Spectroscopy for Materials Characterization. Группа авторов

Spectroscopy for Materials Characterization - Группа авторов

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and an UV broadband with peaks at 4.8 and 6.0 eV [23–25]. Time‐resolved spectra have been performed in agreement with the experimental setup described in the previous section.

Schematic illustration of time-resolved PL spectra acquired at different delays in a sample.
Si─O─)3Si─O surface‐defects under laser excitation at 2.07 eV (panel a) and 4.77 eV (panel b).

Image described by caption
S─i─O─)3Si─O detected at room temperature at E em = 1.91 and 1.99 eV under laser excitation at E exc = 4.77 and 2.07 eV. Panel (b): Semilog plots of the PL decay in surface‐NBOHC (
Si─O─)3Si─O detected at different temperatures at E em = 1.91 eV under E exc = 4.77 eV. For viewing purposes, the initial values of the decay curves are arbitrarily scaled. Full lines plot the best fit curves of Eq. (2.78).


E exc (eV) E em (eV) τ (μs) γ
2.07 1.92 35.2 ± 0.5 0.79 ± 0.02
1.99 29.9 ± 0.5 0.75 ± 0.02
4.77 1.92 44.3 ± 0.5 0.78 ± 0.02
1.99 41.2 ± 0.5 0.76 ± 0.02


      The associated errors derive from the best‐fitting procedures.

      2.3.2 Zero‐Phonon Line Probed by Site‐Selective Luminescence

      The results reported in the previous section have evidenced that surface‐NBOHC (≡Si – O–)3Si – O is characterized by a small Stokes shift between its excitation and emission transitions peaked around 2 eV. This implies the possibility to detect, under site‐selective excitation, the ZPL and the vibrational structures with which the electronic transition is coupled. The main purposes of this study are: (i) the measure of the stretching frequency of the Si─O bond in the ground and in the excited electronic state; (ii) the measure of the phonon coupling parameters; (iii) the measure of the inhomogeneous distribution of the ZPL.

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