Collins English Thesaurus Essential. Collins Dictionaries

Collins English Thesaurus Essential - Collins Dictionaries

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= would do anything for, would kill for, would sell your own grandmother for (informal), would give your eye teeth forarm2 VERB 1 She had armed herself with a weapon. = equip, provide, supply, outfit, rig, array, furnish, issue with, deck out, accoutre 2 She armed herself with all the knowledge she could gather. = provide, prime, prepare, protect, guard, strengthen, outfit, equip, brace, fortify, forearm, make ready, gird your loins, jack up (N.Z.) ▸ PLURAL NOUN The organization has an extensive supply of arms. = weapons, guns, firearms, weaponry, armaments, ordnance, munitions, instruments of wararmada NOUN = fleet, navy, squadron, flotillaarmaments PLURAL NOUN = weapons, arms, guns, ammunition, weaponry, ordnance, munitions, materielarmed ADJECTIVE = carrying weapons, provided, prepared, supplied, ready, protected, guarded, strengthened, equipped, primed, arrayed, furnished, fortified, in arms, forearmed, fitted out, under arms, girded, rigged out, tooled up (slang), accoutredarmistice NOUN = truce, peace, ceasefire, suspension of hostilitiesarmour NOUN = protection, covering, shield, sheathing, armour plate, chain mail, protective coveringarmoured ADJECTIVE = protected, mailed, reinforced, toughened, bulletproof, armour-plated, steel-plated, ironclad, bombproofarmoury or (U.S.) armory NOUN = arsenal, magazine, ammunition dump, arms depot, ordnance depotarmy NOUN 1 After returning from abroad, he joined the army. = soldiers, military, troops, armed force, legions, infantry, military force, land forces, land force, soldiery 2 data collected by an army of volunteers = vast number, host, gang, mob, flock, array, legion, swarm, sea, pack, horde, multitude, throngaroma NOUN = scent, smell, perfume, fragrance, bouquet, savour, odour, redolencearomatic ADJECTIVE = fragrant, perfumed, spicy, savoury, pungent, balmy, redolent, sweet-smelling, sweet-scented, odoriferous ◼ OPPOSITE: smellyaround PREPOSITION 1 The journey was around eighty miles. = approximately, about, nearly, close to, roughly, just about, in the region of, circa (of a date), in the vicinity of, not far off, in the neighbourhood of 2 a prosperous suburb built around a new mosque = surrounding, about, enclosing, encompassing, framing, encircling, on all sides of, on every side of, environing ▸ ADVERB 1 What are you doing following me around? = everywhere, about, throughout, all over, here and there, on all sides, in all directions, to and fro 2 It's important to have lots of people around. = near, close, nearby, handy, at hand, close by, close at hand ◼ RELATED WORD: prefix circum-

USAGE In American English, around is used more often than round as an adverb and preposition, except in a few fixed phrases such as all year round. In British English, round is more commonly used as an adverb than around.

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