Vegetable Teratology. Maxwell T. Masters

Vegetable Teratology - Maxwell T. Masters

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      CHAPTER I.


      It must be understood therefore that the term, as generally applied, does not so much indicate the cleavage of a persistent organ, as it does the formation and development of two or more growing points instead of one, whence results a branching or forking (di-tri-chotomy) of the affected organ. In some instances it seems rather to be due to the relative deficiency of cellular, as contrasted with fibro-vascular tissue.

      Fig. 25.—Bifurcated male inflorescence, Cedrus Libani.

      This subdivision of axial organs is not unfrequently the result of some injury or mutilation, thus Duval Jouve alludes to the frequency with which branched stems are produced in the various species of Equisetum, as a consequence of injuries to the main stem, but this is rather to be considered as a multiplication of parts than as a subdivision of one.

      Fig. 26.—Bifurcated leaf of Lamium album, &c.

      Fig. 27.—Bifurcated leaf of Pelargonium.

      Fern fronds are particularly liable to this kind of subdivision, and they exhibit it in almost every degree, from a simple bifurcation of the frond to the formation of large tufts of small lobes all formed on the same plan by the repeated forking of the pinnules. These may be considered as cases of hypertrophy.

      Moquin-Tandon, at a meeting of the Botanical Society of France (April 3rd, 1858) exhibited a leaf of Cerasus Lauro-Cerasus divided in such a manner as to resemble a leaf of Citrus or of Phyllarthron. In this case, therefore, the disunion must have taken place laterally, and not from apex towards base, as is most common. The leaves of the common horse-radish, Cochlearia Armoracia, are very subject to this pinnated subdivision of the margin, and numerous other illustrations might be given.

      Fig. 28.—Bifurcated frond, Scolopendrium vulgare.

      It is not always easy to recognise, at a first glance, whether the division be the result of disunion or of an incomplete union of two leaves, but we may be guided by the number of leaves in the

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