"Swingin Round the Cirkle.". David Ross Locke

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never stand that, and they all stepped out.

      Finally it wuz decided that a election should be held at some fucher time.

      The next step wuz to divide em up into employments. The President requested them ez preferred to foller mekanikle employments to step out: Sum thirty advanced. Them ez preferred farmin: About fifty stept out. Them ez expected to run small groceries:

      There wuz a sound like the rush uv many waters. Ninety-eight per cent, uv all—ceptin the officers and preachers—sprung to the front, but when they saw ther strength, their faces turned white. “Good Lord!” whispered they; “we can’t make a livin out uv the remainin two per cent. and the officers and preachers!”

      The mass then demanded a division uv the property, that all mite start alike, but upon takin a inventory, it wuz found not wuth while to bother about a division.

      Then they commenced murmurin, and sed wun to another, “Oh for the flesh pots uv the Egypt we left!” “I cood, at hum, live off my Ablishn nabers.” “There wuz rich men in our ward, but ez we hed the majority, they paid taxes, which we spent!” “Ablishnists is pizen, but it is well enough to hev enough uv em to tax!” and ez wun man, they resolved to return, and the confusion that resulted from the breakin up awoke me.

      There is onquestionably a moral in the vision. Ez often ez I hev syed for perpetual Democratic majorities, I hev sumtimes, when our party wuz successful, and bid fair to be so permanently, wondered what we would do with the Treasury ef we didn’t lose the offices occasionally, so ez to hev the other party nurse it into pickin condition for us.

      I don’t think I shood like to live in a unanimous Dimocratic community.

      Petroleum V. Nasby,

       Lait Paster uv the Church of the Noo Dispensashun.

       Table of Contents

      A Change of Base—Kentucky.—A Sermon which was interrupted by a Subjugated and Subdued Confederate.

      Confedrit × Roads

       (wich is in the Stait uv Kentucky),

       December 9, 1865.

      Here in the grate Stait uv Kentucky, the last hope uv Democrisy, I hev pitched my tent, and here I propose to lay these old bones when Deth, who has a mortgage onto all uv us, shall see fit to 4close. I didn’t like to leave Washinton. I luv it for its memories. Here stands the Capitol where the President makes his appintments; there is the Post Offis Department, where all the Postmasters is appinted. Here it was that Jaxon rooled. I hed a respex for Jaxon. I can’t say I luved him, for he never yoosed us rite. He hated the Whigs ez bad ez we did, but after we beat em and elevated him to the Presidency, the stealins didn’t come in ez fast ez we expected. Never shel I forgit the compliment he paid me. Jest after his election I presented myself afore him with my papers, an applicant for a place. He read em, and scanned me with a critic’s eye.

      “Can’t yoo make yoose uv sich a man ez me?” sez I, inquirinly.

      “Certinly,” sez he; “I kin and alluz hev. Its sich ez yoo I use to beet the whigs with, and I am continyooally astonished to see how much work I accomplish with sich dirty tools. My dear sir,” sed he, pintin to the door, “when I realize how many sich cusses ez yoo there is, and how cheap they kin be bought up, I really tremble for the Republic.”

      I didn’t get the office I wantid.

      Yet ez much ez I love Washinton, I wuz forced to leave it. I mite hev stayed there, but the trooth is, the planks uv that city and the pavements are harder, and worse to sleep on, than those uv any other city in the Yoonited Staits. I hed lived two months by passin myself off ez Dimekratic Congressmen, but that cood only last a short time, there not bein many uv that persuasion here to personate. I had gone the rounds uv the House ez often ez it wuz safe, and one nite commenced on the Senit. Goin into Willard’s, I called for a go uv gin, wich the gentlemanly and urbane bar keeper sot afore me, and I drank. “Put it down with the rest uv mine,” sez I, with a impressive wave uv the hand.

      “Yoor name?” sez he.

      Assoomin a intellectual look, I retorted, “Do you know Charles Sumner?”

A grumpy looking man gesticulates at a clerk.


      Here I overdid it; here vaultin ambition o’er-leaped herself. Hed I sed “Saulsbury,” it mite have ansered, but to give Sumner’s name for a drink uv gin wuz a peece uv lunacy for wich I kan’t account. I wuz ignominiously kicked into the street. Drinks obtained at the expense uv bein kicked is cheep, but I don’t want em on them terms; my pride revolted, and so I emigrated. The gentlemanly and urbane conductors uv the Pennsylvania Central passed me over their road. They did it with the assistance uv two gentlemanly and urbane brakesmen, wich dropped me tenderly across the track, out uv the hind eend uv the last car.

      I found here a church buildin, uv wich the congregation had bin mostly killed in bushwhackin expeditions, and announsin myself ez a constooshnel preacher from Noo Gersey, succeeded in drawin together a highly respectable awjience last Sunday.

      Takin for a text the passage, “The wagis uv sin is death,” I opened out ez follows:—

      “Wat is sin? Sin, my beloved hearers, is any deviashen from yer normal condishen. Yoor beloved pastor hez a stumick and a head, wich is in close sympathy with each other, so much so, indeed, that the principal biznis uv the head is to fill the stumick, and mighty close work its been for many years, yoo bet. Let yoor beloved pastor drink, uv a nite, a quart or two more than his yoosual allowance, more than his stumick absolootely demands, and his head swells with indignashen. The excess is sin, and the ache is the penalty.

      “The wagis uv sin is death! Punishment and sin is ez unseperable ez the shadder is from the man—one is ez shoor to foller the other ez the assessor is to kum around—ez nite is to foller day. The Dimekratic party, uv wich I am a ornament, hez experienced the trooth uv this text. When Douglas switched off, he sinned, and ez a consekence, Linkin wuz elected, and the Sceptre departed from Israel. When—”

      At this pint in the discourse, a old man in the back part uv the house ariz and interrupted me. He sed he hed a word to say on that subjick which must be sed, and ef I interrupted him till he got through he’d punch my hed; whereupon I let him go on.

      “Trooly,” sez he, “the wages of sin is deth. I hev alluz bin a Dimecrat. The old Dimocracy hez bin in the service uv sin for thirty years, and the assortment uv death it hez received for wages is trooly surprisin. Never did a party commence better. Jaxon wus a honist man, who knew that righteousnis wuz the nashun’s best holt. But he died, and a host uv tuppenny politicians, with his great name for capital, jumped into his old clothes, an undertook to run the party. Ef the Dimocracy coold hev elected a honist man every fourth or fifth term, they mite hev ground along for a longer period, but alars! Jaxon wuz the last of that style we hed, and so many dishonist cusses wuz then in the Capital that his ghost coodent watch the half uv them.

      “The fust installment uv deth we reseeved wuz when Harrison beet us. The old pollytishens in our party didn’t mind it, for, sez they, ‘The Treasurey woodent hev bin wuth mutch to us ennyhow after the suckin it has experienced for 12 years; it needs 4 years uv rest.’ We elected Poke, and here it wuz that Sin got a complete hold uv us. Anshent compacts made with the devil wuz alluz ritten in blud. We made a contract with Calhoonism, and that wuz ritten in blud wich wuz shed in Mexico. Here we sold ourselves out, boots and britches, to the cotton Democricy, and don’t our history ever sence prove the trooth uv the text, ‘The wages uv sin is deth?’ O, my frends! in wat hevy installments, and how regularly, hez these wages bin pade us.

      “Our men uv character commenst leavin us. Silas Write kicked out, and wood hev gone over agin us hed he not fortunately died

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