The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland. Church of Scotland. General Assembly
and mis-reported. Balaam, although a false Prophet, was wronged: for in place of that which hee said, The Lord refuseth to give me leave to go with you: the princes of Moab reported unto Balack, that Balaam refused to goe with them. But our comfort is, That Truth is the daughter of time, and although calumnie often starteth first, and runneth before, yet Veritie followeth her at the heels, and possesseth her self in noble and royall hearts: where base calumnie cannot long finde place. And our confidence is, that your Majestie with that worthie King, will keep one eare shut against all the obloquies of men; and with that more wise King, who when he gave a proofe that the wisedome of GOD was in him to doe judgement, would have both parties to stand before him at once: that hearing them equally, they might speed best, and go out most chearfully from his Majesties face, who had the best cause. When your Majesties wisedome hath searched all the secrets of this Assembly, let us be reputed the worst of all men, according to the aspersions whith partialitie would put upon us, let us be the most miserable of all men to the full satisfaction of the vindictive malice of our adversaries, let us by the whole world bee judged of all men the most unworthie to breath any more in this your Majesties Kingdome, if the cause that we maintaine, and have been prosecuting, shall be found any other, but that we desire that the Majestie of GOD, who is our fear and our dread, be served, and his house ruled, according to his owne will; if we have not carried along with us in all Sessions of our Assemblie, a most humble and loyall respect to your Majesties honour, which next unto the honour of the living GOD, lyeth nearest our hearts; if we have not keeped our selves within the limits of our reformation, without debording or reflecting upon the constitution of other [pg 070] reformed Kirks, unto which wee heartily wish all truth and peace, and by whose sound judgement and Christian affection we certainly look to be approven; if we have not failed rather by lenitie then by rigour in censuring of delinquents, never exceeding the rules and lines prescribed, and observed by this Kirk, and if (whatsoever men minding themselves, suggest to the contrary) the government and discipline of this Kirk, subscribed and sworn before, and now acknowledged by the unanimous consent of this Assembly, shall not bee found to serve for the advancement of the Kindome of CHRIST, for procuring all duetifull obedience to your Majestie, in this your Kingdome, and great riches and glorie to your Crown, for peace to us, your Majesties loyall subjects, and for terrour to all the enemies of your Majesties honour and our happinesse: and if any act hath proceeded from us, so farre as our understanding could reach, and humane infirmitie would suffer which being duely examined according to the grounds laid by your Majesties Father, of everlasting memory, and our religious Progenitours, and which Religion did forbid us to infringe, shall merit the anger and indignation, wherewith wee are so often threatned: But on the contrare, having sincerely sought the glorie of GOD, the good of Religion, your Majesties honour, the censure of impietie, and of men who had sold themselves to wickednesse, and the reestablishment of the right constitution and government of this Kirk, farre from the smallest appearance of wronging any other reformed Kirk, we humbly beg, and certainly expect, that from the bright beames of your Majesties countenance shining on this your Majesties own Kingdome and people, all our stormes shall bee changed in a comfortable calme, and sweet Sun-shine, and that your Majesties ratification in the ensuing Parliament, graciously indicted by your Majesties Proclamation to bee keeped in May, shall setle us in such a firmnesse, and stabilitie in our Religion, as shall adde a further lustre unto your Majesties glorious Diadem, and make us a blessed people under your Majesties long and prosperous reigne; which we beseech him who [pg 071] hath directed us in our affaires, and by whom Kings reigne, to grant unto your Majestie, to the admiration of all the world, the astonishment of your enemies, and comfort of the godly.
Collected, visied, and extracted forth of the Register of the acts of the Assembly by me Mr. A. Jhonston Clerk thereto, under my signe and subscription manuall.
Edinburgh, the 12. of Jan. 1639.
[pg 072]
The General Assembly, At Edinburgh, 1639.
Sess. 8. August 17. 1639.
Master George Grahame his renouncing and abjuring of Episcopacie.
The which day was given into the Assembly, direct from Master George Grahame, sometimes pretended Bishop of Orknay, an abjuration of Episcopacie, subscribed with his hand, which was publickly read in audience of the Assembly; and thereafter they ordained the same to be registrat in the assembly Books ad perpetuam rei memoriam, whereof the tenor follows.
To all and sundry whom it effects, to whose knowledge these presents shall come, specially to the reverend and honourable Members of the future Assembly to be holden at Edinburgh, the twelfth day of August 1639. years: Me Master George Graham, sometime pretended bishop of Orknay, being sorry and grieved at my heart that I should ever for any wordly respect have embraced the order of Episcopacie, the same having no warrand from the Word of God, and being such an order, as hath had sensibly many fearful and evill consequences in many parts of Christendome, and particularly [pg 073] within the Kirk of Scotland, as by doleful and deplorable experience this day is manifest, to have disclaimed, like as I by the tenor hereof doe altogether disclaime and abjure all Episcopal power and jurisdiction, with the whole corruptions thereof, condemned by lawful Assemblies within the said Kirk of Scotland, in regard the same is such an order as is also abjured within the said Kirk, by vertue of that National Oath with was made in the years 1580. and 1581. promising and swearing by the great Name of the Lord our God, That I shall never whiles I live, directly or indirectly, exerce any such power within the Kirk, neyther yet shall I ever approve or allow the same, not so much as in my private or publike discourse: But on the contrary, shall stand and adhere to all the Acts and Constitutions of the late Assembly holden at Glasgow, the 21. of Novemb. 1638. last by-past, and shall concurre to the uttermost of my power, sincerely and faithfully, as occasion shall offer, in execution the said Acts, and in advancing the Work of Reformation within this Land, to the glory of God, the peace of the Countrey, and the comfort and and contentment of all good Christians, as God shall be my help. In testimony of the which premisses, I have subscribed thir presents with my hand at Breeknes in Stronnes, the eleventh day of February, the year of God 1639. years, before thir witnesses Master Walter Stuart, Minister at Shoutronnaldsay, Master James Heynd, Minister at Kirkwall, Master Robert Peirson, Minister at Firth, and Master Patrick Grahame, Minister at Holme, my Son.
Sess. 8. August 17. 1639.
Act containing the Causes and Remedie of the by-gone Evils of this Kirk.
The Kings Majestie having graciously declared, That it is His Royal will and pleasure, that all questions about Religion, and matters Ecclesiastical be determined by Assemblies [pg 074] of the Kirk, having also by publike Proclamation indicted this free national Assembly, for setling the present distraction of this Kirk, and for establishing a perfect peace, against such divisions and disordres as have been sore displeasing to his Majestie, and grievous to all his good Subjects. And now his Majesties Commissioner John Earle of Traquair, intrusted and authorized with a full Commission, being present, and sitting in this Assembly, now fully conveened and orderly constitute in all the members thereof, according to the order of this Kirk, having at large declared His Majesties zeal to the reformed Religion, and His Royal care and tender affection to this Kirk, where His Majestie had both His Birth and Baptisme, His great displeasure at the manifold distractions and divisions of this Kirk and Kingdome, and His desires