The Book of Husbandry. Anthony Fitzherbert

The Book of Husbandry - Anthony Fitzherbert

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       Anthony Fitzherbert

      The Book of Husbandry

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066247058



       The aucthors prologue.

       ¶ The table.

       The Book of Husbandry

       1. ¶ Here begynneth the boke of husbandry, and fyrste where-by husbande-men do lyue.

       2. ¶ Dyuers maners of plowes.

       3. ¶ To knowe the names of all the partes of the plowe.

       4. ¶ The temprynge of plowes.

       5. ¶ The necessary thynges that belonge to a ploughe, carte, and wayne.

       6. ¶ Whether is better, a plough of horses or a plough of oxen.

       7. ¶ The dylygence and attendaunce that a husbande shulde gyue to his warke, in maner of an other prologue, and the speciall grounde of all this treatyse.

       8. ¶ Howe a man shulde plowe all maner of landes all tymes of the yere.

       9. ¶ To plowe for pease and beanes.

       10. Howe to sowe bothe pease and beanes.

       11. ¶ Sede of discretion.

       12. ¶ Howe all maner corne shoulde be sowen.

       13. ¶ To sowe barley.

       14. To sowe otes.

       15. ¶ To harowe all maner of cornes.

       16. ¶ To falowe.

       17. ¶ To cary out donge or mucke and to sprede it.

       18. ¶ To set out the shepe-folde.

       19. ¶ To cary wodde and other necessaryes.

       20. ¶ To knowe dyuers maner of wedes.

       21. ¶ Howe to wede corne.

       22. ¶ The fyrst sturrynge.

       23. ¶ To mowe grasse.

       24. ¶ Howe forkes and rakes shulde be made.

       25. ¶ To tedde and make hay.

       26. ¶ Howe rye shulde be shorne.

       27. ¶ Howe to shere wheate.

       28. To mowe or shere barley and otes.

       29. ¶ To repe or mowe pees and beanes.

       30. ¶ Howe all maner of cornes shulde be tythed.

       31. ¶ Howe all maner of corne shulde he couered.

       32. ¶ To lode corne, and mowe it.

       33. ¶ The second [25] sturrynge.

       34. To sowe wheat and rye.

       35. ¶ To thresshe and wynowe corne.

       36. ¶ To seuer pees, beanes, and fytches.

       37. ¶ Of shepe, and what tyme of the yere the rammes shulde be put to the ewes.

       38. ¶ To make an ewe to loue her lambe.

       39. ¶ What tyme lambes shulde be wayned.

       40. ¶ To drawe shepe, and seuer them in dyuers places.

       41. ¶ To belte shepe.

       42. ¶ To grease shepe.

       43. ¶ To medle terre.

       44. ¶

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