Spectroscopy for Materials Characterization. Группа авторов
states is:
where ω is the frequency of the transition n s → m s .
Equations (2.49) and (2.50) determine the spectral features of the whole optical band. The intensity of transitions coupled to the localized vibration going from λ = 0 to λ ′ (λ ′ = 0, 1, 2…),
For the luminescence transition, the similarity law also applies: the overall spectrum is a series of replicas of the vibronic bands L vib(ω, T) spaced apart by −λΩ (λ = 0,1,2, …) from the electronic transition:
We note that, when the thermal excitation of the localized vibrations is taken into account (kT ∼ ℏΩ, λ≥0), two substantial differences emerge: the replicas L vib(ω, T) appear in the anti‐Stokes region of the spectrum and the factor
2.1.6 Inhomogeneous Effects
Till now, we have dealt with the homogeneous spectral lineshape of a single defect that is expressed by Eqs. (2.51) and (2.52) related to absorption and luminescence, respectively, which apply to the coupling with a single localized mode. In fact, the homogeneous features can be measured in systems where all defects are absolutely identical and undergo precisely identical changes under the influence of the surrounding matrix. A class of solids that quite well reproduces this condition is that of the crystals containing defects embedded exactly in equivalent positions with respect to the matrix.
A completely different framework is represented by amorphous solids where, due to the disordered network, each defect is surrounded by a different local environment; this site‐to‐site nonequivalence results in inhomogeneous effects on the spectral features [10, 11]. In the simplest approximation, it is assumed that inhomogeneous fluctuations cause an energy shift of the homogeneous spectrum as a whole without any changes in its shape, whereas the other spectroscopic parameters (transition probability, phonon energy, …) remain constant. In this case, it is convenient to introduce a one‐dimensional inhomogeneous distribution function w inh(E 00), so that w inh(E 00)ΔE represents the fraction of defects having their ZPL in the energy interval ΔE around E 00. The inhomogeneous distribution is usually described by a bell‐shaped Gaussian function:
peaked at the mean energy
Because of the inhomogeneity effects, the vibronic spectral features are smeared out; then, the whole optical band appears to be structureless and its total width is determined by the different weights of homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening mechanisms.
2.2 Experimental Methods and Analysis
2.2.1 Time‐Resolved Luminescence
To outline the time‐resolved experiments, we consider the interaction between the exciting light, with photon energy E exc and an ensemble of noninteracting defects contained in a solid sample with thickness d, as shown in Figure 2.4. Since we are dealing with electronic transitions, we assume that, regardless of temperature, all defects are in the ground state before interacting with the excitation light and indicate their concentration as N 0.
Figure 2.4 Scheme describing the absorption and luminescence of a sample of thickness d. I 0 is the incident intensity, I tr(E exc) is the transmitted intensity,