The Book of Husbandry. Anthony Fitzherbert

The Book of Husbandry - Anthony Fitzherbert

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_b2b9968e-a38c-574f-aa45-3ef2e99dbca5">110. ¶ Myllettes. fol. eod. 71 111. ¶ The paynes. fol. eod. 71 112. ¶ Cratches. fol. eod. 72 113. ¶ Attaynt. fol. xlix. 72 114. ¶ Grauelynge. fol. eod. 72 115. ¶ Acloyd. fol. eod. 72 116. ¶ The scabbe. fol. eod. 72 117. ¶ Lowsy. fol. eod. 72 118. ¶ Wartes. fol. eod. 73 119. ¶ The sayenge of the frenche man. fo. eod. 73 120. ¶ The dyuersitie bytwene a horse mayster, a corser, and a horse leche. fol. l. 74 121. ¶ Of swyne. fo. eod. 74 122. ¶ Of bees. fol. li. 75 123. ¶ How to kepe beastes & other catel. fol. lii. 76 124. ¶ To get settes and set them. fol. liii. 78 125. ¶ To make a dyche. fol. liiii. 79 126. ¶ To make a hedge. fol. eod. 79 127. ¶ To plasshe and pleche a hedge. fol. eod. 80 128. ¶ To mende a hye waye. fo. lv. 81 129. ¶ To remoue and sette trees. fo. lvi. 82 130. ¶ Trees to be sette without rootes and growe. fol. lvii. 83 131. ¶ To fell woode for houssholde or to sell. fol. eodem. 83 132. ¶ To shrede, lop, or crop trees. fol. lviii. 84 133. Howe a man shoulde shrede loppe or croppe trees. fol. eod. 85 134. To sell woode or tymbre. fol. lix. 85 135. To kepe sprynge woode. fo. lx. 86 136. Necessary thynges belongynge to graffynge. fol. eod. 87 137. What fruyte shulde be first graffed. fol. lxi. 88 138. Howe to graffe. fol. eod. 88 139. To graffe bytwene the barke and the tree. fol. lxii. 89 140. To nourysshe all maner of stone fruyte and nuttes. fol. lxiii. 90 141.
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