Villani's Chronicle. Giovanni Villani

Villani's Chronicle - Giovanni Villani

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the Florentines came to the court of the Pope, and the prophecy which was made thereupon by Cardinal Bianco 183 § 81.—How the Ghibellines of Tuscany purposed to destroy the city of Florence, and how M. Farinata degli Uberti defended it 184 § 83.—How the Guelf refugees from Florence sent their ambassadors into Germany to stir up Conradino against Manfred 187 § 86.—How the Guelf refugees from Florence, and the other exiles of Tuscany, drave out the Ghibellines from Modena and afterwards from Reggio 188 § 87.—How Manfred persecuted Pope Urban and the Church with his Saracens of Nocera, and how a crusade was proclaimed against them 190 § 88.—How the Church of Rome elected Charles of France to be king of Sicily and of Apulia 192 § 89.—How Charles, count of Anjou and of Provence, accepted the election offered him by the Church of Rome to Sicily and Apulia 193 § 90.—Incident relating to the good Count Raymond of Provence 195 BOOK VII. Here begins the Seventh Book, which treats of the coming of King Charles, and of many changes and events which followed thereupon. § 1. 199 § 2.—How the Guelf refugees from Florence took the arms of Pope Clement, and how they joined the French army of Count Charles 201 § 3.—How Count Charles departed from France, and passed by sea from Provence to Rome 202 § 4.—How Count Guy of Montfort, with the horse of Count Charles, passed through Lombardy 204 § 5.—How King Charles was crowned in Rome king of Sicily, and how he straightway departed with his host to go against King Manfred 205 § 6.—How, after King Charles had taken the pass of Cepperano, he stormed the city of San Germano 207 § 7.—How King Manfred went to Benivento, and how he arrayed his troops to fight against King Charles 209 § 8.—How King Charles arrayed his troops to fight against King Manfred 211 § 9.—Concerning the battle between King Charles and King Manfred, and how King Manfred was discomfited and slain 213 § 13.—How the Thirty-six were established in Florence, and how the Guilds of Arts were formed and standards given thereto 217 § 14.—How the second Popolo rose in Florence, for the which cause Count Guido Novello, with the Ghibelline leaders, left Florence 220 § 15.—How the Popolo restored the Guelfs to Florence, and how they afterwards drave out the Ghibellines 223 § 16.—How, after the Ghibellines had been driven from Florence, the ordinances and councils of the city were reorganized 225 § 17.—How the Guelfs of Florence instituted the Ordinances of the Party 226 § 23.—How the young Conradino, son of King Conrad, came from Germany into Italy against King Charles 228 § 24.—How the marshal of King Charles was defeated at Ponte a Valle by Conradino's army 231 § 25.—How Conradino entered into Rome, and afterwards with his host passed into the kingdom of Apulia 232 § 26.—How the host of Conradino and that of King Charles met in battle at Tagliacozzo 233 § 27.—How Conradino and his people were defeated by King Charles 235 § 29.——How Conradino and certain of his barons were taken by King Charles, and how he caused their heads to be cut off 240 § 31.—How the Florentines defeated the Sienese at the foot of Colle di Valdelsa 242 § 34.—How there was a great flood of waters which carried away the Santa Trinita Bridge and the Carraia Bridge 245 § 37.—How King Louis of France made an expedition to Tunis, wherein he died 246 § 38.—How King Charles concluded a treaty with the king of Tunis, and how the host departed 249 § 39.—How Gregory X. was made Pope at Viterbo, and how Henry, son of the king of England, there died 251 § 42.—How Pope Gregory came with his court to Florence, and caused peace to be made between the Guelfs and Ghibellines 255 § 50.—Of the death of Pope Gregory, and of three other Popes after him 258 § 54.—How Nicholas III., of the Orsini, was made Pope, and concerning that which he did in his time 261 § 56.—How the Cardinal Latino, by the Pope's command, made peace between the Guelfs and Ghibellines of Florence, and composed all the other feuds in the city 263 § 61.—How and after what manner the island of Sicily rebelled against King Charles 267 § 79.—How the Office of Priors was first created in Florence 269 § 81.—How M. Jean d'Appia, count of Romagna, was defeated at Forlì by the count of Montefeltro 272 § 95.—How the good King Charles passed from this life at the city of Foggia in Apulia
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