Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier. Claude Angie

Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier - Claude Angie

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balls followed. At the wedding feast, Italian chefs introduced the French court to a new dessert made of fruit and ice; this was the first ice cream.

      But, Pope Clement 7 died unexpectedly. Paul 3, who replaced him, terminated the alliance with France and refused to pay Catherine’s dowry. Catherine’s political value suddenly vanished. Having thus worsened her position in a foreign country. King Francis 1 complained: «The girl came to me completely naked.» Catherine, who was born into a merchant family in Florence, where her parents were not so preoccupied in order to give their offspring a versatile education, was very difficult in the refined French court. She was an ignoramus who did not know how to construct phrases gracefully and made many mistakes in her letters. Not able to be graceful in such a refined society. Behind her eyes they called her a merchant

      Several days passed. Poitiers did not meet Henry. De Tamp did not write new pamphlets, which indicated that Henry kept her little secret. And she breathed a sigh of relief. The thought of him was undoubtedly pleasant to her. He’s still incredibly sweet. Poitiers thought. Walking with the ladies and the old widow along the alleys of the palace park. Arriving in this frame of mind, she noticed a figure approaching in the distance, recognizing her as Henry.The ladies noticed him too. It was evident in the way they perked up as they chirped and tweaked their hairstyles. Poitiers noticed the ladies’ animation. She seemed to be pricked by something sharp and unpleasant somewhere inside. She snorted to herself at the ladies. Throwing a prickly gaze full of needles at them. The ladies pretended not to notice. But, nevertheless, they quieted down. Heinrich approached, smiling at them all with his sweet, amiable smile. It seemed to her that a little more and the ladies would begin to dance in curtsies, they bowed so earnestly. She sat down in an elegant curtsy. After greeting him. He fixed his gaze on her and smiled at her affably. Turned to an old widow. With a few niceties to the old lady. Why she became even more like an owl.

      Diana involuntarily smiled at this.

      Let me steal your lady, madam. He finished his tirade of courtesies to the widow.

      I promise to return her to you soon. He assured the old lady.

      Unless madam doesn’t mind. He turned already to Poitiers.

      She smiled at him and of course she didn’t mind!

      They walked away under the envious glances of the ladies. They walked in the park, enjoying the scent of roses, birdsong and each other’s company.

      He wrote new verses and read them. This time the poems were about the rose and its beauty and fragrance. She, of course, realized that he dedicated his poems to her. Comparing it to a wonderful flower. He finished reading and looked at her carefully.


      Do you like it? He was clearly worried.

      Hiding his worries, but he barely succeeded.

      She smiled at him, noticing his concern.


      They are beautiful.

      Do you think they might be missing something too? He asked at last.

      She smiled at him, scolding herself in her hearts for the fact that the last time her statements about his poems might have hurt Henry.

      No, no. They are great! There is nothing to add to them, she said.

      After a minute she added.

      I can only add, she said quietly.

      That the rose blooms and fragrant, delighting everyone with its beauty only under the rays of the loving sun that caresses it. She finished.

      And their eyes met like two bottomless oceans.

      Yes, you are right, Heinrich replied worriedly.

      And added. What do you think?

      Will the rose bloom under the rays of the loving sun?

      She smiled at him. Feeling that her cheeks are reddening treacherously.

      I think so. She answered very quietly. As if afraid that he would still hear her words.

      They met every day in the alleys of the park, wandered and chatted about everything in the world. Listening to beautiful music written by nature itself. Singing birds and the sound of the wind playing with the foliage of the trees. And strangely enough, they both noticed all these metamorphoses of nature, which every single day plays its magnificent plays under people’s noses. But, for many, they seem to be invisible. But, not for Diana and Heinrich. They noticed everything. And everyone was genuinely happy. Realizing that he met someone who could see the world the same as he saw it himself. Once passing by a small fountain hidden among the bushes, which have long been abandoned. The fountain depicted a deer defeated in a hunt, with a dog hanging over its prey. The water in the fountain was cloudy and completely green. Diana, enchanted by the colors of this picture, looked into the water surface. After becoming silent, as if bewitched and peering into the depths of the whirlpool, she suddenly said.

      You know, this is the most beautiful fountain in this garden!

      Someone seems to be living in the depths of its waters. She suddenly perked up. Turning from the fountain to Heinrich.

      He raised an eyebrow and laughed cheerfully.

      Who do you think lives there? He asked cheerfully.

      Well, I don’t know. Pouting her lips, Poitiers said. Obviously pretending to be offended that he does not believe her. She answered with childlike spontaneity.

      Maybe a mermaid or some kind of spirit. She was inspired, fantasizing.

      He continued to laugh. Touched by her fantasies. She pouted her lips even harder, offended by his skepticism. He stopped laughing and raised his hands to feign surrender.

      You know, I didn’t notice him at all before. He said. Glancing again at the green smooth surface of the fountain, and whispering in her ear.

      There really is someone living there! Her eyes lit up in the hope that her words were true.

      And that’s it, he finished.

      Definitely frogs!

      He laughed again, hoping to see her cute pouting lips again. She looked at him resentfully, almost childishly. I repeated it seriously.

      Heinrich, right! There, nevertheless, someone lives.

      He was still laughing while admiring her.

      Diana dear! If you like. That, there will live everyone whom you wish to settle there!

      Whether it’s a mermaid or your beloved Mademoiselle de Tamp!

      She might pass for a ghost! He said.

      He was already having fun and laughing heartily. Hearing about the prospect of de Tamp living in a green swamp. Diana could not resist and laughed merrily with Heinrich. This idea was very to her liking.

      Heinrich, really, how cute you are. She said laughing and kissing him on the cheek. He stopped laughing. He looked at her silently, with eyes full of adoration and added.

      Well, since you like deer, I invite you to hunt. He said.


      Hunting?! Diana was surprised.

      She was not a fan of the kind of hunting that was done at court. When an unfortunate animal is driven into a trap from all sides and simply deprived of its opportunity to escape. She thought it was a disgusting, unfair murder!

      Whether it was, when she went hunting with her father a long time ago. Nobody drove the beast. The hunter and the beast were equal. And the one who turns out to be better was decided only by who turns out to be more cunning, more agile, well, or faster. If the beast, then he will not be caught, if the hunter, then the prey will be his. This is the only hunt she respected.

      Such a hunter earned her respect. And Heinrich was just such a hunter. He did not recognize any other hunt. He needed

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