The Book of Husbandry. Anthony Fitzherbert
46. ¶ Blyndenes of shepe, and other dyseases, and remedies therfore.
47. ¶ The worme in the shepes fote, and helpe therfore.
48. ¶ The blode, and remedy if one come betyme.
49. ¶ The pockes, and remedy therfore.
50. ¶ The wode euyll, and remedy therfore.
53. ¶ To drawe and seuer the badde shepe from the good.
54. What thynges rotteth shepe.
55. ¶ To knowe a rotten shepe dyuers maner wayes, wherof some of them wyll not fayle.
58. ¶ Dyuers sycnesses of cattell, and remedies therfore, and fyrst of murren.
59. ¶ Longe sought, and remedy therefore.
60. ¶ Dewbolne, [28] and the harde remedy therfore.
61. ¶ Rysen vpon, and the remedy therfore.
62. The turne, and remedy therfor.
63. The warrybrede, and the remedy therfore.
64. ¶ The foule, and the remedy therfore.
65. ¶ The goute, without remedy.
68. ¶ Horses and mares to drawe.
69. The losse of a lambe, a calfe, or a foole.
70. ¶ What cattell shulde go to-gether in one pasture.
71. ¶ The properties of horses.
72. ¶ The two properties, that a horse hath of a man.
73. The .ii. propertyes of a bauson.
74. The .iiii. properties of a lyon.
75. The .ix. propertyes of an oxe.
76. The .ix. propertyes of an hare.
77. The .ix. propertyes of a foxe.
78. The .ix. propertyes of an asse.
79. The .x. properties of a woman.
80. ¶ The diseases and sorance of horses.