Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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laughs, listens to anecdotes, recalls scenes of past hunts.

      Patriotic mood in the country is replaced by despondency, the popularity of the emperor is reduced to a critical level.

      Meanwhile, the acquaintance of the imperial family with Grigory Rasputin will take place. Prior to that, the «holy old man» travels extensively through the sacred places of Russia, visits Mount Athos and Jerusalem. Further, he comes to Moscow, where he is received by Orthodox bishops, they spread a rumor about the extraordinary abilities of «God’s man.» News reaches the ears of the empress.

      So, on November 1, 1905, on a tea party, the first meeting of the emperor and two high-society ladies with Grigory Rasputin takes place.

      Further meetings, already with the whole imperial family, take place about once a month. It’s not that the king loved a pilgrim, but he’s the only one who can stop the hysteria of his Alix. Grigory publishes naive, but, for his time, perhaps, readable works – «The Life of an Experienced Wanderer,» «My Thoughts and Reflections.» Many are convinced; in the words of a wanderer, there is something like that. Among the prophecies, the main thing is a will: «… I feel that I must die before the New Year. But I want, nevertheless, to open the Russian people, the Father, Mother Russian and the Children, what they will. If I am killed by simple robbers, by my brothers – Russian peasants, then you, the Tsar of Russia, do not be afraid, stay on the throne and reign, and do not be afraid for your children, for they will reign for another hundred years and beyond that. If the nobles kill me, then my blood will remain in their hands, and 25 years (before 1941 – the author) they can not wash it off. They will have to leave Russia. Then the brothers will kill the brothers, and they will kill each other. And 25 years there will be no nobles in the state. … If your relatives lead to my death, then none of your family – neither children nor relatives will survive two years later. They will all be killed by the Russian people…».

      There are also prophecies about the death of plants, that «a lot of spirits will return to earth and take the forms that they already had in the past.» Interesting is the prophecy, reminiscent of genetic experiments: «Irresponsible human alchemy, in the end, will turn ants into huge monsters that will destroy houses and entire countries, fire and water will be against them. In the end, you will see flying frogs, and butterflies will become vultures, and bees will crawl along the earth like snakes. And snakes will take possession of many cities… Mice and snakes will rule over the earth. Mice will hunt mice; and lost and stunned people will have to leave whole cities and villages under the onslaught of hordes of huge mice that will destroy everything and infect the earth.

      …Plants, animals and people were created to be divided. But there will come a day when there will be no more borders. And then the person will become a half-human, half-plant. And the beast will become a beast, a plant and a man. In these boundless fields a monster, called a Cobaca…».

      In 1912, the Second Balkan War began. Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Montenegro enter into taste, squeeze Porto, strive to pinch a piece from each other. The forces of the parties – Turkey 475 thousand people, the Balkan Union – 620 thousand. The battles are fierce, for the first time combat airplanes are deployed, only 8 years after the flight of the Wright brothers’ fragile shelves; they drop bombs on warships. The Balkans besiege the primordially Turkish cities, get to Istanbul, bring confusion to the souls of the Ottomans, and create a political crisis in the Porte. Losses of the parties killed are approximately equal: for 30 thousand people. Turkey loses its possessions in Europe. True, Serbia never gets access to the sea: it is now hampered by the Albania formed from the «nobody’s» territory, as well as Austria-Hungary, which has sharply opposed this newly-formed country.

      All this time Russia collects donations, provides the Balkan Union of volunteer pilots, makes diplomatic efforts, etc., but, by and large, does not interfere in the conflict. The reason for this is the influence on the decisions of Tsar Grigory Rasputin. It was his admonitions that put off the outbreak of World War II for two years.

      July 12, 1914 in the village of Pokrovskoe, the insane Khionia Guseva, strikes Rasputin with a knife in the stomach. Three years later this woman will be released from the hospital, in 1919 she will commit an attempt already on the patriarch Tikhon; after which its traces in History are completely lost.

      Sooner or later, the First World War begins. July 31, Russia is launching a general mobilization. Germany announces to the Empire an ultimatum: «Stop the deployment of forces,» and, not having achieved the desired, on August 1, 1914, declares war.

      Rasputin is in the Tyumen hospital until August 17 and, this time, the king is no longer able to reason with the king. Its basic provisions sound unacceptable, insanely, for the greater part of society in this century: the rejection of foreign Poland and the Baltic countries, withdrawal from the Russian-British alliance, a separate peace with Germany, then still imputable. Somewhat later, on December 30, 1916, he died in the palace of Yusupov, from the bullets of Russian nobles and (a control shot in the head) by British agent Oswald Rainer, incidentally, the friend of the executioner prince in Oxford. England wants Russia to wage this war.

      Alternative version – a bullet in the forehead of Rasputin sent Dmitry Pavlovich (Romanov), a cousin of Nicholas II.

      The Empress Alexandra orders her arrest of the killers (except for the Englishman from MI6). But, all of them are inviolable as «higher» noblemen, and, after the intervention of Nicholas II, «not to provoke society» are released. They will not suffer any punishment afterwards.

      …In 1906 agrarian unrest reached a menacing extent. Forests of the landowners consider themselves theirs and require a certain payment for using them. Peasants believe that this is legalized robbery, such as charging money for air, and produce unauthorized felling. They also «dismantle» estates, breaking up barns and dismantling supplies, inventory, and taking away cattle. The homesteads themselves are rarely burned – in most peasants still respect personal property.

      The government cancels redemption payments, but this is too little. Then the Minister of the Interior PA Stolypin, ignoring the sluggish sessions of the Duma, in October of the same year, introduced a law on the sale of state lands to peasants. The farmer finally gets a release from the «tsarist collective farm» – restricting freedom and the private initiative of «peace.» He has the right to demand this. The community’s land is being developed, instead of a few strips located in remote locations, the peasant (not even his family as a willful «peace») receives a compact «cut». Here you can put the household. Thus, the village crumbles into the farmsteads that have been adopted in Europe.

      The idea is gaining popularity, but, to implement it, it needs new clarifications, a staff of professional surveyors, lawyers, and banking services.

      Hundreds of thousands of peasant families move to the Far East. 500 thousand farms are based in Kazakhstan. In the summer of 1916, the government of Nicholas II made an attempt to mobilize part of the Kazakhs and Turkmens for rear work in the frontline areas; it will cause an uprising of the autochthonous population, attacks on the colonists. In the end, 600,000 locals migrate to China; call succeeds 100 thousand.

      In 1911 the agrarian reform was deprived of the chief conductor – Count Stolypin; although it does not slip noticeably, but loses its scope, capable, perhaps, of leading to the triumph of law and private property.

      July 1914 marked the introduction of «dry law». Consumption of ethanol per capita is reduced tenfold, from 4.7 to 0.4 liters per year. Now, according to the Ministry of Health, 10 liters are drunk in Russia, taking into account the latent production and consumption – 15 liters, recommended by the World Health Organization (maximum) dose – 8 liters. Strong drinks are sold only in expensive restaurants. In 1917, already the Soviet government, prolongs the operation of this law. August 1923 – «dry law» is canceled, NEP comes. The civil war is over, the country is recoiling from the gap that has opened up in front of it.

      Much later, on May 17, 1985, a decree «On strengthening

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