Family Constellations. Jakob R Schneider
href="#u5c70bac5-c9e4-44a6-b47b-7dfcf48eb389"> Orders and Complex Family Relationships
Giving and Taking Between Parents and Children
The Flow of Life: Obstacles and Solutions
Children Comforting Needy Parents
A Partner Relationship Between Parent and Child
Interrupted Reaching-Out Movements and a Refusal to Reach Out
Please, Thank You, Yes, and Yes to Adversity
4Elements of Constellation Work – More Than Merely a Method
The Choice of Relationship System
Constellations Using Movements of the Soul
Constellations Using Orders of Love
Statements of Bonding and Resolution
The Ritual of Standing in a Line of Ancestors
Constellations of the “Greater Soul”
5Applications and Effects of Family Constellations
The Setting: Group, Individual, Telephone Sessions
The Results of Family Constellations
The Effects of a Family Constellation
How Clients Deal With a Constellation
6Comments on a Theory of Family Constellations
“RelativeTable of Contents” Representation
Truth and Reality – The Phenomenological Method
Psychotherapy, Counselling, Support in Life Crises, and Applied Philosophy?
This book does not actually need a foreword, nor does it need any words of invitation, preparation, or explanation. It speaks entirely for itself. Originally, the book was planned as a compact introduction to family constellation work and was to be part of a new series of introductions to various systemic approaches and related topics. The task of streamlining shortening a manuscript makes it pithier, more lively and forceful. As we read Jakob Schneider’s first draft, however, it was clear that it was already so clear and compact that it would be a pity to cut it shorter, so we encouraged him to do the opposite and expand the text.
The result is a completely up-to-date, basic introduction to family constellations that is well structured, concise, and supported by many clear and often touching case examples. It summarises the development, basic principles, focus, attitude, and procedures of constellations and it does