Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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center and a plant for the production of protein. Synthetic DNA is assisted by the DNA-related RNA macromolecule (ribonucleic acid). Actually, this RNA is formed by copying (transcription) by enzymes of this or that part of DNA. It consists of one chain of nucleotides, is capable of forming various spatial structures. RNAs can be matrix (mRNA) and transport (tRNA). Several mRNA plus an auxiliary enzyme form a ribosome – a miniature protein production plant. The molecules necessary for this, of course, provide them with tRNA.

      Proteins are polypeptide molecules consisting of several thousand, or tens of thousands of atoms, which are catalysts for biochemical reactions, as well as for the entire material basis of the organism. The structural unit is an amino acid, a complex of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms. In total, there are 20 such standard amino acids. Scrolling through the globule of the ribosome, mRNA causes the corresponding amino acid compounds.

      Most eukaryotic cells contain mitochondria. In essence, these are foreign bacteria that have entered into symbiosis, providing all the energy needs of the cell. The DNA of the mitochondria is a closed circular double-helix molecule. Part of the cell proteins is encoded by this particular DNA.

      In addition, in the transfer of hereditary information, plasmids also participate. These are very small (only a few thousand pairs of bases), double-stranded peg DNA, separate from genomic chromosomes, capable of replicating autonomously. It is with their help that there is a horizontal transfer of genes, for example, in the formation of genetically modified crops. It is believed that in ancient times (millions of years ago), the exchange of genes between different species (namely, not vertically, to their descendants) was much more widespread.

      Retroviruses are also responsible for the horizontal transfer of hereditary information. Retro – «reverse» means in this case that the genome of the virus is not DNA, and its mirror image – RNA. Retrovirus is able to penetrate the host cell, become part of its DNA, force it to reproduce itself, as well as some parts of its genome. The obtained «advanced» viruses can pass to another organism, again, it will be embedded in its cells, become part of their DNA – and transmit the hereditary information of the previous owner.

      Infection with retroviruses is characteristic, first of all, for vertebrate beings. There is a theory according to which nations and individual human communities (circles of friends) are largely conditioned by the exchange of retroviruses. It is noticed that, for example, a European, permanently settling, we will put in China, acquires many characteristic external features of an Asian. Quite often, an amazing common similarity is acquired by the spouses who are in a long marriage, and so on.

      The minus of modern microbiology is a departure from the explanation of how molecules find each other and make trips necessary for the meeting. These distances are sometimes macroscopic, that is, visible to the naked eye, which certainly exceeds the range of intermolecular bonds. After all, molecules, even thousands, dozens of thousands of atoms have no tentacles, legs, fins, eyes, and even the slightest nervous system. Actually, in the surrounding, rarefied space, they simply have nothing to rely on.

      Nevertheless, the molecules easily find each other. In a known experiment, heterogeneous DNA was seeded into a neutral solution. After a while, the molecules of heredity gathered in groups – overcoming a few (huge for them) centimeters. Elementary. But how, Karl?!

      The second problem of genetics is the obvious lack of information on the gene material for building the whole organism. You can imagine DNA and RNA surrounded by enzymes, it’s just such a brick factory. The enterprise produces several types of building blocks, and thus its function, in fact, is exhausted. But the body is a huge city, with a multitude of diverse buildings, acting by special rules of communication, transport and others. Genetics are able to change the type of bricks produced by DNA and yes, then the hulls built from them, also somehow, change. But this does not mean that scientists have «unraveled the code of life», they understood how Megapolis is built by what, or even by whom.

      2 … Nerve cells (neurons) are highly differentiated, have many unique connections with other similar cells, and are not able to share (multiply, renew) according to an established scientific paradigm. Each neuron has one axon («ray» reaching one and a half meters) and hundreds of dendrites – outgrowths of a much shorter extent. All these parts of the cell have a kind of «suckers» and «relay stations» on the way of the propagation of the electrochemical signal – synapses. The neural network forms, in fact, the cerebral cortex, the thinking apparatus, and the mechanism of body control. The human brain consists of 86 billion neurons. Neurons of the spinal cord complete this number to 100 billion. Circulating signals on the network form memory mechanisms, patterns of reactions to various stimuli. According to some theories, all memory is not able to fit in the brain and is somewhere else out there – so does a personal computer included in the Internet.

      3,4,5. An interesting branch of modern science, which has much in common with both pure mathematics and biology, is the study of fractal structures. Fractal (Latin Fractus – broken, broken) is a mathematical set possessing the property of self-similarity. In its most graphic form, this is perhaps the «Sierpinski triangle» (3). We take the usual equilateral triangle as the original figure. The middle of each side is connected by segments. Repeat the procedure with each new resulting triangle.

      This figure, of course, can be voluminous. As a basis, you can take anything – visual objects, or mathematical relationships. From one relatively simple rule of finding the next point of the set, a colossal, repeating in separate elements and an absolutely unique Something comes. A practical mathematician, as well as a popularizer of science, an American of French (Jewish) origin Benoit Mandelbrot first uses a computer for his visualization. The results are amazing. The Mandelbrot set (4) is a classic of new practical mathematics, but almost any combination is possible, such as (5) and (6), for example. Mathematical objects are similar to structures of organic origin. In fact, the latter are organized in the same way – by the self-reproduction of living cells similar to each other (or, indeed, nucleotides). And just as suddenly there is a differentiation, the transition of simple into incredibly complex. Undoubtedly, the future is for the new mathematics. It can be said, intuitively – from self-similar, but not exactly the same events, the fractal structure of History itself develops.

      The author has the right to add here something about his own experiences with the Time. The basis of modern science, as is known, is the reproducibility of a physical experiment. In equal conditions, at any time, wherever, the experience should give the same result.

      It turns out that this is not quite true. Repeating an experiment, for example, a chemical reaction in one place, gives a different output over and over again. The first experience of the series is, as a rule, the most effective. Then there is a recession, a «plateau» and again raise, which, however, does not reach the original level. Each subsequent experience depends on the previous one – although there is no visible connection. More precisely, the relationship is not horizontal – between existing objects simultaneously, and the vertical – between what is, and the similarity that has already disappeared.

      We can assume that the mechanism of aging is based on this effect. Repeated, accumulating in time biochemical reactions of the body lubricate each other.

      Professor of Biology, Englishman Rupert Sheldrake, founder of the theory of morphogenetic fields, believes that the more exist (exist) organisms of one species, the stronger their common «M» field, and the higher the likelihood of such an organism in the future. The same applies to inanimate objects. For example, a certain type of crystals is grown with enormous difficulties, under specific conditions. As crystals grow larger, it becomes easier to grow them, with a wide spread of process parameters. Finally, the crystals appear spontaneously, at least in a suitable nutrient solution.

      In fact, the crystals behave much more interesting. A real, not a speculative experiment presents many nuances. A solution prepared from one batch, for example, hyposulfite, gives a new result in each series. The structure of the next crystal depends to a certain

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