The modern Tantra path. Th. Om

The modern Tantra path - Th. Om

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      Center of lustOffer your anus to your partner - so that it can easily reach the Centrum Perinei. Now he is massaging this point with really careful pressure - there are tons of nerves here, as you will immediately notice. Incidentally, a massage of this point during the love game, the union, is extremely pleasurable, with Shiva as well as with Shakti.

      Image5th devotion A wave

      Questioning It is an undisputed fact that there is a wave going across the globe. It causes many people to question their attitude, their thinking about our existence, its meaning and its goal. The outstanding representative of those who seek to make “Eine neue Erde” manifest, is certainly Eckhart Tolle.

      Intellectual effortHowever, there is clearly a discrepancy, a somewhat blurry, nonetheless tangible dividing line between the intellectual efforts, the efforts of the mind to redefine, and the demands of everyday life, which is obviously so unimpressed by these approaches. Simply, it often seems that this way of thinking is not suitable for everyday use. The struggle for life seems more and more importantSublime thoughts that are very difficult to reconcile in a world of wars, concrete social problems and the many private difficulties in dealing with these demands. An uplifting thought exercise that has to take a back seat - in view of the enormous difficulties that the daily struggle for survival clearly demands. Realization almost impossible?Now, this should be clear, an intellectual rethinking, the change in the system of perception and experience is always a very self-centered, subjective story. Changes can only take place and become effective in these thought patterns. However, since there is such an obvious discrepancy between the required, sought-after, new structures and what happens to us as everyday life that has to be mastered, a holistic reflection of these fresh approaches is apparently very difficult. Just a little "wanting" is necessaryIn this context, it is extremely comforting that such a radical reversal, an almost destructive change in what we are as human beings in these, the dominant bonds that perception reveals, is not required of us at all. Rather, the pure willing, i.e. the decision to try to understand, is completely sufficient. We already wonThis means, whoever gets involved with these ideas with his mind, which are described in many thousands of ways, as in Buddhism, actually all religions, has already won. The will to understand is already completely sufficient. Everything else can, must and will go by itself.


      The manipura or navel chakra

      The Manipura Chakra

      We all know the solar plexus chakra. When we talk about making a decision from the gut, we mean the Sun Chakra or Nabho or Nabhi Chakra. This chakra covers the entire abdominal area, right down to the solar plexus, which some people may know from autogenic training. It has its center in the middle of the lumbar spine.

      City of Gems

      The Manipura Chakra stands for energy, for fire, for enthusiasm, for the talents hidden inside, the esprit. Its color is that of fire, orange. The monks call the chakra translated "The City of Precious Stones". This chakra radiates with its energy, in the keshtra, the energy field, in the entire abdominal region and beyond. The symbolism of the entire chakra can be found in the fire, the representation as an orange triangle indicates the flame.

      A fire element

      Fire also means the sun, which stands for self-confidence, courage and willpower. It's about Prana, the life energy. Here it sits. A person's charisma is hidden in Manipura, the possibility of making things happen, that is accessible to every person. The chakra stands for the fire element, correspondingly the inner fire, light. It not only controls the adrenal glands but also the entire digestion and the function of the pancreas.

      Using the example of the Manipura Chakra, it should be explained that the theory about the energy centers is recognized and known in all spiritual sciences - and is used as an explanatory model. So the Manipura Chakra in Tantra is also called Nabhipankaja and Dashachchada or Dashapatrambuja. In the Vedic scriptures we hear of the Manipuraka or Nabhi Chakra. The Tibetan tradition knows the "red drop". In China we speak of Dantiems in Qiqong, the Sufis describe the Nafs in Lataif-e-sitta. In the Kaballah one can read about the Sephiroth Netzach and Hod.

      Open Manipura Chakra

      If the navel chakra is ready to receive the energies, it has the power of fire. That means boosts of energy for the temperament, the fire that burns in people, the passion that they can develop, the enthusiasm that they radiate and experience for themselves. Here lies creativity, intuition and truthfulness. With a receptive Nabhi Chakra, you are also open to new experiences, sexual learning successes.

      Individual dynamics

      This is where the opportunity for positive self-expression is anchored, and this is where the motivations to implement your concerns with power lie. The dynamics of individual life are positively affected here, always in harmony with the other chakras.

      Closed Manipura Chakra

      The Manipura Chakra is often represented by ten petals, in white or blue. They represent the negative currents in a person's life. So here we find the negative thoughts about betrayal and confusion, the spiritual ignorance. Likewise about envy, sadness and fear, greed and disgust, stupidity and shamelessness.

      Dissolve the thought system

      As we can see, a whole concept of life rests here, a system of thought that needs to be transcended. Because not the fight with the body, not the desperate attempt to cleanse one's chakras, to make ready to accept the truth, only the little will, the little trust in the source, the creation, the love, are necessary. No more.


      Deep abdominal breathing

      As trivial as the next exercise may seem, it is a way to train your awareness, a little signpost that you set yourself so that you can continue to see the path. We're talking about abdominal breathing. Breathing - energy and vibration are always transported here. Abdominal breathing would be the natural way of breathing, but many factors in our lives have atrophied this conscious way of breathing.

      Include in the day

      By including this exercise in your daily routine, more oxygen is transported into your body, the abdominal organs and the heart receive a kind of massage, an increase in energy reaches your brain, and the venous blood gets better into the head area. The life energy is balanced and stimulated. You get more mental power.

      Change energies

      The technique of deep abdominal breathing is also well suited to convert restless feelings, energies such as anger and fear, including stage fright, into positive energies. The solar energy, stored in the solar plexus, below the Manipura Chakra is activated.

      Easy relaxation

      Shavasana, the back relaxation position, is a light exercise that you should do before and after each exercise unit, sometimes also between the exercise units (asanas). "Shavasana" means "standing in the dead". I mean, the body is completely relaxed. Stimuli from the outside world are not interesting. Now it's about your own inner universe.

      In the stomach

      So lie flat on your back with your hands at the side of your body. Relax. Drive your breathing rate down. Now, when your pulse and breathing are calm, slowly sit up straight. Put your left hand on your stomach. Breathe in through your nose for 3-4 seconds, pushing your stomach a little forward. Now breathe out again, also for about 3 - 4 seconds, the stomach goes inwards.

      New strength

      Visualize, imagine that when you breathe in, fresh energy and new strength flows into your body, you breathe it in, that strength. As you exhale, imagine sending out love and light, in all directions, across the globe. It is excellent to repeat the words during the breathing exercise: "Energy and strength" on the inhale and "Light and love" on the exhale. Repeat this exercise about 10 times. You can

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