The modern Tantra path. Th. Om

The modern Tantra path - Th. Om

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Spirit and bodyIt is important to appreciate it, but we should not reduce ourselves and our being to the body. A joyful and happy minded mind also leads to a healthy body. All limitations we face, are only for our own good, even if we cannot see it in the perception of our very personal reality. As we can see, the whole thing is an extremely exhausting, almost nerve-wracking affair. But we can find peace.

      Categorization dissolves

      It is of the utmost importance to recognize that the path to truth, to light, explicitly leads away from any categorization. How could it be otherwise, since the goal is to be able to truly recognize that everything is one. The cause of all suffering and every need in this world of images of the past is only dualism, the division into good and bad, the judgment.

      Judgment on chaos is pointless

      This is where the veiling of separation begins and here it ends. Anyone who recognizes, that a judgment about this chaotic, unpredictable world is pointless and in vain, that it is a judgment about nothing, no longer has to refer to his physicality, much less divide it into individual areas of responsibility. That can only be a cane, a help. But by giving these chakras pictures and assignments, we can use them as instruments, tools.

      The seven chakras

      Leaves are assigned to the seven main chakras and, depending on the tradition or school, also colors. We want to refrain from the gods who belong to them. Each of the seven main chakras sees itself in connection with an attribute, which we will go into later in the text.

      The main chakras, rising from the bottom, are:

      MuladharaRoot chakra with four leaves SvadhisthanaSacral or sexual chakra with six leaves ManipuraUmbilical or solar plexus chakra with ten leaves AnahataHeart chakra with twelve leaves VishuddhaThroat or throat chakra with sixteen leaves AjnaForehead chakra with two leaves SahasraraCrown or crown chakra, as a thousand-petalled lotus


      Definitely essentialAre you in a pleasant room, atmosphere? Today we want to deal with an extremely important methodology for opening the chakras, for removing blockages. It's all about meditation. There are individual meditation methods for each chakra. Here we have an exercise that works towards all chakras, balances them, heals and cleanses them. In the nowLie on your back on your mat. A pillow under your head can be very valuable. Lie comfortably, feel the ground. Hands with palms on the floor. Now close your eyes. Your thoughts go to your breath. Now just briefly observe your whole body mentally, let go of everything that is in any way burdensome. Be in the moment. How detached from disturbing thoughts("Shavasana" means "in the dead position". It means, the body is completely relaxed - stimuli from the outside world are of no interest. It revolves around your very own, inner universe.) Connect with the underground, the earth. Feel how the ground holds you, how gravity hugs you. Let go of your thoughts, cuddle up in this feeling of embrace. Each digit from 1-30 and one breath from the frontRelax. Here is security, here is a constant, here it is stable. Feel the energies that are around you ,flowing through your body. Be focused and sensitive. That is energy and light. The Universe. Now concentrate fully on your breathing. Then count, starting from one. At the beginning, each digit is a breath. 1 inhale - 2 - exhale. 3 - Inhale - 4 Exhale … Keep counting and breathingWell, after a little while, you can reduce that breathing rate. Slow down the pace. Calm. Keep counting, breathe calmly. When you get to thirty, start over with 1. Concentrate fully on your breathing in conjunction with the numbers. Do not allow any other thoughtsBanish all other thoughts by focusing on counting and breathing. Now feel a gentle wave of sensation, (is it a tingling sensation? Is it warmth?) roll from your toes up your legs and thighs into your abdomen. It takes time, but you can feel this wave. Warmth lingers in the lower abdomenIf the wave reaches your root chakra, also the sexual chakra, the energy lingers there, it takes a while until it goes up further. Sometimes, often, this requires more intense training. But you can feel the energy in the two lower chakras very clearly. A relaxation widens, which can also be expressed in small flatulence, belly rumbling. Every number a breathNow imagine that with every number - with every breath - you are feeding energy into an imaginary field around your abdomen. Breathe light and glowing energy into your abdomen. Don't let the ego's numerous tricks to distract you with other, seemingly far more important, thoughts, interfere with you. Focus on the calm breathing, the corresponding numbers, the energy that you can feel in your body. Back to realityAfter about 10 to 15 minutes of trying to withdraw completely into this space of energies that you have created, to feel the power flowing from your legs up into the root and sexual chakra, lingering in your lower abdomen for relaxation worry, bring yourself back to reality. Clench your fists, prepare - open your eyes, place your hands with your palms on the area around your heart.


      Take a little time, have a cup of tea, a glass of red wine, have a bite to eat. Share your experience, think about what you felt.


      Breathing - always extremely important

      In Tantra there is a constant flow of energies. It has a lot to do with breathing. For today's exercise, the partners lie flat, on their side, in the so-called “spoon position” next to each other. If you lie back, you put one arm under your partner's head so that you can reach the upper chest with it. His palm is there. He places the other palm on the partner's stomach, at about the level of the belly button, towards the abdomen.

      Pure Prana

      Close both your eyes. Well, after a little while, when you get used to the position, both of you try to synchronize your breathing. Try to breathe very calmly at the same time. Concentrate on your partner's breath while doing this. Imagine if this breath were pure energy that connects with yours and intensifies. Lower your breathing rate.

      Feel warmth

      Apply very light pressure with both palms of your hands, imagine that your hands are on the partner's body with constant warmth flowing through them. Mentally visualize your desire to activate existing life and love energy and let it flow, away from all mundane externalities. Before your concentration wanes, change positions.

      At the end of the exercise, you can end the devotion with light circular movements towards the shame of your partner and further caresses, just as you like.

      Exercise for singles

      Your palms

      In addition to the meditation exercise above, do this: Sit in the lotus position. Place your right hand, with your palm open, on the area around your heart, the left hand touches your abdomen, at the level of the navel, towards the abdomen. Close your eyes, feel your breath. Breathe calmly and steadily, trying to lower the breathing rate. Feel the warmth in your palms as it builds up.

      Love flows

      Concentrate fully on the breathing that you can feel with your palms. Imagine the love energy flowing through your whole body, from the palm of your hand on your heart to the solar plexus down to the root chakra, your lower abdomen. Before your concentration wanes, finish the exercise after a few minutes, just as you like it.


      Butterfly muscle

      Again, you should definitely do at least one of the training sessions to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The PC muscle, also known as the butterfly muscle, is an extremely important instrument, which we will go into in more detail later.

      Image3rd devotion Tantra and contraception

      Quite apart from Tantra and yet in the middle of it – contraceptionWhat is this topic, namely contraception, doing in a book

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