Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier. Claude Angie

Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier - Claude Angie

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      She was ready to kiss him on both cheeks. She smiled at him sincerely. He reached out again and offered his hand to her. They continued on their way down the alley, when in the distance she recognized the silhouette of the old widow. They headed towards her, where she stood surrounded by her ladies. Poitiers suddenly remembered.

      Oh my god! We didn’t even introduce ourselves. And she smiled at him apologetically.

      Diana. Diana de Brese.

      Yes, I know. He answered with a smile.

      Heinrich, madam, at your service.

      You know?! She was surprised.

      But, I didn’t have time to say anything else, as they almost approached the standing ladies. He did not have time to fully introduce himself. They were interrupted by an old widow who saw them and quickly walked towards them. She was already next to them, out of breath. She stopped next to them, froze for a moment in place and, as if recollecting herself, sat down in a deep curtsy, greeting Diana’s companion. Her ladies followed her example. Poitiers was taken aback by surprise. After all, only kings and all the offspring of royal blood are greeted with a deep curtsy. Heinrich smiled at the ladies with his sweet smile and answered them with a bow of his head, greeting them.

      Madam, what a pleasure to see you here again. He turned to the old lady.

      I have brought your seemingly lost lady to you.

      Ah, thanks! I didn’t think Madame de Brese was lost. The old widow answered.

      Always at your service, madam. Heinrich answered.

      With your permission, I have to leave you now. Heinrich said to the widow.

      Saying goodbye to her and the ladies nodding his head gallantly. He looked at Diana, smiling at her. He kissed her hand goodbye, barely touching her thin skin with his lips.

      I hope we’ll see you soon. And let’s talk again about poetry. I’ll look forward to it, he told her.

      She smiled back at him in utter confusion. Still not understanding the old widow’s behavior, and surprised by her venerable curtsy. He said a couple more pleasantries to the old widow, turned around and walked slowly away, leaving. Diana stood, still not understanding what had happened. She was completely confused and asked, finally, coming out of her stupor, from a lady standing next to her.

      Explain to me if you please. Who owned all these curtsies, and in whose honor are they?

      Who is he?

      God! Expensive! The lady answered.

      Do you know who was seeing you off?!

      This is Prince Henry de Valois, Duke of Orleans!

      She sang dreamily.

      Ah! How can you, however, get lost!

      And then, pouting her lips, she sighed enviously, looking after the retreating prince.

      How I wish they could find me that way too! The lady sighed.

      Obviously upset that she wasn’t lost.

      Prince! Poitiers thought in horror.

      Remembering how she climbed with her bare hand without a glove in the grass.

      What a horror!

      She turned pale. Some time ago, she was sure that she was lucky. That this shame of her was seen by this sweet young man, and not by someone else. But, already now she was ready to burst into tears. Because he turned out to be a prince! It couldn’t have been worse. She almost sobbed out loud, trying not to cry. She looked completely dejected and even unhappy. It was so strange to see, so clearly not joyful her face, the lady, with envy, looked in her direction.

      Henry, Duke of Orleans! She thought.

      And suddenly another picture from the past came to mind. Little frightened, black-eyed boy. She looked at the figure of the retreating Heinrich. She froze, remembering how she hugged a small, forgotten child. She suddenly felt sad. How many years have passed! He became a handsome young man. How many years! She thought, remembering her no longer young age, which the king reminded her of. Vile de Tamp, too, did not let her forget about it. But, now she felt it especially acutely, remembering the boy and seeing today a beautiful young man, whom he had become. Heinrich became a handsome young man. He was young and well built. He was recently by the sea and was sunburned and dark-skinned, like a corsair sailing the seas. He had a thick shock of black hair and the same attentive, serious and incredibly black eyes as in childhood, as deep as the darkest night. Henry and his brother Francis returned from captivity four years later. Children in captivity were not merciful. Heinrich endured this test with courage. His brother turned out to be weaker, and got a lung disease in captivity, returned to his homeland extremely painful. Henry, being the second son of the king and not being heir to the throne, later went into the army, hoping to make a brilliant military career. He liked it. He often disappeared in the barracks among the soldiers than at court in the company of elegant courtiers. Not really loving and favoring balls and fun in the palace. Preferring to all this, hunting. This was his main addiction, as well as fights in tournaments. By nature, a rather calm young man, on a hunt and in a duel, he seemed to become a different person. No one could compare with him in fights. Opponents flew out of the saddle at the first blow, his hand was heavy. His impact was legendary. Once the blow was so strong that not only the rider fell, but also his horse. Also on the hunt, no one could compare with him in dexterity and accuracy. The booty has always belonged to him. He chased the poor beast like a hurricane, sweeping away everything in its path. Because of that, the young prince was a secret and obvious dream of many women’s hearts. And the ladies did not bother to lust for a prince, despite the fact that Henry was married.

      He was married to Catherine Maria Romula di Lorenzo de Medici. The Medici family actually ruled Florence. Originally bankers, they came to great wealth and power by funding European monarchs. Catherine’s father Lorenzo II Medici, Duke of Urbino, was not originally a Duke of Urbino and became so thanks to his uncle Giovanni Medici, Pope Leo 10. Thus, despite the ducal title, Catherine was of a relatively low birth. However, her mother, Madeleine de La Tour, Countess of Auvergne, belonged to one of the most famous and ancient French aristocratic families. This greatly influenced the future marriage of Catherine.

      The death of Pope Leo 10 led to a break in the power of the Medici family on the holy throne, until in 1523 Cardinal Giulio di Medici became Pope Clement 7.

      In 1527, the Medici in Florence was overthrown and Catherine became a hostage. The Pope had to recognize and crown Charles 5 of Habsburg, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. In exchange for his help in the return of Florence and the release of the young duchess. In October 1529, the troops of Charles 5 laid siege to Florence. During the siege, calls and threats appeared to kill Catherine and hang her on the city gates or send her to a brothel to dishonor her. Although the city resisted the siege, on August 12, 1530, famine and plague forced Florence to surrender. Clement met Catherine in Rome with tears in his eyes. It was then that he started looking for a groom for her. Considering many options, but in 1531 the French king Francis 1 proposed the candidacy of his second son, Henry. Clement jumped at the chance right away. The young Duke of Orleans was the most profitable party for his niece Catherine.

      At the age of 14, Catherine became the bride of the French prince Heinrich de Valois. Her dowry amounted to 130,000 ducats and vast estates including Pisa, Livorno and Parma.

      Catherine was not beautiful. She looked like a discarded fish on the seashore with the same bulging colorless eyes, as if she had a suffocating disease. A large mouth with thin, colorless lips and an incomprehensible light shade of hair in small curls. Some even claimed that she was an exact copy of Pope Leo 10. At a young age, being like a holy father is by no means a compliment.

      A wedding held in Marseilles on October 28, 1533. Became a big event marked by extravagance and giving out gifts. Europe has not seen such a congregation of the highest

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