The modern Tantra path. Th. Om

The modern Tantra path - Th. Om

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       The modern tantra path”

      by Th. Om

      The book “The modern Tantra path” will take the first steps with you on a path that, if you follow it, can and will lead you to a more conscious, happier life. Specifically in Tantra - also in the book - it is about the activation of the love energies of the body in order to bring about a spiritual recovery, to dissolve the blockages of the forehead and crown chakra, of thinking. The holistic teaching also includes the act of love, the fusion as an indispensable tool.

      I, Tsuang Tse, once dreamed

      I am a butterfly

      fluttering back and forth

      a butterfly for all purposes and goals.

      I just knew that I followed my whims like a butterfly

      and was unconscious of my human nature.

      I suddenly woke up; and there I was again: like "myself".

      Now I do not know:

      was I a person who dreamed

      he was a butterfly

      or am I a butterfly now

      who dreamed he was a person?

      „The modern tantra path“

      by Th. Om


      The path of tantra only for couples?Many people who hear about tantra, take it for granted, that the path of tantra primarily has to do with concrete sexuality, which is why a partner, preferably of the opposite sex, must be present. Sure - because how else can you have sex? The idea of Tantra is far above such, downright somewhat naive views. In Tantra, the high school of eroticism, a goal is aimed at, which categorizations such as “single” or “couple” very simply lead ad absurdum. What does a single achieve with tantra?In certain circumstances, someone who considers himself to be single, can gain more from studying and training tantra, than a duo could. Tantra Yoga is about yourself, your body, your temple. A partner is certainly a valuable instrument - a mirror - someone who can help you, whom you help to feel the energies, ultimately to let them flow freely. However, Tantra is not just about sex between two people. Tantra breaks down emotional walls?As a single you have probably put up a lot of barricades to protect your self-imposed status. The grandiose basic idea of Tantra - the solitude of all being - is so powerful that once it comes into your consciousness, such mere conceptual boundaries, such as the concepts of man and woman, single and couple, are completely superfluous and fundamentally dissolve. How does all this help me if I want a partner but can't find one?Just ask yourself the question: “What doesn’t find a partner?” To do this, partition your thinking. What does it matter that I'm not with a woman, a man? You will quickly realize that ultimately it is simply your thinking - a level of your thinking, a part that is positioned next to whoever wants a partner but does not feel able to make it happen. The manifestation of being single in my head?Whether you perceive this stage of the time without a partner in a negative sense or rather as freedom - it is a state that has arisen from limitations, prejudices, prejudices, moralisms, ethical principles, manipulation, misinformation - your view of life. And it's the same state everyone else is in. Whether in a couple relationship or as a single. There is no difference. Tantra opens me?The goal of Tantra Yoga, regardless of all alleged currents in modern Tantra practice, is the union, the free flow of energies. The awakening of Kundalini, the rainbow serpent, a symbol of solitude, expanding over, through the seven chakras. Who should be surprised that in this union of all divine, creative energies, love par excellence, skin color, age, gender, relationship status, religion, body structure - all these judgments, distinctions, are completely irrelevant?

      Tantra opens up a new basis for relationships?To put it simply, the love of creation needs a place in you where it feels comfortable so that it can expand. It's always been there - more powerful than you could ever imagine. Yes, you can't really tell. The energies that you release in tantra exercises, in tantra consciousness, are like water in your dried up, desert-like garden. But I do already have a wonderful blooming garden?Depending on how you look at it. Then Tantra will be the ultimate fulfillment for you. It is important that the perfection that Tantra can achieve is to connect the sexual fulfillment, the physicality, with the spiritual level. The dissolution of the blockages in the chakras, the declared goal of Tantra, aims to do just that. Samadhi, enlightenment, is nothing more than the transcendence of body and mind, the dissolution of any difference that could even be formulated. How can I imagine Tantra in a practical way?As we can see in ourselves, the physical love, touch, sex, releases amazing energy flows in us. In tantra we learn to focus this energy. This is, on the one hand, a really down-to-earth issue of physical training, and on the other, a change in the system of thought. Tantra is holistic. Just as it is about the "erotic" body, how we prepare it for moments of the highest ecstasy, it is also about nutrition, care, and the preservation of the wonderful temple that creation made available to us.

      Tantra is trying to expand love?The basic idea of love is expansion. In other words: love strives to embrace everything out of us - in each of us it is - mostly asleep. The flow of energies, his striving to carry our body unhindered into the infinity of all energies - here it becomes very practical, almost physically evident. The Tantra method fills trenches, builds bridges, creates a wonderful place where love feels comfortable. So the book also is for singles?A resounding YES. The modern tantra path of Th. Om is designed so that you can get full benefit from the lessons even as a single person. Singles are carefully considered - couples experience interesting, fulfilling ways of making love for two. Tantra is the yoga of love. All physical yoga exercises are limited to the individual anyway. Even if the goal is to lift this restriction. A sacred gift The general term "Tantra" encompasses a number of currents, different schools of Tantra. Although Tantra has to do with sex and sexuality in a very concrete way, it is not just about the development of these terms. Rather, the ancient, Vedic tradition of Tantra sees itself as a universal key to the harmonious development of the primal potential of love that slumbers in each of us. There is no separation of spirit and flesh, the body is a lust-giving sacred gift. Every minute moment in life is divine. How can I understand tantra?Is it about better sex? Many people have inadequate knowledge, too little information about the nature of Tantra - so there are some very obscure views about what Tantra actually represents. That it's about sex, about better sex, about the art of love - that much seems clear. The word tantra is also often associated with special massage. But Tantra is different - much more. Is tantra a new way of looking at the meaning of life?The fact that a new way of looking at things arises, especially when one gets involved with the goals of Hinduism, Buddhism - simply a world view tending towards non-duality - cannot fail to exist. But the practical experience in Tantra also offers completely new points of reference for sworn spiritual spirits. Experience and acquired intuition skills in the practice of Tantra broaden the spiritual horizon - almost necessarily. Tantra is a practical spiritual experience?The basis of tantric thinking is simply to place practical experience, the body and its sensations above, at least alongside, the experience of the mind and philosophy. To shape the body into a key that opens one door to the truth after the other. This attempt at transcending seems more than natural, because after all, it is the body that accompanies us on our journey. But ultimately Tantra leads, that is the goal, far beyond the mortal, perishable body.

      So in Tantra I don't have to give up the world?In the view that there really are no opposites, i.e. the non-dualistic thinking as the tantric "uses" it, the differences between the relative world we experience, the "samsara" and the "nirvana", the transcendent world, unavailable. For the practitioner of tantra, it is not about being distant from the world, as it is postulated in other religions, but rather about permanent liberation without actually having to distance yourself

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