Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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1915, Nicholas II assumes the title of Supreme Commander-in-Chief. This decision is unconditionally supported by his wife, in all likelihood, approved by the German General Staff, but not by Russian ministers and generals. Germany by that time occupies a large part of Poland and the Baltic states – nominally the possessions of Russia. All the military failures of the Empire anyway, now directly undermine the authority of the king. Instead of establishing contact with elements of civil society, for example, active military-industrial committees, according to the ancient Russian custom, the suspicious Nikolai tries to ban everything. Of course, this does not suit him, and the people, for the good.

      Still not so bad, the ambitious monarch overcomes dreams of the Straits and Constantinople, the shores of the Sea of Marmara and southern Thrace, the islands of Imbros and Tenedos. This is the alleged prize for the participation of the Russian Empire in the war. However, with all the clarity on this occasion, representatives of Britain and France at the Petrograd Conference of 1915, do not speak.

      Soldiers do not understand what they are fighting for. Yes, Germany started the war, in response to the usually pre-emptive attack, the beginning of mobilization. But, all this could be prevented by diplomatic methods at the very beginning of the conflict. At least it was necessary – not to start active actions, to sit in dugouts, to drink «tsarist» 100 grams (suppose the emperor issued a popular manifesto on abolishing the «dry» law for the front). The Germans of the beginning of the century are quite normal people, why should they be killed? On paper, «hit the enemy» looks pretty beautiful, practice means kicking a bayonet into the stomach and a confused, horrible and painful look such as you are of a person. Even if the Germans occupied part of Poland and Lithuania – these are territorial entities and people alien to Russia, the Russian peasant, the soldier, personally, mentally, they are not needed.

      At the end of 1916, irregularities with bread began. In the conditions of military hyperinflation, peasants massively hold grain, expecting further price increases (or maybe, somehow trying to bring their protest against the war to the tsar). All this leads to the fact that the government is beginning a transition to a surplus-purchase at firm prices. There are clashes with the police. The outreach practically fails. Instead of 772 million poods, only 170 poods can be collected. The rations for soldiers in the frontline zone (3 pounds of bread a day) are halved.

      Something similar, however, is happening in other belligerent countries. In Germany, before the sea blockade, Britain imported up to a third of the food, «ersatzes» get a mass distribution – cheap substitutes for coffee, sausages and other products. In a broad turn – a rutabaga, a two-year-old plant of the Cabbage family (a vitamin tops with a heavy tuber).

      Recipe for «Eaters of Time»:

      Grigsbrot («Kriegsbrot») – «Military bread» – 55% of rye, 25% of wheat, 20% of potato powder, sugar and fats.

      Pea sausage – pea flour with the addition of fat and beet juice. One measure of pea flour (crushed grain), two measures of water. Beat and put on a slow fire.

      In a separate container mix a little water, vegetable oil, garlic, salt, pepper, beets or beet juice – to get the mass of the color of the doctor’s sausage. Beat. When pea mass turns into a thick mashed potatoes, mix with our pink sauce and slices of fat. Cook a little more, then pour into a container of cylindrical shape (a 0.5-liter plastic bottle with a cut-off neck).

      We put the workpiece in the refrigerator.

      From the sausage you can prepare sandwiches from the «First World», or cook a nutritious soup.

      Erzac coffee. Acorns are calcined in the oven, peeled off, while hot scrolls in the meat grinder. Acorn minced meat is laid out on baking trays for further drying in the oven with the door open.

      Option – a drink from roasted beets.

      Despite all such substitutes, 800,000 people die from malnutrition and accompanying diseases, in Germany, from 1914 to 1918.

      In England and France, receiving resources from their numerous colonies, the nutritional situation is much better, although it is also not up to par. In addition, the population of the country, in which the monarch, after all, waking up, immediately begins to wonder how he would again and again gain the sympathy of his subjects, initially widely consolidated.

      In the course, among other effective measures to awaken the spirit of the nation, «the delivery of a white pen.» Are engaged in this girl-patriotic activists (sometimes just feminists). In the previously widespread in the United Kingdom cock fights, it was noticed that, as a rule, birds and white plumage usually show weakness and cowardice. The girl hands, to any young man in civilian clothes who has turned up on the street, a pen of the corresponding color – and this means that she shows him contempt for cowardice.

      Later, the government comes up with breastplates for soldiers on leave or for medical treatment, indicating that they are honestly «Serving the King and the Country.» The unspoken public agreement works clearly. The British Volunteer Army is fully operational.

      Such actions of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, cadets, other public organizations and unions are popular in Russia: handing out gifts to soldiers, caring for the wounded, sending collected food to the front, etc. But, yes, the state apparatus sees these unauthorized, exempted from clerical reporting, the more effective actions, the resistance to oneself, and tries to ban it all deafly.

      This does not benefit the public consent that is so difficult to be born.

      …Focussed only on his family, despising millions of his own kind, the emotionally obtuse monarch of the Holstein-Gottorp dynasty, who imagines that everyone loves him, all these, in fact, now fiercely hate. In the midst of high-ranking officers, representatives of the bourgeoisie and ministers, the grain of the conspiracy is sprouting. The main idea is the renunciation of the lost charisma of Nicholas II (Bloody) from the throne in favor of a minor son. The regent is the younger brother of the tsar, Mikhail.












      1. A popular banknote of that time, 25 rubles (a room in a working hostel, for six months.) A simple horse is also 25 rubles. One ruble is pancakes with fresh caviar in a tavern to a dump, the price of 1911.

      2. 50 paper kopecks in 1915, five loaves of bread already risen in price.

      3. One of the first tanks in the world (armored combat vehicles) – «Netopyr», a reflection of the technical thought of the time. The idea of caterpillars has not yet been mastered, the decrease in specific pressure on the ground is achieved by unnatural increase in the diameter of the wheels. Combat weight – 60 tons. Armament: two 76.2 mm. guns, 60 shots, eight 7.92 mm. machine guns «Maxim». Booking:

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