Pompeii, Its Life and Art. August 1840-1909 Mau

Pompeii, Its Life and Art - August 1840-1909 Mau

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Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 231370194.Lamps with more than two nozzles. Naples Museum. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 231370195.Bronze lamps with ornamental covers attached to a chain. Naples Museum. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 231371196.Bronze lamps with covers ornamented with figures. Naples Museum. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 231371197.Three hanging lamps. Naples Museum. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 231372198.A nursing-bottle, biberon. Naples Museum. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 231372199.Lamp standard of bronze. Naples Museum. After Museo Borb., Vol. IV, pl. 57 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 234)373200.Lamp holder for a hand lamp. Naples Museum. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 233374201.Lamp holder for hanging lamps. Naples Museum. After Museo Borb., Vol. II, pl. 13 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 233)374202.Lamp holder in the form of a tree trunk. Naples Museum. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 233374203.Lamp stand. Naples Museum. From a photograph374204.Bronze utensils. Naples Museum. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 241, and Museo Borb.375205.Mixing bowl, of bronze, in part inlaid with silver. Naples Museum. After Museo Borb., Vol. II, pl. 32 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 248)376206.Water heater for the table, view and section. Naples Museum. After Museo Borb., Vol. III, pl. 63 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 240)376207.Water heater in the form of a brazier. Naples Museum. After Museo Borb., Vol. II, pl. 46 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 238)377208.Water heater in the form of a brazier, representing a diminutive fortress. Naples Museum. After Museo Borb., Vol. II, pl. 46 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 238)377209.Appliances for the bath. After Museo Borb., Vol. VII, pl. 16 (Overbeck Mau, Fig. 251)377210.Combs. After Museo Borb., Vol. IX, pl. 15 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 252)377 211.Hairpins, with two small ivory toilet boxes. After Museo Borb., Vol. IX, pls. 14, 15 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 252)378212.Glass box for cosmetics. After Museo Borb., Vol. IX, pl. 15 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 252)378213.Hand mirrors. After Museo Borb., Vol. IX, pl. 14 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 252)378214.Group of toilet articles. After Museo Borb., Vol. IX, pl. 15 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 252)378215.Gold arm band. After Museo Borb., Vol. VII, pl. 46 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 318)379216 a-d.Silver cups. Naples Museum. After Museo Borb., Vol. XI, pl. 45; Vol. XIII, pl. 49; Overbeck-Mau, pl. facing p. 624379216 e.Detail of cup with centaurs380217.Silver cup. Boscoreale treasure, Louvre. After H. de Villefosse, Le trésor de Boscoreale, pl. 8382218.Ruins of a bakery, with millstones (VII. ii. 22). From a photograph386219.Plan of a bakery (VI. iii. 3)388220.A Pompeian mill, without the framework389221.Section of a mill, restored. From an original drawing389222.A mill in operation. Relief in the Vatican Museum. After Ber. der Sächs. Gesellschaft, 1861, pl. xii. 2390223.Section of a bake oven (VI. iii. 3). After Mazois, Vol. II, pl. 18 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 192)391224.Kneading machine, restored (VI. xiv. 35). From an original drawing391225.Scene in a fullery—treading vats. Wall painting. Naples Museum. After Museo Borb., Vol. IV, pl. 49 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 195)394226.Scene in a fullery—inspection of cloth, carding, bleaching frame. Wall painting. Naples Museum. After Museo Borb., Vol. IV, pl. 49 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 194)394227.A fuller's press. Wall painting. Naples Museum. After Museo Borb., Vol. IV, pl. 50 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 196)395228.Plan of a fullery (VI. xiv. 22)396229.Plan of the vat room of the tannery (I. v. 2)398230.Mosaic top of the table in the garden of the tannery. Naples Museum. From a photograph399231.Plan of an inn (VII. xii. 35)401232.Plan of the inn of Hermes (I. i. 8)402233.Plan of a wineshop (VI. x. 1)402234.Scene in a wineshop. Wall painting (VI. x. 1). After Museo Borb., Vol. IV, pl. A403235.Delivery of wine. Wall painting (VI. x. 1). After Museo Borb., Vol. IV, pl. A403 236.Sepulchral benches of Veius and Mamia; tombs of Porcius and the Istacidii. From a photograph (A. M.)409237.The tomb of the Istacidii, restored. From an original drawing411238.View of the Street of Tombs. From a photograph414239.Glass vase, with vintage scene, found in the tomb of the Blue Glass Vase. Naples Museum. From a photograph416240.Bust stone of Tyche, slave of Julia Augusta. After Mazois, Vol. I, p. 31 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 223), with the correction in the spelling of the name TYCHE418241.Relief, symbolic of grief for the dead. After Mazois, Vol. I, pl. 29 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 221)421242.Front of the tomb of Calventius Quietus, with bisellium. From a photograph422243.End of the tomb of Naevoleia Tyche, with relief representing a ship entering port. From a photograph423244.Cinerary urn in a lead case. After Mazois, Vol. I. pl. 22 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 213)424245.Sepulchral enclosure, with triclinium funebre. After Mazois, Vol. I, pl. 20 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 210)425246.Plan of the tombs east of the Amphitheatre*431247.View of two tombs east of the Amphitheatre. From a photograph (F. W. K.)432248.View of other tombs east of the Amphitheatre. From a photograph (F. W. K.)434249.Four-faced Ionic capital. Portico of the Forum Triangulare. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 272439250.Capital of pilaster. Casa del duca d'Aumale. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 274439251.Altar in the court of the temple of Zeus Milichius. After Mazois, Vol. IV, pl. 6 (Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 63)440252.Capitals of columns, showing variations from typical forms. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 274442253.Capital of pilaster, modified Corinthian type. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 274443254.Capitals of pilasters, showing free adaptation of the Corinthian type. After Overbeck-Mau, Fig. 274443255.Statue of the priestess Eumachia. Naples Museum. From a photograph446256.Portrait herm of Caecilius Jucundus. Naples Museum. From a photograph447257.Double bust, Bacchus and a bacchante. Garden of the house of the Vettii. From a photograph448258.Dancing Satyr. Bronze statuette found in the house of the Faun. Naples Museum. From a photograph451 259.Listening Dionysus, wrongly identified as Narcissus. Bronze statuette in the Naples Museum. From a photograph452260.Bronze youth, found in November, 1900. Naples Museum. From a photograph454261.Wall decoration in the atrium of the house of Sallust. First or Incrustation Style. After Tafel II of Mau's Geschichte der decorativen Wandmalerei in Pompeji460262.Скачать книгу