Collins English Thesaurus Essential. Collins Dictionaries

Collins English Thesaurus Essential - Collins Dictionaries

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germaneness 3 his immense talent and unremitting application = effort, work, study, industry, labour, trouble, attention, struggle, pains, commitment, hard work, endeavour, dedication, toil, diligence, perseverance, travail (literary), attentiveness, assiduity, blood, sweat, and tears (informal) 4 = program, package, software, app (informal), killer application or killer appapply VERB 1 I am continuing to apply for jobs. = request, seek, appeal, put in, petition, inquire, solicit, claim, sue, requisition, make application 2 The rule applies where a person owns stock in a company. = be relevant, concern, relate, refer, be fitting, be appropriate, be significant, fit, suit, pertain, be applicable, bear upon, appertain 3 The government appears to be applying the same principle. = use, exercise, carry out, employ, engage, implement, practise, execute, assign, administer, exert, enact, utilize, bring to bear, put to use, bring into play 4 Applying the dye can be messy, particularly on long hair. = put on, work in, cover with, lay on, paint on, anoint, spread on, rub in, smear on, shampoo in, bring into contact with ● apply yourself If you apply yourself, there's no reason why you shouldn't pass. = work hard, concentrate, study, pay attention, try, commit yourself, buckle down (informal), be assiduous, devote yourself, be diligent, dedicate yourself, make an effort, address yourself, be industrious, persevereappoint VERB 1 It made sense to appoint a banker to this job. = assign, name, choose, commission, select, elect, install, delegate, nominate ◼ OPPOSITE: fire 2 We met at the time appointed. = decide, set, choose, establish, determine, settle, fix, arrange, specify, assign, designate, allot ◼ OPPOSITE: cancelappointed ADJECTIVE 1 The appointed hour for the ceremony was drawing near. = decided, set, chosen, established, determined, settled, fixed, arranged, assigned, designated, allotted 2 The recently appointed captain led by example in the first game. = assigned, named, chosen, commissioned, selected, elected, installed, delegated, nominated 3 beautiful, well-appointed houses = equipped, provided, supplied, furnished, fitted outappointment NOUN 1 his appointment as foreign minister in 2015 = selection, naming, election, choosing, choice, commissioning, delegation, nomination, installation, assignment, allotment, designation 2 He is to take up an appointment as a researcher with the Society. = job, office, position, post, situation, place, station, employment, assignment, berth (informal) 3 She has an appointment with her accountant. = meeting, interview, date, session, arrangement, consultation, engagement, fixture, rendezvous, tryst (archaic), assignation 4 He is the new appointment at RSA. = appointee, candidate, representative, delegate, nominee, office-holderapportion VERB = divide, share, deal, distribute, assign, allocate, dispense, give out, allot, mete out, dole out, measure out, parcel out, ration outapposite ADJECTIVE = appropriate, fitting, suited, suitable, relevant, proper, to the point, apt, applicable, pertinent, befitting, apropos, germane, to the purpose, appertaining ◼ OPPOSITE: inappropriateappraisal NOUN 1 Self-appraisal is never easy. = assessment, opinion, estimate, judgment, evaluation, estimation, sizing up (informal), recce (slang) 2 He has resisted being drawn into the business of cost appraisal. = valuation, pricing, rating, survey, reckoning, assayappraise VERB = assess, judge, review, estimate, survey, price, rate, value, evaluate, inspect, gauge, size up (informal), eye up, assay, recce (slang)

USAGE Appraise is sometimes used where apprise is meant: both patients had been fully apprised (not appraised) of the situation. This may well be due to the fact that appraise is considerably more common, and that people therefore tend to associate this meaning mistakenly with a word they know better.

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