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colspan="2">Reticulate facing, with corners of brick-shaped stone (I. iii. 29). From a photograph (F. W. K.)
43 13. North end of the Forum, with the temple of Jupiter, restored. From an original drawing[1] 49 14. Remnant of the colonnade of Popidius, at the south end of the Forum. From a photograph (A. M.) 51 15. Part of the new colonnade, near the southwest corner of the Forum. From a photograph (A. M.) 53 16. Scene in the Forum—a dealer in utensils, and a shoemaker. Wall painting. Naples Museum. After Pitture di Ercolano , Vol. III, pl. 42 55 17. Scene in the Forum—citizens reading a public notice. Wall painting. Naples Museum. After Pitture di Ercolano , Vol. III, pl. 43 56 18. Plan of the temple of Jupiter 63 19. Ruins of the temple of Jupiter. From a photograph 64 20. Section of wall decoration in the cella of the temple of Jupiter. After Mazois, Les Ruines de Pompéi , Vol. III, pl. 36 (Overbeck-Mau, Pompeji , Fig. 46) 65 21. Bust of Zeus found at Otricoli. Vatican Museum. After Tafel 130 of the Brunn-Bruckmann Denkmaeler 68 22. Bust of Jupiter found at Pompeii. Naples Museum. From a photograph 69 23. Plan of the Basilica 71 24. View of the Basilica, looking toward the tribunal. From a photograph 73 25. Exterior of the Basilica, restored. From an original drawing 75 26. Interior of the Basilica, looking toward the tribunal, restored. From an original drawing 76 27. Front of the tribunal of the Basilica. Plan and elevation. From an original drawing 77 28. Corner of mosaic floor, cella of the temple of Apollo. After Mazois, Vol. IV, pl. 23 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 50) 80 29. Plan of the temple of Apollo 81 30. View of the temple of Apollo, looking toward Vesuvius. From a photograph 83 31. Section of the entablature of the temple of Apollo, showing the original form and the restoration after the earthquake of 63. After Mazois, Vol. IV, pl. 21 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 264) 84 32. Temple of Apollo, restored. From an original drawing 86 33. Plan of the buildings at the northwest corner of the Forum 91 34. Table of Standard Measures. After Mazois, Vol. III, pl. 40 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 23) 93 35. Plan of the Macellum 94 36. View of the Macellum. From a photograph 95 37. The Macellum, restored. From an original drawing 97 38. Statue of Octavia, sister of Augustus, found in the chapel of the Macellum. Naples Museum. From a photograph 98 39. Statue of Marcellus, son of Octavia, found in the chapel of the Macellum. Naples Museum. From a photograph 101 40. Plan of the sanctuary of the City Lares 102 41. Sanctuary of the City Lares, looking toward the rear, restored. From an original drawing.* (Cf. Röm. Mitth. , 1896, p. 288) 103 42. North side of the sanctuary of the City Lares, restored. From an original drawing.* (Cf. Röm. Mitth. , 1896, p. 289) 104 43. Plan of the temple of Vespasian 106 44. Front of the altar in the court of the temple of Vespasian. From a photograph 107 45. View of the temple of Vespasian. From a photograph 108 46. The temple of Vespasian, restored. From an original drawing.* (Cf. Röm. Mitth. , 1900, p. 133) 109 47. Plan of the building of Eumachia 110 48. Building of Eumachia—front of the court, restored. From an original drawing 114 49. Building of Eumachia—rear of the court, restored. From an original drawing 116 50. Fountain of Concordia Augusta. From a photograph (F. W. K.) 117 51. Plan of the Comitium 119 52. Plan of the Municipal Buildings 121 53. View of the south end of the Forum. From a photograph (A. M.) 122 54. Plan of the ruins of the temple of Venus Pompeiana* 125 55. View of the ruins of the temple of Venus Pompeiana. From a photograph 126 56. Plan of the temple of Venus Pompeiana, restored* 128 57. Plan of the temple of Fortuna Augusta* 130 58. Temple of Fortuna Augusta, restored. From an original drawing 131 59. Temple of Fortuna Augusta—rear of the cella with the statue of the goddess, restored. From an original drawing.* (Cf. Röm. Mitth. , 1896, p. 280) 132 60. Portico at the entrance of the Forum Triangulare. From a photograph 135 61. View of the Forum Скачать книгу