Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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«Angleter» was blown up.

      9. Tractor «Universal», a symbol of collectivization and industrialization of the USSR in the 1930s. The prototype is the American machine Farmall F-20. In the USSR, from 1934 to 1955, the Leningrad plant Krasny Putilovets and the Vladimir Tractor Plant produced 211,500 specimens. Weight 2.1 tons, engine power 22 hp, fuel – kerosene and gasoline. It is widely believed that the introduction of a system of state collective farms (kolkhozes) is justified by the need to introduce new land cultivation techniques, in particular, tractors. However, prior to the emergence of collective farms (all the time NEP fed), land development partnerships (TOEs) are already widely distributed, voluntary and therefore really effective. Means of production, including heavy equipment, by mutual consent, for a certain share of income, were socialized for the period of sowing, harvesting, etc.

      10. A view of the building of the insurance company «Russia» (Bolshaya Lubyanka 2 street), which includes removable apartments, a bookshop, a sewing shop and even a beer shop. Since May 1919 (after eviction of tenants), the house is occupied by representatives of the NKVD, the Cheka, the OGPU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Security Ministry, the KGB and, from 1996 to the present day, the FSB (Federal Security Service).

      Since 1920, the building is the inner prison of the NKVD. The most famous of her prisoners: aircraft designers Tupolev A.N., Petlyakov V. M., the founder of Soviet rocket building Korolyov S.P., «the favorite of the Bolshevik Party» N. Bukharin, the poet O. Mandelstam, A. Solzhenitsyn, and many others. The main task of investigators: in exchange for some, perhaps, mitigation of punishment, «persuade» the arrested person to sign accusatory statements against many other (innocent) people. This is the principle of life of a cancerous tumor – to cause the body to suffer, in order to attract nutrients to itself – as a permanent wound that does not heal.

      The shootings are carried out in the basement of the building (with the tractor motor switched on) and, according to some information, in the bunker located under the monument to Dzerzhinsky (until 1991 located in the center of the square).

      In 1940 and 1980 the building is being reconstructed and, as can be seen in the presented photo, is changing beyond recognition.

      …You can recall a few lines from the work of V. Vysotsky, certainly respected, good, and even, paradox, bad people in Russia and beyond:

      …And they will be happy or gloomy

      And will be in the role of evil clowns and good judges

      But we will be offered wooden suits

      People… People…

      We can even offer and smoke

      Ah, they will remember, you did not smoke for a long time

      Yes, you have not yet begun to live

      Well, then they will propose: either – or

      …And will be polite and affectionate so

      Offer a happy life on a platter

      But we will refuse – and they beat violently

      People… People…

      …The Bolshevik government understands, in the end, that the point of luck is passed, and focuses on the centers of resistance within the country. The rebel army of Makhno, acting at that time with the Red Army, forces Sivash, despite a 30% loss, goes to the rear «white» and opens the way to the cavalry of M. Frunze. After the Crimea liberates them from Wrangel’s troops (November 17, Yalta), the Red cavalry suddenly attack the camp of their former allies, kill most of the anarchists, but miss their leader himself. «Father Makhno» fights against the Bolsheviks on the territory of Ukraine, but realizing the futility of resistance, goes to Romania, then Germany, where he is arrested for former attacks on the Germans, from there to Paris, where until the end of his days he works as a carpenter.

      The call of the sailor’s uprising in Petersburg and the peasant wars prompt the Bolshevik government to switch from the romantic passionate «war communism» to many others for the NEP.

      During the Civil War, 900,000 Red Army troops are killed, 650,000 are White soldiers, more than two million civilians are killed by terror, hunger and disease.

      The dreams of the Cadets, anarchists, peasants and most of the workers about the self-government of the workers (the true «Soviets without Communists») are gradually being dispelled by a new system that does not tolerate arbitrariness. The Soviet Republic can not do without what seems already outdated: a strict hierarchy, social inequality, money and even banks. In the years of the NEP, there will be 16 of them.

      Socialism still wins, precisely, on the whole planet, including, of course, the United States of America. The capitalist community clearly understands the importance of the Social Treaty, adopts the unofficial Code of Honest Entrepreneur, makes concessions to the working class, and at full capacity includes social elevators. The Revolution is replaced here by the Evolution.

      …The first action of the New Economic Policy (NEP) – the abolition of foodstuffs, that is, expropriation TOTAL, except for the minimum necessary for survival, and the introduction of a fixed food tax. It seems that 70% of the seized, for the needs of the Communist Party and the working class of products – a number greater than 25—30%, however, reality has a completely different mathematics. So, the peasant pays a tax of 25% of the produced product, the rest can be left to itself, or sold; state, cooperative, or some private person. Somewhat later, the natural tax is replaced by a cash tax: in proportion to the area of the land plot (no matter how productive it may be). Such an approach, however paradoxical it may seem to Communists, in fact means a sharp rise in the production of agricultural products. From 1921 to 1927, grain supplies to the state increased from 6 million tons to 11.6 million. At the same time, the farmer (householder) himself and his family are quite full; and, it is necessary to think, are quite happy with the existing state regime.

      In 1922, free trade was allowed, the creation of private enterprises with a number of employees of no more than 20 people. Later this ceiling rises, so that in some private factories there are already 200—300 workers. Up to 80% of retail trade, 25% of industrial production is in the hands of private traders – the so-called NEP men. The growth of the national income is increased by 18% per year.

      A significant number of previously unprofitable enterprises are leased (concession) to foreigners, and, after the appropriate transformations, they begin to bring a solid income. To a greater extent, this applies to the extractive industry (for example, gold capitalists-concessionaires produce 30%, lead and silver-60%), slightly less – light industry (clothing, household goods – 22%).

      All this gradually leads the population to the idea that, the less the state apparatus, and all the power and control agencies, the stronger the country becomes, their Motherland. It seems that spontaneous, but even more effective, cooperation, collective farms, the whole people, can quite do without the United Party of Bolsheviks.

      Both the Communist Party and some, a considerable part of the population (romantically opposed to the dark forces of capitalism of boys and girls), such moods of the popular masses, definitely do not like.

      In 1927—1928, the Politburo announced a «breakdown of grain procurement.» The state receives «only» 11 million tons of grain. The difference with the previous year is small – 0, 6 million tons, or something about 5%. There are objective reasons for this – drought, tactical errors in pricing, which can easily be eliminated. However, the government headed by the Secretary General, J. Stalin, declares the need for global industrialization and collectivization (under the state control, of course) of all agriculture. Dzhugashvili introduces the thesis of «aggravating the class struggle… as we move forward.» The law enforcement agencies receive the command «Fas».

      Concessions that have become profitable enterprises, as it is now said, are «wrung out» from their former owners by raising taxes, and everything else. Syndicates,

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