Collins English Thesaurus Essential. Collins Dictionaries
= would do anything for, would kill for, would sell your own grandmother for (informal), would give your eye teeth forarm2 VERB 1 She had armed herself with a weapon. = equip, provide, supply, outfit, rig, array, furnish, issue with, deck out, accoutre 2 She armed herself with all the knowledge she could gather. = provide, prime, prepare, protect, guard, strengthen, outfit, equip, brace, fortify, forearm, make ready, gird your loins, jack up (N.Z.) ▸ PLURAL NOUN The organization has an extensive supply of arms. = weapons, guns, firearms, weaponry, armaments, ordnance, munitions, instruments of wararmada NOUN = fleet, navy, squadron, flotillaarmaments PLURAL NOUN = weapons, arms, guns, ammunition, weaponry, ordnance, munitions, materielarmed ADJECTIVE = carrying weapons, provided, prepared, supplied, ready, protected, guarded, strengthened, equipped, primed, arrayed, furnished, fortified, in arms, forearmed, fitted out, under arms, girded, rigged out, tooled up (slang), accoutredarmistice NOUN = truce, peace, ceasefire, suspension of hostilitiesarmour NOUN = protection, covering, shield, sheathing, armour plate, chain mail, protective coveringarmoured ADJECTIVE = protected, mailed, reinforced, toughened, bulletproof, armour-plated, steel-plated, ironclad, bombproofarmoury or (U.S.) armory NOUN = arsenal, magazine, ammunition dump, arms depot, ordnance depotarmy NOUN 1 After returning from abroad, he joined the army. = soldiers, military, troops, armed force, legions, infantry, military force, land forces, land force, soldiery 2 data collected by an army of volunteers = vast number, host, gang, mob, flock, array, legion, swarm, sea, pack, horde, multitude, throngaroma NOUN = scent, smell, perfume, fragrance, bouquet, savour, odour, redolencearomatic ADJECTIVE = fragrant, perfumed, spicy, savoury, pungent, balmy, redolent, sweet-smelling, sweet-scented, odoriferous ◼ OPPOSITE: smellyaround PREPOSITION 1 The journey was around eighty miles. = approximately, about, nearly, close to, roughly, just about, in the region of, circa (of a date), in the vicinity of, not far off, in the neighbourhood of 2 a prosperous suburb built around a new mosque = surrounding, about, enclosing, encompassing, framing, encircling, on all sides of, on every side of, environing ▸ ADVERB 1 What are you doing following me around? = everywhere, about, throughout, all over, here and there, on all sides, in all directions, to and fro 2 It's important to have lots of people around. = near, close, nearby, handy, at hand, close by, close at hand ◼ RELATED WORD: prefix circum-
USAGE In American English, around is used more often than round as an adverb and preposition, except in a few fixed phrases such as all year round. In British English, round is more commonly used as an adverb than around. |
arousal NOUN = stimulation, movement, response, reaction, excitement, animation, stirring up, provocation, inflammation, agitation, exhilaration, incitement, enlivenmentarouse VERB 1 His work has aroused intense interest. = stimulate, encourage, inspire, prompt, spark, spur, foster, provoke, rouse, stir up, inflame, incite, instigate, whip up, summon up, whet, kindle, foment, call forth ◼ OPPOSITE: quell 2 He apologized, saying this subject always aroused him. = inflame, move, warm, excite, spur, provoke, animate, prod, stir up, agitate, quicken, enliven, goad, foment 3 We were aroused from our sleep by a knocking at the door. = awaken, wake up, rouse, wakenarraign VERB = accuse, charge, prosecute, denounce, indict, impeach, incriminate, call to account, take to taskarrange VERB 1 She arranged an appointment for Friday afternoon. = plan, agree, prepare, determine, schedule, organize, construct, devise, contrive, fix up, jack up (N.Z. informal) 2 He started to arrange the books in piles. = put in order, group, form, order, sort, class, position, range, file, rank, line up, organize, set out, sequence, exhibit, sort out (informal), array, classify, tidy, marshal, align, categorize, systematize, jack up (N.Z. informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: disorganize 3 The songs were arranged by a well-known