habit, outfit, costume, threads (slang), array (poetic), garments, robes, trappings, attire, garb, accoutrements, vestments, raiment (archaic, poetic), schmutter (slang), habilimentsapparent ADJECTIVE 1 I was a bit depressed by our apparent lack of progress. = seeming, supposed, alleged, outward, exterior, superficial, ostensible, specious ◼ OPPOSITE: actual 2 The presence of a star is already apparent in the early film. = obvious, marked, clear, plain, visible, bold, patent, evident, distinct, open, understandable, manifest, noticeable, blatant, conspicuous, overt, unmistakable, palpable, undeniable, discernible, salient, self-evident, indisputable, much in evidence, undisguised, unconcealed, indubitable, staring you in the face (informal), plain as the nose on your face ◼ OPPOSITE: unclearapparently ADVERB = seemingly, outwardly, ostensibly, speciouslyapparition NOUN = ghost, spirit, shade (literary), phantom, spectre, spook (informal), wraith, chimera, revenant, visitant, eidolon, atua (N.Z.), kehua (N.Z.)appeal VERB The UN has appealed for help from the international community. = plead, call, ask, apply, refer, request, sue, lobby, pray, beg, petition, solicit, implore, beseech, entreat, importune, adjure, supplicate ◼ OPPOSITE: refuse ▸ NOUN 1 The government issued a last-minute appeal to him to return. = plea, call, application, request, prayer, petition, overture, invocation, solicitation, entreaty, supplication (formal), suit, cry from the heart, adjuration ◼ OPPOSITE: refusal 2 It was meant to give the party greater public appeal. = attraction, charm, fascination, charisma, beauty, attractiveness, allure, magnetism, enchantment, seductiveness, interestingness, engagingness, pleasingness ◼ OPPOSITE: repulsiveness ● appeal to someone The idea appealed to him. = attract, interest, draw (informal), please, invite, engage, charm, fascinate, tempt, lure, entice, enchant, captivate, allure, bewitchappealing ADJECTIVE = attractive, inviting, engaging, charming, winning, desirable, endearing, alluring, winsome, prepossessing ◼ OPPOSITE: repellentappear VERB 1 It appears that some missiles have been moved. = seem, be clear, be obvious, be evident, look (like or as if), be apparent, be plain, be manifest, be patent 2 He did his best to appear more confident than he felt. = look (like or as if), seem, occur, look to be, come across as, strike you as 3 A woman appeared at the far end of the street. = come into view, emerge, occur, attend, surface, come out, turn out, arise, turn up, be present, loom, show (informal), issue, develop, arrive, show up (informal), come to light, crop up (informal), materialize, come forth, come into sight, show your face ◼ OPPOSITE: disappear 4 a poem which appeared in his last collection of verse = come into being, come out, be published, be developed, be created, be invented, become available, come into existence 5 She appeared in several of her own plays. = perform, play, act, enter, come on, take part, play a part, be exhibited, come onstageappearance NOUN 1 He had the appearance of a college student. = look, face, form, air, figure, image, looks, bearing, aspect, manner, expression, demeanour, mien (literary) 2 The sudden appearance of the deer caught me by surprise. = arrival, appearing, presence, turning up, introduction, showing up (informal), emergence, advent 3 They gave the appearance of being on both sides. = impression, air, front, image, illusion, guise, façade, pretence, veneer, semblance, outward showappease VERB 1 The offer has not appeased separatists. = pacify, satisfy, calm, soothe, quiet, placate, mollify, conciliate ◼ OPPOSITE: anger 2 Cash is on hand to appease mounting frustration. = ease, satisfy, calm, relieve, diminish, compose, quiet, blunt, soothe, subdue, lessen, alleviate, lull, quell, allay, mitigate, assuage, quench, tranquillizeappeasement NOUN 1 He denies there is a policy of appeasement. = pacification, compromise, accommodation, concession, conciliation, acceding, propitiation, mollification, placation 2 the appeasement of terror = easing, relieving, satisfaction, softening, blunting, soothing, quieting, lessening, lulling, quelling, solace, quenching, mitigation, abatement, alleviation, assuagement, tranquillizationappellation NOUN = name, term, style, title, address, description, designation, epithet, sobriquetappend VERB = add, attach, join, hang, adjoin, fasten, annex, tag on, affix, tack on, subjoin ◼ OPPOSITE: detachappendage NOUN = attachment, addition, supplement, accessory, appendix, auxiliary, affix, ancillary, adjunct, annexe, addendum, appurtenanceappendix NOUN = supplement, add-on, postscript, adjunct, appendage, addendum, addition, codicilappetite NOUN 1 a slight fever, headache and loss of appetite = hunger 2 our growing appetite for scandal = desire, liking, longing, demand, taste, passion, stomach, hunger, willingness, relish, craving, yearning, inclination, zeal, zest, propensity, hankering, proclivity, appetence, appetency ◼ OPPOSITE: distasteappetizer NOUN = hors d'oeuvre, titbit, antipasto, canapéapplaud VERB 1 The audience laughed and applauded. = clap, encourage, praise, cheer, hail, acclaim, laud (literary), give (someone) a big hand ◼ OPPOSITE: boo 2 You should be applauded for your courage. = praise, celebrate, approve, acclaim, compliment, salute, commend, extol, crack up (informal), big up (slang), eulogize ◼ OPPOSITE: criticizeapplause NOUN = ovation, praise, cheering, cheers, approval, acclaim, clapping, accolade, big hand, commendation, hand-clapping, approbation, acclamation, eulogizing, plauditappliance NOUN = device, machine, tool, instrument, implement, mechanism, apparatus, gadget, waldoapplicable ADJECTIVE = appropriate, fitting, fit, suited, useful, suitable, relevant, to the point, apt, pertinent, befitting, apposite, apropos, germane, to the purpose ◼ OPPOSITE: inappropriateapplicant NOUN = candidate, entrant, claimant, suitor, petitioner, aspirant, inquirer, job-seeker, suppliant, postulantapplication NOUN 1 His application for membership was rejected. = request, claim, demand, appeal, suit, inquiry, plea, petition, requisition, solicitation 2 Students learned the practical application of the theory. = relevance, use, value, practice, bearing, exercise, purpose, function, appropriateness,