Small Teaching. James M. Lang

Small Teaching - James M. Lang

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participated in these experiments persisted in preferring massed practice, convinced that it served them better. Even after they took the test and could have realized from their own performance that interleaving was the better strategy for learning, they clung to their belief that the concentrated viewing of paintings by one artist was better” (Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel 2014, p. 54). In other words, these students continued to believe in the superior power of a study strategy that had just been demonstrated to them as less effective than a simple alternative.

      Like all of us, these students suffered from biases and misconceptions about learning and how it works. Tell students to study for a test, and most of them will pull out their notebooks or textbooks and read them over and over again, despite scads of research telling us that this is just about the least effective learning strategy for mastering a new body of information. Even if students have encountered this research or have been taught effective study strategies by previous teachers, they still are likely to persist in ineffective learning strategies.


      My wife, Anne, teaches kindergarten, and during the 2020–2021 school year she taught it remotely from our dining room. Whenever you find it challenging to maintain the focus of your students, you should envision attempting to corral the attention of a couple of dozen five-year-olds through your computer screen and feel just a little bit better about your prospects. I was working from home as well during the pandemic, and so I had the pleasure (I think) of overhearing almost everything she did with her students all day long. I hummed along to the songs she sang about the weather and days of the week, counted my way to one hundred by ones and fives and tens, and listened to her patiently introduce letters and syllables and words to her students.

      In higher education we tend to go into class with our content guns blazing: I HAVE SOME STUFF TO TEACH YOU, LET'S GET STARTED! But the research on human learning that we will consider in this chapter suggests that the first step in the learning process should be to follow Anne's lead—not necessarily through her specific activity of asking pre-reading questions–but by asking students to engage in predictive activities of some kind or another before we expose them to new course content. Such activities could include inviting students to answer questions about what they are about to learn or experience, but could also include asking students to solve problems that are beyond their current ability level or to try their hand at a new skill before they have been given any formal instruction. This approach can seem counterintuitive since it turns the normal teaching sequence on its head. The operating assumption of many teachers runs like this: First I teach them the material, then I have them answer questions or solve problems with it. Read the story about polar bears, and then ask them where polar bears live. Give students a lecture on poetry, and then have them interpret a poem. Show students how to solve a particular type of math problem, and then give them one to solve on their own. But learning research suggests something quite different. It tells us that asking students to use their existing knowledge and skills to struggle with the material before we teach it can provide a robust foundation for deeper learning.

      The results of laboratory experiments like this one prompted another group of researchers, led by cognitive psychologist Elizabeth Bjork, to see whether they could reproduce the positive learning effect of prediction in an actual classroom (Carey 2014b). The researchers gave students in Bjork's introductory psychology class short multiple-choice pretests before some of the lectures in her course. Since the pretest questions asked them about material that had not yet been covered, the students performed about as well on the pretests as they would have from guessing randomly—again, as in the laboratory experiment, they made plenty of wrong predictions. Lectures on the subject matter followed immediately after the pretests, so the students received quick feedback on their answers. At the end of the term, the students took a final exam that contained multiple-choice questions similar to the ones on the pretests. The results paralleled the results of the laboratory experiment almost exactly: students performed around 10% better on questions from the subject areas in which they had been pretested than on those on which they had

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