Manures and the principles of manuring. Charles Morton Aikman

Manures and the principles of manuring - Charles Morton Aikman

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192 Absence of nitrification in forest-soils 193 Important bearing of nitrification on agricultural practice 193 Desirable to have soil covered with vegetation 194 Permanent pasture most economical condition of soil 194 Nitrification and rotation of crops 195 APPENDIX TO CHAPTER IV. NOTE I. Old theories of nitrification 196 II. Nitrification takes place in solutions devoid of organic matter 196 III. Oxidising power of micro-organisms in soils 197 IV. Effect of urine on nitrification in soils 197 V. Solution used by Professor Frankland in cultivating nitrificative micro-organisms 198 VI. Experiments by Boussingault on rate of nitrification 198 VII. Nitrogen as nitrates in Rothamsted soils after bare fallow in lb. per acre 198 CHAPTER V.—POSITION OF PHOSPHORIC ACID IN AGRICULTURE. Occurrence of phosphoric acid in nature 199 Mineral sources of phosphoric acid 200 Apatite and phosphorite 200 Coprolites 201 Occurrence of phosphoric acid in guanos 202 Universal occurrence in common rocks 202 Occurrence in the soil 203 Condition in which phosphoric acid occurs in the soil 203 Occurrence in plants 204 Occurrence in animals 205 Sources of loss of phosphoric acid in agriculture 205 Loss of phosphoric acid by drainage 206 Artificial sources of loss of phosphoric acid 206 Amount of phosphoric acid removed in milk 207 Loss of phosphoric acid in treatment of farmyard manure 208 Loss of phosphoric acid in sewage 208 Sources of artificial gain of phosphoric acid 208 APPENDIX TO CHAPTER V. NOTE I. Composition of apatite (Voelcker) 210 II. Percentage of phosphoric acid in the commoner rocks 211 CHAPTER VI.—POSITION OF POTASH IN AGRICULTURE. Potash of less importance than phosphoric acid 212 Occurrence of potash 213 Felspar and other potash minerals 213 Stassfurt salts 214 Occurrence of saltpetre 215 Occurrence of potash in the soil 215 Potash chiefly in insoluble condition in soils 216 Percentage of potash in plants and plant-ash 216 Occurrence of potash in animal tissue 217 Sources of loss of potash 217 Amount of potash removed in crops 218 Amount of potash removed in milk 218 Potash manures 218 APPENDIX TO CHAPTER VI. NOTE I. Amount of potash in different minerals 220 II. Quantity of potash obtained from 1000 lb. of different kinds of vegetation in the manufacture of potashes 220
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