The Human Mind. Marion Julius
to be the right move but later on you find out your not really suited for that person.
Be clear about what you want so if you want to be just friends then say so and then there will be no disappointments and problems. And so no one will get hurt this way it is fair on all people involved it will make things easier and less complicated for all of them. When we choose people who are not right for us it will maybe cause trouble and/or could lead into a bad situation which turns ugly.
Start a conversation with them, get to know them, ask questions, talk about things you like, if they are interested in you they might give you eye contact when talking, you might go to places to meet people and you could places that does has things you like such as:
Hobby - if you're into doing things that are creative you might go to a place which does creative things.
Favorite sport - then if you like sport you could go to a sporting event or go play a sport.
To find out if someone might be good for you you might go and take the step to approach them and begin a conversation and see where it leads.
At a nightclub
Man: "Hey there would you like to dance?"
Girl: "No. I'm hanging out with my girlfriends."
Man: "Can I buy you a drink?"
Girl: "No thank you please leave me alone I love David."
Sometimes people think of different things and they can occasionally misunderstand and misinterpret things. And so its necessary to act in a way so that people don't get confused and misled.
Body language.
Verbal & Physical communication - Use the appropriate language and have a conversation suggesting what you'd like and don't want. That way everyone is understanding what's going on.
Make contact with them via phone calls, emails etc.
Give out the right signals so people don't get misled or misunderstand you and to be
If you give out the wrong signal the other person/s could get confused and take it to be something its not.
To remember our thinking/thoughts are not always the same as other people so we/they could react in a different way leading them to behave in a certain way. Which could lead to an unpleasant experience causing someone to get hurt emotionally and/or physically depending on the situation. You don't want to jump into something to quickly so you should first get to know someone seeing if there's chemistry and that you are attracted to that person. Finding out how they feel about things their beliefs, their likes and dislikes and see if you're suited for each other.
By being yourself and being upfront what you like and don't will allow you to see if that is the right person for you and when/if you want to do a project making sure you choose the right people who have all the necessary skills which you need. Then this way you can move forward knowing that its going to be easier because you don't have to worry later on that someone doesn't know how to do something. Finding out at the start is better because you can begin to organize your work and carry on without worrying about things.
Find the right person for you by just being you saying yes or no getting what you want and need.
Chapter 7: Don't Give Up
Don't Give Up Try Again
Sometimes when things don't work out people usually want to give up and say that's it no more. They at times cannot handle the disappointment and failure of not succeeding not achieving the results they wanted to get. There are people who can't deal with failure it drives them to a point where they get really angry and upset so annoyed that they didn't get what they wanted in life. People say to them try again and don't give up but its hard at times the human mind makes us things things the thoughts saying to yourself this is too hard, why bother trying again I'm just going to try again and other sort of negative thoughts.
Giving up is so easy then falling into a stage where you feel sorry for yourself you feel as though that is your only choice. There are maybe family or friends that might try and encourage you to try again they keep cheering you up and putting ideas in your mind to find the courage and strength to keep motivated to try again.
When people give up they stop trying and become angry, frustrated and annoyed that they cannot get what they want. They might put the idea down and get tired of trying so they feel disappointed and so they might throw tantrums. Some people who are very weak might go into a depression and make themselves very sick. Where they don't want to do anything they avoid going to places and/or they don't want to be around people. Trying again at times for some people can be a difficult thing because they don't want to deal with it again afraid of failing.
Girl: "I can't do this anymore I quit its just too hard."
Manager: "Don't worry its okay you can do it we'll get you more training."
If you feel like giving up don't because there's always a way to get better at things no one is perfect. There are supportive people who understand that human error occurs and so you can get help try again don't panic.
Boy: "This is so ridiculous how am I going to finish one hundred claims in a day this stupid computer is so slow."
Manager: "Relax okay thanks for telling me I'll cut down your target for the day don't give up."
If at first you don't succeed try and try again, believe in yourself.
Don't give up.
Chapter 8: Risk Taking
Take The Risk Or Play Safe
At times people consider taking a risk with decision making and/or gambling some risk takers risk it all and don't really worry about what happens after. They often invest a lot of money including their houses and with other things they are prepared to even lie and do whatever they can for personal gain to get what they want. However some other people like to play safe and are very careful with what they do so they don't take the risk when doing things.
Taking the risk there's a chance you might have an outcome where it's up to you that would be an individual choice some people are ready to go out and gamble and spend their last and others can control their behavior. These risk takers chase and chase trying to win they are addicted to it and they deny they have a problem.
There are people who are just obsessed with gambling and have no control over it they addicted and cannot stop. This is where even though your thinking keep going and keep trying you might get lucky you should be really thinking no its time to stop. Have a break then try again another time or perhaps you’d be thinking no I cannot control this I really do need help and put your hand up for help. Gambling addicts don’t stop and they’ll borrow and some even steal to do this its a huge problem and sometime some only find out its a problem when its too late when they’ve lost it all and they’re homeless with nothing.
If you’re gambling in moderation then that’s okay if you’ve stuck to a strict budget and can control what you use making sure you’ve covered enough money for other important things then its okay. Play safe and stop altogether if you know you’re weak in that area and its too risky for you to do it then just stop and train yourself to say no keeping away from all those gambling places and people.
Think hard about what you're about to do your actions lead to consequences.
Chapter 9: Fix Mistakes
Learn By Your Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes sometime in their life we are all human and human error happens. By rectifying our mistakes and correcting them getting further training to get better at something this could take time and/or you could try and not repeat that same mistake by being more careful and try by writing things down so you can remember it (diary/notebook) you could also stick up posted notes by your desk depending on your situation.