The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland. Church of Scotland. General Assembly

The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland - Church of Scotland. General Assembly

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Table of Contents

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      The which day the General Assembly upon the report of the Committees anent these who are deposed by Synods, Doe make this General Act, recommending to the Synods all these who are deposed befor them for subscribing of the Declinator, & reading of the Service book and for no other grosse cause, That upon their true repentance & submission to the Constitutions of this Kirk & upon their purgation and clearnesse from any grosse Faults laid to their charge in any new processe against them, they may be found by the Synod as capable of the Ministrie, when God grants them an ordinary and lawful calling by admission from the Presbyterie, either in the Church they served in before, or in any other Church.

      [pg 079]

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      The General Assembly recommendeth to the several Presbyteries the execution of the old acts of Assembly, against the breach of the Sabbath Day, by going of Mylnes, Salt-Pannes, Salmond-fishing, or any such like labour; and to this end revives and renues the act of the Assembly holden at Haly-rude-house, 1602. Sess. 5. whereof the tenor follows.

      The Assembly considering that the conventions of the People, specially on the Sabbath Day are very rare in many places, by distraction of labour not only in harvest and seed-time, but also every Sabbath, by fishing both of the white fish, and Salmond-fishing, and in going of Mylnes. Therefore the Assembly dischargeth and inhibiteth all such labour of fishing, as well white fish and Salmond-fish, and going of Mylnes of all sorts upon the Sabbath, under the pain of incurring the censures of the Kirk: And ordaines the Commissioners of this Assembly, to mean the same to His Majestie, and to desire that a pecunial paine may be injoyned upon the contraveeners of this present Act.

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      That some Commissioners be appointed to visit and peruse the whole Acts of General Assemblies, and to marke such Acts as are for the use of the Kirk in General, To extract the same out of the Registers, to the effect that after they be tryed, they may be printed according to the old Acts of the Assembly at Edinburgh, March 7. 1574. Sess. 9.

      The Assembly appoints the Presbyterie of Edinburgh, to have a care of this article, and to report their diligence to the next Assembly.

      [pg 080]

      That course may be taken for restraining of people from passing to England to marry, which is the occasion of great in conveniences.

      The Assembly alloweth this article, and recommends to the Parliament, that they would appoint a pecuniall summe to be payed by the contraveeners.

      That the Acts for furnishing expences to Commissioners, sent by the Presbyteries to the General Assembly, and sent in Commission by Generall Assemblies, may be explained; And it be declared that all such Commissioners whatsoever, by their stipends may be furnished by the Kirks of the Presbyterie, according to the order, set down in the Act of the last Assembly, since the errand is common, and the benefit concerneth all: and that order may be taken, how that an expedient voluntarie course, thought fit by the Assembly, shall by advise of Parliament, have the force of a law, for compelling these to pay who are stented, both for the last and this Assembly and in time to come.

      The Assembly allowes this article, and referres the same to the Parliament.

      That the Session-books of every Paroche be presented once a year to the Presbyteries, that they may be tryed by them.

      The Assembly alloweth this article.

      That the Act of the 38. Assembly at Edinburgh, October 24, 1578. Sess. 8. ordaining Ministers who are deposed, to be charged under the pain of excommunication, to dimit their places, that they may be unquestionably vacand, may now be renewed.

      The Assembly alloweth this article, and remits the same to the Parliament.

      The Assembly would revive or renew all former Acts of Assembly against Papists, and excommunicate persons, against haunters with them and receivers of them.

      The Assembly alloweth this article.

      That an uniforme Catechisme may be appointed to be used throughout this whole Kingdome in the examinations before the Communion.

      The Assembly alloweth this article.

      [pg 081]

      That all Ministers or Intrants presented to Kirks, be tryed before their admission, if they be qualified for the places to which they are presented, besides the ordinary tryalls of Expectants before their entrie to the Ministerie.

      The Assembly alloweth this article.

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      We the Members of this present Assembly, for our selves, and in name of the severall Presbyteries, Burghs, and Universities, for which we are Commissioners resenting the great dishonour done to God, our King, this Kirk, and whole Kingdome, by the Book called, A large Declaration, have here represented the same to your Grace, and have collected some amongst many of false grosse and absurd passages; That from the consideration thereof, your Grace, perceiving the intolerable evills foresaids contained therein, may be pleased to represent the same to our gracious Soveraigne, and in our behalfs humbly to beseech his Majestie, so much wronged by the many foul and false relations, suggested and perswaded to him as trueths, and by stealing the protection of His Royal Name and Authoritie to the patrocinie of such a Book: To be pleased first to call in the said Book: and thereby to shew his dislike thereof: Next to give Commission and warrant, To cite all such parties as are either knowne or suspect to have hand in it, and to appoint such as His Majestie knowes to be either authors, informers, or any wayes accessarie, being Natives of this Kingdome, To be sent hither to abide their tryall and censure before the Judge Ordinary, and in speciall Master Walter Balcanquell, now Deane of Durham, who is known and hath professed to be the author, at least a vower and maintainer of a great part thereof; that by their examplar [pg 082] punishment, others may be deterred from such dangerous courses, as in such a way to raise sedition betwixt the King and His Subjects, Gods honour may be vindicate from so high contempt, His Majesties justice may appear, not only in cutting away such Malefactors, but in discouraging all such under-miners of His throne, His loyall and loving Subjects shall be infinitly contented to be cleared before the world of so false and unjust imputations, and will live hereafter in the greater securitie, when

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