Manures and the principles of manuring. Charles Morton Aikman

Manures and the principles of manuring - Charles Morton Aikman

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Guano theory of origin of nitrate of soda 337 Nitric acid in nitrate of soda probably derived from sea-weed 339 Appearance of nitrate-fields 340 The method of mining the nitrate of soda 341 Composition of caliche 342 Extent of the nitrate deposits 342 Composition and properties of nitrate of soda 343 Nitrate applied as a top-dressing 344 Nitrate of soda encourages deep roots 344 Is nitrate of soda an exhausting manure? 345 Crops for which nitrate of soda is suited 346 Method of application of nitrate of soda 347 Importance of having a sufficiency of other fertilising constituents 348 Conclusions drawn 349 APPENDIX TO CHAPTER IX. Total shipmentes from South America, 1830–1893 351 Total imports into Europe and United Kingdom, 1873–1892 351 CHAPTER X.—SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. Value of ammonia as a manure 352 Sources of sulphate of ammonia 353 Ammonia from gas-works 353 Other sources 354 Composition, &c., of sulphate of ammonia 355 Application of sulphate of ammonia 356 APPENDIX TO CHAPTER X. Production of sulphate of ammonia in United Kingdom, 1870–1892 358 CHAPTER XI.—BONES. Early use of bones 359 Different forms in which bones are used 360 Composition of bones 362 The organic matter of bones 363 The inorganic matter of bones 363 Treatment of bones 364 Action of bones 365 Dissolved bones 368 Crops suited for bones 368 Bone-ash 369 Bone-char or bone-black 369 APPENDIX TO CHAPTER XI. NOTE I. Analysis of bone-meal 371 II. Analysis of dissolved bones 371 III. Composition of bone-ash 372 IV. Composition of bone-char 372 CHAPTER XII.—MINERAL PHOSPHATES. Coprolites 373 Canadian apatite or phosphorite 374 Estremadura or Spanish phosphates 375 Norwegian apatite 376 Charlestown or South Carolina phosphate 376 Belgian phosphate 377 Somme phosphate 378 Florida phosphate 378 Lahn phosphate 379 Bordeaux or French phosphate 379 Algerian phosphate 379 Crust guanos 379 Value of mineral phosphates as manures 380
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