Small Teaching. James M. Lang

Small Teaching - James M. Lang

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students a pretest on topics to be covered in a lecture improves their ability to answer related questions about those topics on a later final exam” (Carey 2014b). Note, of course, that even though the vocabulary has changed slightly here—from prediction to pretesting—the cognitive activity is similar: asking learners to give answers to questions or anticipate outcomes about which they do not yet have sufficient information or understanding. They are trying before they are ready.

      Researchers who study the brain can help clarify the mechanics that underpin the results of all of these experiments. Neuroscientists are increasingly demonstrating that our brains are prediction-making machines, and that our learning stems most fundamentally from the cycle of making predictions and then adjusting our thinking in light of the accuracy of those predictions. Stanislas Dehaene is a professor of experimental cognitive psychology at the College de France, and the Director of the Neurospin Brain Imaging Center. In his book How We Learn: Why Brains Learn Better Than Any Machine … for Now, he offers a detailed but accessible tour of learning and the brain, and concludes that “Generating a prediction, detecting one's error, and correcting oneself are the very foundation of effective learning” (Dehaene 2020, p. 209). Our brains continuously create models of the world around us, use those models to predict how our experiences will unfold, and engage in corrective re-modeling in light of what actually happens. That corrective re-modeling is what we call learning. A new driver's brain makes continuous predictions about how the car will behave as she drives—she expects the car to slow down and come to a stop when she brakes. The first time she drives in the snow, applies the brake, and finds herself skidding, her brain notes the failure of her existing mental model—applying the brakes doesn't always stop the car with the same efficacy. She has to take weather conditions into account. Her mental model of driving expands, her predictive abilities as a driver improve. She has learned.

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