Библия Времени. Найди свое. Лим Ворд

Библия Времени. Найди свое - Лим Ворд

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civilization, according to the Indian Removal Act are sent to the uninhabited land west of the Mississippi River. Indians have no place in law enforcement agencies and state bodies, their sphere of activity is folklore collectives and fishing in specially designated places.

      At the level of local municipalities, rewards for killed Indians are practiced – for example, in Northern California, in 1855 «for a scalp or other convincing confirmation» are paid $ 5. In the course of the anti-Indian militia there is also such a thing as strychnine, which can be seasoned with water wells of settlements of autochthons. From 1500 to 1900 the number of Indians is reduced by 15 million. If you count with Latin America, and include in this number the deceased from the diseases brought by Europeans, we will get about 100 million. According to some reports, before the appearance of Europeans in North America, on the continent, in settlements of the level of the early European Middle Ages, 145 million Indians lived.

      Approximately at the same time completely, i.e. until the last man is killed by the Maori tribe in New Zealand. In Australia, Aboriginal civil rights are limited until 1967; it can not be said that they are equal to the Europeans even now.

      This is the Anglo-Saxon civilizational project. He is good or bad – it is difficult to judge. It is possible to compare the general level of life and social justice in these countries with those countries in which local people who are not loyal to the victors are introduced into the state administration bodies, without any probation period, grant special rights, pour money in the national republics, so that in the end, probably get eternal friendship. But, as a result, they have a war that has not ceased for centuries or a hidden threat.

      Abraham Lincoln.

      The founder of the Republican Party, the sixteenth president of the United States. The beginning of the second half of the nineteenth century. The elections won without the actual participation of the southern states, so that his election, coupled with the high cotton taxes established in Washington, signaled the start of the civil war of the North and the South. The northern, non-slave states are a population of twenty-two million people, the southern and northern slave states that declared themselves US, the Confederate States of America, with the capital in Richmond, Virginia are nine million and this includes three million black slaves. Indians, the number of which is not defined, were noted in the war a little, but, in general, they were loyal to southerners, who provided them with a very convenient reservation for their stay. After two thousand battles, the losses of the parties are almost equal, and, in total, six hundred thousand people are only killed. This is every fiftieth inhabitant of the North, about one in twelve adult healthy men; The relative losses of the South are higher – one of twenty all white citizens.

      After Lincoln was murdered by Southerner Booth in his theater box, in the South, a real, uncompromising Reconstruction – reintegration into the state body of the United States – began. Previous local, yet not fully realized defeat, the government disbanded; Control over elections in the new apparatus of power is carried out by the army. However, the southerners keep somewhat apart and in modern America. Here, say, Mississippi still has in its coat of arms the flag of the Southern Confederation, locals and police listen to the accent, so that visitors from the northern states need to behave here reasonably enough.

      Franklin Roosevelt, the first half of the twentieth century. During the reign of this president, America is declared war on Japan and Germany – and, in the end, somehow, lose it. The only one of all the rulers of the United States who are elected four times in a row: in 1948, the impossibility of such a series of presidencies is fixed constitutionally (the twenty-second amendment), in order to avoid the establishment of a single dictatorship.

      Latin America. Africa

      The name «Latin America» comes from a family of Romanesque, ie, derived from Latin languages, Portuguese and Spanish, on which, basically, the people of the continent speak. At one time the Spaniards were not interested in Guyana and Guyana in the north-east; The first settled the French, the second – the British. The latter left the colony after gaining independence, in 1967, leaving their language as official, the French retained the overseas department, and now they launch from there, from the equator, their missiles to the most advantageous orbit.

      The national composition includes a significant percentage of the Indians, unlike the northern United States; 0, 2% in Brazil and 91, 9% in Paraguay. The heroic period is the beginning of the nineteenth century. The hero of the continent is Simon Bolivar, a Spaniard or, more precisely still, a Basque. Mason Scottish bylaw, as indeed, and most of the founding fathers of the United States. Trains law in Madrid. He takes part in the liberation of Latin America from the rule of Spain. First he fights against the Spaniards and the Llaneras, semi-wild shepherds, then at the head of the latter against the former. To combat the metropolis, it is possible to recruit mercenaries from the ardent rival of Spain and the United Kingdom. Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador are united for a short time, but the moment of luck melts: it is impossible to form the Southern United States, to realize the dream of Sur de Estados Unidos – Sur de Istados unidos. It’s not like that, the Latin American mentality, to fall in love with stable work, production discipline and centralization. After accusations of Bonapartism, subsequent uprisings, assassination attempts, Bolivar loses power and, abandoning everything, even the state pension, resigns, spends his time contemplating from the window of the mountains of Colombia. … His name is precious to every true Hispanic.

      …Only two and a half centuries since the Inca empire, with its huge sparkling cities, pyramids, temples, a network of first-class roads, a complex organization of social life, ceased to exist, and it is almost never remembered. Llaneros, free shepherds, are very far from that. The surviving Indians also lose their ideas about their once great culture. Echoes are heard in the socialist movement named Tupaka Omaru, the last Inca ruler. But there is no system. Is it possible to apply the achievements of civilization, the development of which is so suddenly interrupted, in the present? The absence of commodity-money relations, the distribution of goods according to the notions of justice, the cult of the monarch chosen for the year in all respects…

      In comparison with the Aztecs, the Incas are quite peaceful. Mass sacrifices (five to seven thousand prisoners of war per day) do not. Imagine: we are back there. Is there communication with the Mexican Aztecs – cultural, commercial ties? Are the Mesoamerican powers fighting each other? Two neighboring civilizations exist at the same time, and we know almost nothing about their relationship. Maybe, we do not even strive very much, and this, perhaps, is wrong.

      Disclosure of this story will tell people a powerful emotional-motivating charge.





      1. Simon Bolivar, President of Colombia, Bolivia and Peru (1783 – 1830).

      2. The money of Bolivia. One boliviano of 1892. Consists of a hundred centavo. Modern Boliviano is approximately 12 rubles.

      3. Ruins of the ancient Zimbabwe.

      4. A common residence of people in modern Africa: one-story, dangerous and unsystematic.

      Africa. Ancient Egypt, the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the period of settling the Punas does not count. It’s afloat. What is to the south, just horrific. No History, everything is drowning in a stuffy emptiness. In Eurasia, the Americas, Australia – monuments and memories, about those who have ever been. Not all, but many. Stone slabs, pyramids, steles, temples; stable memory centers.

      Here, in Central and South Africa, a person dies imperceptibly, whether it is the leader of a large tribe

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