The modern Tantra path. Th. Om

The modern Tantra path - Th. Om

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We ask back: Why is contraception not even rudimentarily mentioned in any of the common Tantra teaching pieces? It is incomprehensible. Because the union in the act of love is laid out from creation to the generation of new life. With all the energies that we are trying to direct here. Breath of new life? To put it in a very exaggerated way: The sperm, the breath of new life, is not dealt with in great detail, if at all, in most Tantra treatises, holy indeed, but just ... The fact is, for example, the sperm are formed by regular Training the Tantra methodology is even more flexible. As most of you will be aware, when the lingam is excited, the clear droplets of pleasure already contain seeds. Fears?One thing is extremely important in Tantra: your state of mind. How do you feel? Safe, secure? Fear has no place in Tantra, but it still appears. By dissolving the blockages, we also want to dissolve fears. What could be the fears that arise in connection with tantra? There are fears of contact, the fear of getting lost, of being too clumsy, of having an ugly body. All that emotions and feelings that can be resolved on a spiritual path. Pregnant?One fear that can become a major stumbling block is very concrete and also physical, not influenced by the psyche, the Shakti's possibility of becoming pregnant. Fear of an unwanted pregnancy can become a major problem for both partners. Only when we can live out our sexuality without fear and worry are we on the right track.

      Society Requirements?To create new life - that seems to be the task of man and woman, of Shakti and Shiva. But having a child is not always opportune. Society has high demands that not everyone can meet. So it is important to prevent. One should be clear that one is, so to speak, messing with creation in the craft, but - we have a free will given by creation. The "pill" unsuitableThe conventional contraceptive methods - the pill, a pessary or the condom - are, in descending order, unhappy or useful for tantric practice. The so-called “pill” should be rejected for various reasons. It represents a chemical intervention in the woman's body system that negatively affects all energies. It considerably reduces the effectiveness of the tantric exercises. Shaktis living with this solution should consider switching to natural contraception. The pessary, the condom?The pessary represents a foreign body. Here it is important that mostly plastic, a chemically manufactured product, (There also pessaries in copper) is placed at a very central point of the root chakra. This affects energy frequencies. But it is exactly the same with the plastic condom. With an open, intelligent look, taking things into account, the last two methods are quite possible, while the pill is viewed very critically.

      Natural birth control methods

      There are numerous natural contraceptive methods in order to get rid of these disturbing elements during energy play, during sex. We're not talking about fried tadpoles or fish bladder condoms. The so-called "Coitus Interruptus" has also proven to be very deceptive in the course of mankind. We now briefly introduce the most common natural methods, completely without chemicals.

      Observation of the cycles

      Natural contraception clearly means knowing the fertile and non-fertile days of the menstrual cycle. Depending on the purpose of observing your cycle, avoid having sex on fertile days - or push your abilities to the limit. Generally speaking, you need to be patient. You should watch yourself closely over several cycles.

      Hormone dependent?

      When observing your body, a number of factors play a major role. On the one hand the body temperature, on the other hand the nature of the so-called cervical mucus. Roughly speaking, if the mucus at your vaginal outlet is slippery and pulling, streaky and rather transparent, this indicates high fertility, but if it is rather dry, white, maybe even crumbly, the risk of becoming pregnant is lower. This has to do with the estrogen and progesterone that change the cervical mucus in such a way.


      With the temperature method, you record a slight increase in body temperature lasting around 2 days after ovulation. The temperature rises by about 0.2 to 0.5 degrees, due to the hormone progesterone mentioned above. After the 3rd day of the phase of a slightly increased body temperature, the Shakti should be sterile until the next menstrual period. The measurements should always be taken on the same day, in the same place (e.g. in the vagina).

      Combination of methodology?

      The second method, the Billings Method, works through the cervical mucus, as explained above. The third method is the Knaus-Ogino approach. Here, the woman's temperature is observed over six months, and then, purely arithmetically, after subtracting mean values, the fertile and infertile time is determined. A combination of all three methods, at least the first two, seems to make perfect sense. Incidentally, the cervix also changes cyclically.

      Modern technology

      At the end of the consideration of natural contraception methods, something more modern, the contraceptive computer. We find two different systems. One also works with daily temperature measurements, the so-called basal temperature, the morning waking temperature, is recorded. The computer will then display the fertile and fertile days accordingly. The other one works on a hormone basis, you will also need test strips. Expensive and not very reliable.

      Chaos cycle

      It is important to mention that the consumption of alcohol or the use of drugs, medication, insomnia can completely mess up the cycle. The measurements are then not worth much. It is always advisable to consider at least one or two days "buffer zone". Sperm survive up to three days and the egg one day.



      LungeStand in the basic posture. The legs now go into a lunge, the right or left leg forward. Now rock into the resulting tension. This is called differently in various traditions. Known are half moon, high lunge, Uthita Ashwa. You can expand the exercise by leaning your torso forward and placing your hands near your feet. That was a little stretching exercise.

      Stimulation of the chakras

      We also want to make ourselves comfortable today. The grotto position is a very intimate get-together that leaves a lot of space for tenderness, to stimulate the chakras and nadis. You probably know this position under the term "spoon position" when sleeping. The Shakti lets the Shiva lying behind her penetrate her by opening her legs. Then she can close her legs again, or open one leg further.

      Exercise for singles

      Muscle training vaginal

      Otherwise two short and crisp descriptions. The Shaktis among you take your natural lingam (it can also be another, clean, suitable object) and place it on the mat. Then try to grab the item using your outer and inner labia. Especially tingly when you can set up the phallus.

      Recognize point of no return

      The Shivas have a tricky job. Try a practice of withholding orgasm while masturbating. However, you do not use your whole hand to satisfy yourself as usual, but only use the thumb and little finger of one hand. Just before the “point of no return”you stop, as has often been the case. Limit the interruption to twice.


      4th devotion

      The body as the gateway to the path

      Each call

      As mentioned at the beginning, there are thousands of paths that ultimately all lead to truth. How could it be any different? Every effort, no matter how small, the tiniest will alone to recognize the truth, is perceived by creation, for each individual. And this call is answered. On the spot, full of benevolence, with all the strength that endless love is capable of.

      The truth is always the maximum of simplicity

      For creation does not make a secret of itself, no secret science for brahmins, no mystery only for the initiated. The truth is the simplest thing in the world, in the universe. Love, which is creation, simply remains true to itself in its absoluteness. It does not change and has never changed, it stands outside the concept of time, which comes from

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