The Book of Husbandry. Anthony Fitzherbert

The Book of Husbandry - Anthony Fitzherbert

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A shorte information for a yonge gentyllman that entendeth to thryue. fol. eod. 90 142. A lesson made in Englysshe verses, that a gentylmans seruaunte shall forget none of his gere in his inne behynde hym. fo. lxv. 93 143. A prologe for the wyues occupation. fo. eod. 93 144. A lesson for the wyfe. fol. eod. 94 145. What thynges the wyfe of ryghte is bounde to do. fol. lxvi. 94 146. What warkes the wyfe oughte to doo generally. fo. eod. 95 147. To kepe measure in spendynge. fo. lxvii. 98 148. To eate within thy tedure. fo. lxviii. 99 149. A shorte lesson vnto the husbande. fol. lxix. 101 150. Howe menne of hye degree do kepe measure. fol. eodem 101 151. Prodygalytie in outragyous and costelye araye. fol. lxx. 102 152. Of delycyous meates and drynkes. fol. eod. 103 153. Of outragious playe and game. fo. lxxi. 104 154. A prologue of the thyrde sayinge of the philosopher. fo. lxxii. 105 155. A dyuersytie bytwene predycation and doctryne. fol. eodem 105 156. What is rychesse. fo. lxxiii. 106 157. What is the propertie of a rych man. fo. lxxiiii. 108 158. What ioyes & pleasures are in heuen. fo. lxxv. 109 159. What thynge pleaseth god most. fol. lxxvi. 109 160. What be goddes commaundementes. fo. eod. 110 161. Howe a man shulde loue god and please hym. fol. eodem 110 162. Howe a man shoulde loue his neyghbour. fol. lxxvii. 111 163. Of prayer that pleaseth god verye moche. folio lxxviii. 112 164. What thynge letteth prayer. fol. eod. 112 165. Howe a man shulde praye. fo. lxxix. 113 166. A mean to put away ydle thoughtes in prayenge. fol. lxxx. 115 167. A meane to auoyde temptation. fol. lxxxi. 116 168. Almes-dedes pleaseth god moche. fo. lxxxii. 118 169. The fyrst maner of almes dede. fo. lxxxiii. 119 170. The ii. maner of almes dede. fo. lxxxiiii. 120 171. The iii. maner of almes dede. fol. lxxxv.
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