Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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tired of a prolonged peace. To the greatest extent, this applies to Germany, for whose citizens the war is akin to the national sport. Some interests of Germany and Austria-Hungary have in the colonies of France and England – Africa, Asia and Oceania.

      In Sarajevo, a terrorist kills Archduke Ferdinand, his wife. From Serbia, Austria requires the admission of its police to the crime scene and the search for the perpetrators; this condition is not satisfied. Russia begins to mobilize, which becomes the basis for an ultimatum from Germany, and then (on August 1, 1914, after a series of telegrams asking Nikolai the First to explain his position) declaring war. London founded the Entente – «cordial accord», an alliance of France, England, Russia and a number of other countries to confront the bloc of Central Powers led by Germany.

      Germany attacks Belgium, passes through its territory, defeats the French army in the Ardennes; on her part, 250,000 people die. Paris is preparing for surrender when the German troops, opening the flanks, are about to storm the capital; but the French troops do not show the expected passivity, and attack them under the Marne, seeking first success. The forces of opponents are compared, the front, facing the coast of the North Sea, stabilizes.

      Russia (with which Germany has not fought until then) has launched an offensive in East Prussia, has had its initial success, then two armies of General Samsonov, who have flanked the flanks, are defeated and retreat to their original positions. In the south, Russian troops capture Lviv (Lemberg) and most of Galicia, then part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

      Japan becomes an ally of the Entente and a major supplier of weapons to Russia; she declares war on Germany and seizes German colonies in Samoa.

      In the Black Sea, two German cruisers approach the shores of Turkey; Germany urges the Turkish Minister of Defense Enver Pasha to join the war on his side. Russia is deprived of the opportunity to communicate with the Allies through the Straits. The Germans and Austrians are on the offensive, which results in the «Great Retreat» of the Russian Army, the abandonment of Galicia and part of modern Belarus.

      In Galicia, the Austrians provoke mass killings of Rusyns, ethnic representatives of «Chervonnaya Rus.» At least 60,000 people die. The region is becoming the most important training ground for working out methods of depriving Russian people of the so-called. «Ukraine» of historical self-consciousness – and turns into its opposite. Artificially created version of the Russian language, ie, «mova», was created by the Poles much earlier, but is fixed in dictionaries and textbooks by the same Germans, in the same place, in Galicia and Bukovina, in 1892. From the students of theological seminaries (literate speakers), they demanded, in particular, a receipt: «I declare that I renounce Russian nationality… I will not call myself Russian, but only Ukrainian, and only Ukrainian.»

      Italy enters the war on the side of the Entente, but does not conduct active operations. The Entente organizes a landing of 80,000 people to Turkey, intending to capture the Dardanelles Strait, but fails. In 1916 the Germans intend to surround the grouping of the Entente forces under Verdun: in the course of a series of offensive operations that have not brought success to anyone, about one million two hundred thousand people die. This is followed by the Brusilov breakthrough, during which Eastern Galicia is backed by Russia, and the Battle of Somme, the victorious operation of the Entente, marked by a record number of aircraft (1000) and the relatively successful use of a new type of weapons – tanks. However, the use of tanks in itself does not bring success: «Nivel’s offensive» (spring 1917), during which the Entente used 128 Schneider combat vehicles with 11 mm armor, located outside the hull, with additional petrol tanks, a speed of 2—4 km. h., ended with the death of 340,000 British and French soldiers, and 163,000 German.

      The French army is becoming more frequent cases of desertion, turning into riots, seizing trains and returning to Paris. The military Austro-Hungary is quite determined to surrender. Soldiers of the Russian army, who initially had no understanding with the officers, the descendants of those who changed their fathers and mothers to dogs, do not express the desire to continue the imperialist war. They retain the desire to fight (in the framework of a culture that declares military action to be the necessary stage of growing up), the English, the Anglo-Saxons-Americans who entered the war, and, in the most part, ethnic Germans.

      Fighting against Turkey, the British, in addition, capture religious centers – Jaffa, Jericho and Jerusalem, as well as Palestine and Syria.











      1. German airship – bomber. There are motor gondolas with engines and propellers, the crew compartment is located inside the hull. Apparatus lighter than air, with a rigid shell and soft ballonets inside are called «Zeppelins», named after Count Ferdinand Zeppelin, inventor, successful industrialist.

      Guidance to the target could be carried out with the aid of an observer, flown down below the clouds in the basket on a long, hundreds of meters, steel rope. A more progressive method – the course radio beacons, the forerunner of the current «JEPS» and «Glonass», was used already at the end of the war.

      Bombs, usually 100-kilogram, were suspended inside the hull, dropped through the hatches. In the course also 10 kilogram incendiary devices. The standard combat load Zeppelin – 2000 kg., By 1918 – 4200 kg. Machine guns of the type «Maxim», etc., were located in the side motor gondolas, as well as on the upper platforms (to them, through the body led shafts). The gondolas were connected by a keel corridor located inside the hull. In the first of them, since 1916 the pulling propeller was located, in the stern – three pushing, two lateral – driving screw motors. The average speed of Zeppelin is 80—100 km. h. The ceiling of the first models is 3.5 km. (this allowed us to withdraw from the fighters), more advanced – 7.5 km. The battle radius is 800—900 km. Crew of 16—20 people.

      Bombings were raided by Paris, London, Liverpool, Antwerp, any met on the way, seeming commander worthy of attention to the goal. Bombing is usually «carpeted», non-targeted, by the area of large settlements, sometimes – to railway stations and factories. In the raids participated up to 14 Zeppelins. A total of about 200 tons of bombs were dropped on Britain; 560 people became victims of them, at least 100 buildings were destroyed. Approximately the same statistics for France. Air Defense, created by these countries to repel airship attacks – 120 thousand people, sophisticated technology, delayed the resources from more important areas.

      …Internal pressure pressed the tissue of the cylinders to the body, so that the bullet holes in them did not match, this prevented the leakage of hydrogen. Later, 75-mm anti-aircraft guns, incendiary shells, bullets, missiles appeared; and, no matter how the air ships tried to hide in the clouds, to reach for the cold stratosphere, their era ended.

      The usual flight time is a day. For the needs of the crew on board, there were exhaust gases from engine plates, hammocks suspended in the keel

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