Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier. Claude Angie

Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier - Claude Angie

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of stone, but of an air cloud. He seemed to be hovering over a beautiful garden. He was so airy and graceful. The ladies from the retinue surrounded the widow and, in a noisy flock of chirping birds, went along the path to the park of the palace. Expressing your delight with noisy sighs and cheerful laughter. The park was full of beautiful ladies dressed in the latest fashion. Flashing with jewels and smiles, they were laughing merrily at something. What their equally well-dressed gentlemen told them stormily. And over all this, careless fun reigned. Seeing this entire splendor. Diana suddenly realized that her outfit from her meager wardrobe had long gone out of fashion. It was her widow’s dress, the only new black dress. It was too puritanical and constrained, and the neckline was not as deep as the current fashionistas wore. And her whole appearance was too constrained in comparison with the current fashion. The headdress turned out to be also modest, in comparison with the headdresses of the court ladies decorated with stones and beautiful feathers. Poitiers involuntarily became sad from these thoughts and her attire darker than the night. She seemed to fall out in such sad attire from this cheerful society full of fun, carelessness and laughter. In addition, in her own Dauphin, she did not wear headdresses at all. But, in Paris, it would be considered bad form, and she would undoubtedly be called for her eyes, a redneck. Therefore, she put on a headdress. But, he terribly interfered with her and did not want to stay on her head at all. She had to correct him every now and then so that he would not fly off her head. Upset by the fact that she does not fit into today’s society. Her sadness was replaced by anger. She furrowed her brows in anger at herself and at her momentary weakness. She forgot why she came here?! Intoxicated with the fun here! A picture of her beloved father in a damp dungeon appeared before her eyes, and she frowned even more, stamping her foot in her hearts!

      What do I care about these stupid feathers, lace and outfits! She thought evil.

      After all, I can always refer to my position as a widow.

      And a widow shouldn’t flaunt her discharged clothes! She thought.

      Further, whatever it was, she continued her thoughts and frowned even more.

      I will still procure a pardon from the king for my father and forgiveness of my debts for the estate.

      Will I wear those stupid feathers? Angry, she thought.

      Or in this black widow’s dress.

      I don’t care!

      And she really stamped her foot heavily, exhaling and snorting contemptuously, like a horse coming first to the finish line. Throwing her chin up proudly, her walked slowly and confidently to the other ladies.

      Not today, then tomorrow. She thought.

      I will definitely meet the king!

      He was not very tall, dressed in a suit of bows and ruffles, studded with jewelry. Protruding abdomen and crooked legs. And a smile that did not seem to disappear from his face, especially if there are beautiful ladies nearby! An old widow saw the king from afar. He was surrounded by a large retinue, which consisted mostly of pretty ladies. The noble widow, bustling and jumping up, hurried to the king. Waddling on her small and clumsy legs, clattering rings and other jewelry, which, as always, she was wearing in excess. Her ladies followed her. Approaching the king, she stopped and sat awkwardly in a deep curtsy to greet the king. Her ladies followed her example. The king smiled warmly and asked.

      Madam, where have you been? I haven’t seen you for a long time? He said. And without waiting for her answer, he began to examine the widow’s retinue with interest. He passed appraising, almost like a cat’s gaze at the sight of sour cream at the ladies from the suite. And each of them, smiling, lowered her eyes, flirtatiously exposing her charms and squatting in an elegant curtsy. And so, his gaze fell on Poitiers. He already wanted to pass them on to the remaining ladies. But, Poitiers did not lower her eyes and did not rush to squat in a curtsy, keeping a pause. She glared at the king’s eyes like invisible pincers. He was surprised at such, almost insolence, and slightly raised an eyebrow. Her eyes, dark as lakes, grabbed him, not letting go. A minute passed, or just a moment, but the king did not take his eyes off her. And suddenly a slight smile lit up her face, illuminating her face with a beautiful light. And as if remembering, she slowly lowered her eyes, and gracefully sat down in a curtsy. Skillfully exposing her white, thin neck. Transforming into a seductive chest shape, this, unfortunately for the king, was hidden behind the fabric of the dress. And only his imagination completed this picture. Diana raised her eyes, waving her black, like fluttering butterflies, eyelashes. And, as if bashfully, she glanced again at the king. Hidden fire flashed in her eyes. She wanted to put them down again, but the king had already stepped towards her to meet!

      Stand up, my dear, he said. Looking at her with interest. He held out his hand to her, and she rose from her curtsy.

      What’s your name? The sweetest creature.

      This is Madame de Brese. An old widow intervened. Proud that her lady aroused such interest from the king.

      This is my new lady, your majesty. She continued.

      The poor thing was recently widowed. Added an old lady.

      Ah, said the king.

      What sadness, madam.

      Now it’s clear why you’re in black.

      He smiled with satisfaction. He was not at all saddened by the news of the deceased husband of a beautiful lady, by no means, on the contrary. He again looked at her not deep cleavage and white neck. Already anticipating and seeing these delights in my bed. She lowered her eyes again, feigning embarrassment. But, at all, not embarrassed in the depths of the soul. She went to the king and here she is! Her cold head, at times, did not know embarrassment. Diana was a whole person. And she knew exactly why she was here and what for! Everything else was great game! And Poitiers performed this role superbly! Excellent reading in the souls of people. She always had this talent, almost mystical, to see through everyone. So now, she saw right through the king and made a challenge to him. This monarch, spoiled by female attention, was so oversaturated with beauties in his own bed that simply beauty was not enough for him. Even the beauty of such a beauty as Poitiers. She made a kind of challenge to the king. Remaining to stand, as if equal to him, and not bowing to the king at the first minute. And he undoubtedly noticed it. He undoubtedly saw the challenge in her burning eyes. And it was a risk! The king could be annoyed by this behavior. And, kings, as you know, not only pardon, but also execute! She could fall into no mercy, and lose her last hope for the salvation of her father and the salvation of her estate. But, Poitiers took a chance! And she won! She saw it in his eyes right now! The king was captivated by her beauty and courage, he was simply fascinated by her. Walking his eyes over her body, as if exposing her, he remained very pleased with his assessment.

      After kissing her hand for a meaningful long time. Showing her and everyone present his interest. Diana met his eyes again, completing her result, bewitching the king. Fire flashed in her eyes again. As if lights were dancing in them, and pleasant goosebumps ran over Francis’s skin, promising a quick meeting. Having said goodbye to her, the old widow and her ladies, he withdrew, surrounded by his retinue.

      Confusion lay in the royal chambers. The king stood naked, erect, importantly, on his crooked legs and looked out the window. Poitiers has been the king’s favorite for some time.

      Ah, what a day!

      What a wonderful day! He was chanting, almost jumping up and down with good spirits.

      She looked at him. And she felt funny.

      Here he is, the king! The man who ruled all of France! A little funny, not tall with a round bulging tummy on crooked little legs. He looked like a lazy house cat. Yes! Diana thought. This is the king! She smiled.

      Who would have thought!

      The most powerful man in the country! Freeing her father and writing off her debts!

      Returning her estate to her, this cost him absolutely nothing. He looked more like Santa Claus, always cheerful and carefree like Francis. So Poitiers thought as she looked at the king


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