The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland. Church of Scotland. General Assembly

The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland - Church of Scotland. General Assembly

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so dangerous a course of sedition is prevented, and so will have the greater and greater cause to pray for His Majesties long & prosperous Reigne.

      His Majesties Commissioner in Councell having received the said supplication, promised to impart the same to His Majesty, and to report his diligence therein.

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      Wee the Generall Assembly, considering with all humble and thankful acknowledgement, the many recent favours bestowed upon us by His Majestie, and that there resteth nothing for crowning of His Majesties incomparable goodnesse towards us, but that all the members of this Kirk and Kingdom be joyned in one and the same Confession and Covenant with God, with the Kings Majestie, and amongst ourselves: And conceiving the main lett and impediment to this so good a work, and so much wished by all, to have been the Informations made to his Majestie, of our intentions to shake off Civil and dutiful obedience due to Soveraignity, and to diminish the Kings greatnesse and authoritie, and being most willing and desirous to remove this and all such impediments which may hinder and impede so full and perfect an Union, and for clearing of our loyaltie, WEE in our own names, and in name of all the rest of the Subjects and Congregations whom we represent, do now [pg 083] in all humility represent to your Grace, His Majesties Commissioner, and the Lords of His Majesties most honourable privie Councel, and declares before God and the World, that we never had nor have any thought of with-drawing our selves from that humble and dutiful obedience to His Majestie, and to his Government, which by the descent & under the reign of 107 Kings is most chearfully acknowledged by us and our predecessors: And that we never had, nor have any intention nor desire to attempt any thing that may tend to dishonour of God, or the diminution of the Kings greatnesse and authoritie: But on the contrary, acknowledging our quietnesse, stabilitie and happinesse to depend upon the safety of the Kings Maj. Person, & maintenance of His greatnesse and Royal authority who is Gods Vice-gerent set over us, for the maintenance of Religion and ministration of Justice, We have solemnly sworn and do sweare, not only our mutual concurrence and assistance for the cause of Religion, and to the uttermost of our power, with our means and lives, to stand to the defence of our dread Soveraigne, his Person and authority, in preservation and defence of the true Religion, Liberties and Lawes of this Kirk and Kingdome, but also in every cause which may concerne His Majesties honour, shall according to the Lawes of this Kingdome, and the duties of good Subjects concurre with our friends and followers in quiet manner, or in armes, as we shall be required of His Majestie, His Councel, or any having his Authority. And therefore being most desirous to cleare our selves of all imputation of this kinde, and following the laudable example of our predecessors, 1589. do most humble supplicate your Grace, His Majesties Commissioner, and the Lords of His Majesties most honourable privie Councell, to enjoyn by Act of a Councel, that this Confession and Covenant, which, as a testimony of our fidelity to God, and loyaltie to our King, we have subscribed, be subscribed by all His Majesties Subjects, of what rank and quality soever.

      [pg 084]

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      The which day in presence of the Lord Commissioner and the Lords of privie Councel, compeired personally John Earle of Rothes, James Earle of Montrose, John Lord Lowdoun, Sir George Stirling of Keir Knight, Sir William Douglas of Cavers Knight, Sir Henry Wood of Bonytoun Knight, John Smyth Burgesse of Edinburgh, Mr. Robert Barclay Provest of Irwing, Mr. Alexander Henderson Minister at Edinburgh, and Mr. Archbald Johnstoun Clerk to the General Assembly, and in the name of the present sitting General Assembly, gave in to the Lord Commissioner, and Lords of privie Councel, the Petition above written; which being read, heard, and considered by the saids Lords, they have ordained, and ordain the same to be insert and registrate in the books of Privie Councel, and according to the desire thereof, ordaines the said Confession and Covenant to be subscribed in time coming by all His Majesties Subjects of this Kingdome, of what ranke and quality soever.

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      The which day His Majesties Commissioner, and Lords of Councel, after the receiving of the Supplication of the General Assembly, anent the subscribing of the Covenant, having returned to the Assembly, His Majesties Commissioner in name of the Councel, declared; That he had received the Supplication of the Assembly, desiring that the Covenant might receive the force of an Act of Councel, to be subscribed by all His Majesties Subjects, that they had found the desire so fair and reasonable, that they conceived themselves bound in duety to grant the same; and thereupon have made an Act of Councel to that effect: And [pg 085] that there rested now the Act of Assembly. And that he himself was so fully satisfied, that he came now as his Majesties Commissioner to consent fully unto it: And that he was most willing that it should be enacted here in this Assembly, to oblige all his Majesties Subjects to subscribe the said Covenant, with the Assemblies explanation. And because there was a third thing desired, His subscription as the Kings Commissioner, unto the Covenant, which he behoved to do, with a Declaration in writ, and he declared as a Subject, he should subscribe the Covenant as strictly as any, with the Assemblies Declaration; but as His Majesties Commissioner in his name behoved to prefix to his subscription, the Declaration following, which no Scots Subjects should subscribe, or have the benefit of, no not himself as Earle of Traquair. The tenor whereof follows:

      Seeing this Assembly, according to the laudable form and custome heretofore kept in the like cases, have in an humble and dutiful way, supplicate to us His Majesties Commissioner, and the Lords of His most honourable Privie Councel, That the Covenant, with the explanation of this Assembly, might be subscribed: And to that effect that all the Subjects of this Kingdome by Act of Councel be required to doe the same: And that therein for vindicating themselves from all suspitions of disloyaltie, or derogating from the greatnesse and authoritie of our dread Soveraigne, have therewith added a Clause, whereby this Covenant is declared one in substance with that which was subscribed by His Majesties Father of blessed memory 1580, 1581, 1590. and oftner since renewed. Therefore I as His Majesties Commissioner, for the full satisfaction of the Subjects, and for settling a perfect Peace in Church and Kingdome, doe according to my foresaids Declaration and Subscription, subjoyned to the Act of this Assembly of the date the 17 this instant, allow and consent that the Covenant be subscribed throughout all this Kingdome. In witnes whereof I have subscribed the premisses.

      [pg 086]

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      I John Earle of Traquair, His Majesties Commissioner this present Assembly, doe in His Majesties Name declare, that nothwithstanding of His Majesties own inclination, and many other grave and weightie consideration yet such is His Majesties incomparable goodnesse, that for settling the present distractions, and giving full satisfaction to the Subject, He doth allow, like as I His Majesties Commissioner do consent to the foresaid Act, and have subscribed the premisses.

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      It is alwayes hereby declared by me His Majesties Commissioner, That the practise of the premisses, prohibited within this Kirk and Kingdome,

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