Pompeii, Its Life and Art. August 1840-1909 Mau

Pompeii, Its Life and Art - August 1840-1909 Mau

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Vesuvius. From a photograph13662.Plan of the Doric temple in the Forum Triangulare13763.The Doric temple, restored. From an original drawing13864.Plan of the Large Theatre14365.View of the Large Theatre. From a photograph14566.Plan of the Small Theatre15367.View of the Small Theatre. From a photograph15468.Section of a seat in the Small Theatre. After Mazois, Vol. IV, pl. 29 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 101)15569.A terminal Atlas from the Small Theatre. After Mazois, Vol. IV, pl. 29 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 100)15670.Ornament at the ends of the parapet in the Small Theatre—lion's foot. After Mazois, Vol. IV, pl. 29 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 99)15671.Plan of the Theatre Colonnade, showing its relation to the two theatres15772.A gladiator's greave. Naples Museum. From a photograph16273.A gladiator's helmet. Naples Museum. From a photograph16374.Remains of stocks found in the guard-room of the barracks. Naples Museum. From a photograph16375.Plan of the Palaestra16576.View of the Palaestra, with the pedestal, table, and steps. From a photograph166 77.Doryphorus. Statue found in the Palaestra. Naples Museum. From a photograph16778.Plan of the temple of Isis17079.View of the temple of Isis. From a photograph17280.The temple of Isis, restored. From an original drawing17381.Scene from the worship of Isis—the adoration of the holy water. Wall painting from Herculaneum. Naples Museum. Drawing, after a photograph17782.Temple of Isis. Part of the façade of the Purgatorium. After Mazois, Vol. IV, pl. 11, and Piranesi, Antiquités de Pompéi Vol. II, pl. 6517983.Decoration of the east side of the Purgatorium—Perseus and Andromeda, floating Cupids. Stucco reliefs. After Mazois, Vol. IV, pl. 1018084.Plan of the temple of Zeus Milichius18385.Capital of a pilaster of the temple, with the face of Zeus Milichius. After Mazois, Vol. IV, pl. 6 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 62)18486.Plan of the Stabian Baths19087.Stabian Baths—interior of Frigidarium. Drawing, with indebtedness to Niccolini, Le Case ed i Monumenti di Pompei, Vol. I, Terme presso la porta stabiana, pl. 719188.Bath basin in the women's caldarium—longitudinal and transverse sections, showing arrangements for heating. Drawing, with indebtedness to von Duhn und Jacobi, Der griechische Tempel in Pompeji, pl. IX19489.Colonnade of the Stabian Baths—capital with section of entablature. Drawing19890.Southwest corner of the palaestra of the Stabian Baths, showing part of the colonnade and wall decorated with stucco reliefs. From a photograph19991.Plan of the Baths near the Forum20292.Baths near the Forum—Interior of men's tepidarium. From a photograph20493.Baths near the Forum—Longitudinal section of the men's caldarium. Drawing, after Gell, Pompeiana, edit. of 1837, Vol. II, pl. 33, facing p. 9120594.Plan of the Central Baths20995.View of the Central Baths, looking from the Palaestra into the tepidarium. From a photograph (F. W. K.)21096.The Amphitheatre, seen from the west side. From a photograph21397.Preparations for the combat. Wall painting (no longer visible) in the Amphitheatre. After Mazois, Vol. IV, pl. 48 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 107)21498.Plan of the Amphitheatre215 99.Transverse section of the Amphitheatre. After Mazois, Vol. IV, pl. 46 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 104)217100.Plan of the gallery of the Amphitheatre218101.Conflict between the Pompeians and the Nucerians. Wall painting. Naples Museum. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 3221102.View of Abbondanza Street, looking east. From a photograph227103.Fountain, water tower, and street shrine, corner of Stabian and Nola streets. From a photograph (F. W. K.)231104.Plan of the reservoir west of the Baths near the Forum232105.Ancient altar in new wall—southeast corner of the Central Baths. From a photograph (F. W. K.)234106.Plan of a chapel of the Lares Compitales (VIII. iv. 24)235107.Large street altar (VIII. ii. 25). From a photograph (F. W. K.)236108.Plan of a section of the city wall, with a tower and with stairs leading to the top. After Mazois, Vol. I. pl. 12 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 7)238109.View of the city wall, inside. From a photograph239110.Tower of the city wall, restored. After Mazois, Vol. I, pl. 13 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 8)241111.Plan of the Stabian Gate242112.Plan of the Herculaneum Gate243113.View of the Herculaneum Gate, looking down the Street of Tombs. From a photograph244114.Early Pompeian house, restored. From an original drawing246115.Plan of a Pompeian house247116.Plan and section of the vestibule, threshold, and fauces of the house of Pansa. After Ivanoff, Mon. dell' Inst., Vol. VI, pl. 28, 3 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 136)249117.A Tuscan atrium—plan of the roof. After Mazois, Vol. II, pl. 3 (Overbeck Mau, Fig. 139)251118.A Tuscan atrium—section. After Mazois, Vol. II, pl. 3 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 140)252119.Corner of a compluvium with waterspouts and antefixes, reconstructed. (Reconstruction, Ins. VII. iv. 16.) After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 143253120.A Pompeian's strong box, arca. Naples Museum. From photograph255121.Atrium of the house of Cornelius Rufus, looking through the tablinum and andron into the peristyle. From a photograph256122.End of a bedroom in the house of the Centaur, decorated in the first style. From an original drawing262123.Plan of a dining room with three couches263124.Plan of a dining room with an anteroom containing an altar for libations (VIII. v.-vi. 16)264 125.Hearth of the kitchen in the house of the Vettii. From a drawing267126.Niche for the images of the household gods, in a corner of the kitchen in the house of Apollo. From a photograph (F. W. K.)269127.Shrine in the house of the Vettii. From a photograph271128.Interior of a house (VII. xv. 8) with a second story dining room opening on the atrium, restored. From an original drawing274129.Longitudinal section of the house with a second story dining room (VII. xv. 8) restored. From an original drawing275130.Plan of a Pompeian shop. After Mazois, Vol. II, pl. 8 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 182)276131.A shop for the sale of edibles, restored.
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