pianist. = adapt, score, orchestrate, harmonize, instrumentarrangement NOUN 1 (often plural) I am in charge of all the travel arrangements. = plan, planning, provision, preparation 2 The caves can be visited only by prior arrangement. = agreement, contract, settlement, appointment, compromise, deal (informal), pact, compact, covenant 3 an imaginative flower arrangement = display, grouping, system, order, ordering, design, ranging, structure, rank, organization, exhibition, line-up, presentation, array, marshalling, classification, disposition (archaic), alignment, setup (informal) 4 an arrangement of a well-known piece by Mozart = adaptation, score, version, interpretation, instrumentation, orchestration, harmonizationarray NOUN 1 the markets with their wonderful arrays of fruit and vegetables = arrangement, show, order, supply, display, collection, exhibition, line-up, mixture, parade, formation, presentation, spectacle, marshalling, muster, disposition (archaic) 2 Bathed, dressed in his finest array, he was ready. = clothing, dress, clothes, threads (slang), garments, apparel (old-fashioned), attire, garb, finery, regalia, raiment (archaic, poetic), schmutter (slang) ▸ VERB 1 A number of cups and saucers were arrayed on a side table. = arrange, show, group, order, present, range, display, line up, sequence, parade, exhibit, unveil, dispose, draw up, marshal, lay out, muster, align, form up, place in order, set in line (Military) 2 a priest arrayed in white vestments = dress, supply, clothe, wrap, deck, outfit, decorate, equip, robe, get ready, adorn, apparel (archaic), festoon, attire, fit out, garb, bedeck, caparison, accoutrearrest VERB 1 Seven people were arrested for minor offences. = capture, catch, lift (slang), nick (slang, chiefly Brit.), seize, run in (slang), nail (informal), bust (informal), collar (informal), take, detain, pinch (informal), nab (informal), apprehend, take prisoner, take into custody, lay hold of ◼ OPPOSITE: release 2 The new rules could arrest the development of good research. = stop, end, hold, limit, check, block, slow, delay, halt, stall, stay, interrupt, suppress, restrain, hamper, inhibit, hinder, obstruct, retard, impede ◼ OPPOSITE: speed up 3 As he reached the hall, he saw what had arrested her. = fascinate, hold, involve, catch, occupy, engage, grip, absorb, entrance, intrigue, rivet, enthral, mesmerize, engross, spellbind ▸ NOUN 1 information leading to the arrest of the bombers = capture, bust (informal), detention, seizure, apprehension ◼ OPPOSITE: release 2 a cardiac arrest = stoppage, halt, suppression, obstruction, inhibition, blockage, hindrance ◼ OPPOSITE: accelerationarresting ADJECTIVE = striking, surprising, engaging, dramatic, stunning (informal), impressive, extraordinary, outstanding, remarkable, noticeable, conspicuous, salient, jaw-dropping ◼ OPPOSITE: unremarkablearrival NOUN 1 the day after his arrival = appearance, coming, arriving, entrance, advent, materialization 2 They celebrated the arrival of the New Year. = coming, happening, taking place, dawn (literary), emergence, occurrence, materialization 3 A high proportion of the new arrivals are skilled professionals. = newcomer, arriver, incomer, visitor, caller, entrant, comer, visitantarrive VERB 1 Fresh groups of guests arrived. = come, appear, enter, turn up, show up (informal), materialize, draw near ◼ OPPOSITE: depart 2 They needed to be much further forward before winter arrived. = occur, happen, take place, ensue, transpire (informal), fall, befall 3 These are cars which show you've arrived. = succeed, make it (informal), triumph, do well, thrive, flourish, be successful, make good, prosper, cut it (informal), reach the top, become famous, make the grade (informal), get to the top, crack it (informal), hit the jackpot (informal), turn out well, make your mark (informal), achieve recognition, do all right for yourself (informal) ● arrive at something She arrived at the airport early this morning. = reach, make, get to, enter, land at, get as far asarrogance NOUN = conceit, pride, swagger, pretension, presumption, bluster, hubris, pomposity, insolence, hauteur, pretentiousness, high-handedness, haughtiness, loftiness, imperiousness,